Dissatisfied with Dermatologist. Hair thinning/balding.


Active Member
In 2009 I got a bonded weave and I ended up ripping it out after unsuccessfully trying to remove it for hours. Apparently the stylist used too much glue especially around the nape/edges. The result of that is a thin/bald patch on my right temple which hasn't really recovered. My nape has grown in fully since I've been natural. I do admit that I haven't been consistent with scalp massages, growth aides because I lost hope. I've tried everything under the sun. I am a recovering from a hair pulling disorder which is responsible for some of my left temple balding.

I went to dermatologist a few weeks ago because of a concern with a cyst under my scalp and my balding/thinning temples and was diagnosed with traumatic alopecia. My appointment was only about 15 minutes long. The dermatologist poked at the scalp at my left temple which has a bit of discoloration (where's it's bald) with a q tip while looking through a big magnifying glass to see if I had any scarring. He said I had hair growing there which confused me because the spot looks BALD. He couldn't explain why the cyst was there (which appeared out of the blue). He prescribed me some Desonide Cream and asked me to come back in a couple months to examine my progress to see if indeed, the balding is permanent. I don't understand why he just didn't give me a biopsy?

A friend of mine gave me this concoction of DMSO, tea tree oil & neem and I was instructed to apply it on my cyst once a day. Needless to say, my cyst disappeared. My friend thinks I may have had a staph infection under my scalp? I'm not sure. I'm just happy the cyst is gone but the discoloration on my scalp is still there. Derm also did not know what that may have come from. Sigh.

I feel dissatisfied with my visit. I have Kaiser and it was hell trying to even get my doctor to see him. The only reason why I was granted was because of the cyst. Otherwise, I would have gotten that "stay away from weaves and braids that put tension on the hairline talk, blah blah" talk. Any advice/tips?
Try to get another opinion. In the mean time mix some oils. It has thyme,cedarwood,jojoba, grapeseed and others. Google alopecia oil mixture. Stay consistent massaging daily. Keep your scalp clean & try natural products. A lot of people had success using the oil along with mtg or oct/mt. If there is hair there it will take months or even a year a consitent use of the oil massages etc.
I got a cyst from braids and was prescribe mupirocin, antibiotic. I only had to use it for a week. You definately need to see someone else.
I Agree.:yep:

Try Ultra Low Manipulation. Stay away from any Styles that Pull/Tug at those edges.

Baby that area with extra conditioner (when dc'ing) Keep it clean and try some oils.

If you want some Topical Growth Aides you could try:

Claudie Hairline & Temple Balm Revitalizer AND/OR Claudie Iman Butter
Claudie Scalp Elixir
Tiiva Growth Oil AND/OR Tiiva Shea Hemp Growth Pomade
Camille Rose Growth Oil
Hydratherma Naturals Growth Lotion, Oil, Follicle Booster
Trigger Growth Elixir
Hairitage Hydrations (Esty Vendor) "Sprout", Creamy Horsetail or Cup of Joe Coffee Hair Creme
Bee Mine Serum
Vitamins (Nioxin, Hairfinity, Ultra Nourish Hair, Andrew Lessman Hair, Skin & Nails,)
Coffee AND/OR Tea Rinses

*Do some research on these products first tho*

Don't get Discouraged. And be consistent.:yep:
He gave you the desonide cream for the discoloration and it DOES work BUT it also can thin your skin because it's a steroid. He didn't do a biopsy because he's one who doesn't care. It's sad but its that simple. I've been to 5 different ones for scalp and skin issues and its hard to find one who doesn't just throw desonide ketaconozole or peroxide at you
As for advice try castor oil to grow the spot and rid your scalp of whatever caused the cyst but beware of possible shedding.
Also try to not put much product on your hair for a while maybe also avg or coconut oil for the redness.
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I have been going to a derm that gave me 1 steroid cream and injections, which worked for a while, and then another steroid cream and more injections after I wasn't getting any growth in the area. I can't see your spot but it is possible that you are getting growth in the area, but the hair maybe be super thin with a short terminal length, similar to the hair one grows on their arms. Which is what the injections are supposed to assist with.
Doctors are only going to see you for 15 min tops, so that wasn't out of the ordinary. Feel free to get a second opinion or see a trichologists instead. I hope you find the root of your problem. Did you get bloodwork done to rule out hormonal issues?
This is a common issue in the medical field. Thats why its important to do your own research. I'm glad ur friend had something that could help you.
I have had thin and bald spots from a chemical burn two years ago. With frequent washing and oil massages, in particular Emu (the most effective) and Castor oil. I have seen a change. The pictures are huge so you can see the new hairs coming in after 38 days of consistent use of these oils and massages.


I really hope this helps.
hair4romheaven said:
Try to get another opinion. In the mean time mix some oils. It has thyme,cedarwood,jojoba, grapeseed and others. Google alopecia oil mixture. Stay consistent massaging daily. Keep your scalp clean & try natural products. A lot of people had success using the oil along with mtg or oct/mt. If there is hair there it will take months or even a year a consitent use of the oil massages etc.

Just purchased all of these items. Thank you for the recommendation.
yorkpatties said:
I have been going to a derm that gave me 1 steroid cream and injections, which worked for a while, and then another steroid cream and more injections after I wasn't getting any growth in the area. I can't see your spot but it is possible that you are getting growth in the area, but the hair maybe be super thin with a short terminal length, similar to the hair one grows on their arms. Which is what the injections are supposed to assist with.
Doctors are only going to see you for 15 min tops, so that wasn't out of the ordinary. Feel free to get a second opinion or see a trichologists instead. I hope you find the root of your problem. Did you get bloodwork done to rule out hormonal issues?

No I didn't. That wasn't even recommended. Should I put in a request with my PCP?
Just purchased all of these items. Thank you for the recommendation.

cartelise did you find the full recipe. I was posting from my phoen so I was unable to paste the full recipe but here it is. I add EMu, garlic, JBCO & Onion to my mix as well. Consistentcy is the key. It wont grow over night it nay take months or even a year for recovery
Essential Oil Blend for Hair Growth - As described above.

1. Thyme essential oil - 2 drops

2. Atlas cedarwood essential oil - 2 drops

3. Lavender essential oil -3 drops

4. Rosemary essential oil -3 drops

5. Jojoba oil - ½ teaspoon

6. Grapeseed oil - 4 teaspoons

Add the first four ingredients into a small glass jar. Mix well. Now add the remaining two ingredients. Mix thoroughly.

Massage this mixture into your scalp for at least two minutes every night. Wrap your head in a warm towel after treatment.

Oils of arnica, lavender, rosemary or calamus stimulate healthy hair growth. Rub into hair before washing.
cartelise said:
In 2009 I got a bonded weave and I ended up ripping it out after unsuccessfully trying to remove it for hours. Apparently the stylist used too much glue especially around the nape/edges. The result of that is a thin/bald patch on my right temple which hasn't really recovered. My nape has grown in fully since I've been natural. I do admit that I haven't been consistent with scalp massages, growth aides because I lost hope. I've tried everything under the sun. I am a recovering from a hair pulling disorder which is responsible for some of my left temple balding.

I went to dermatologist a few weeks ago because of a concern with a cyst under my scalp and my balding/thinning temples and was diagnosed with traumatic alopecia. My appointment was only about 15 minutes long. The dermatologist poked at the scalp at my left temple which has a bit of discoloration (where's it's bald) with a q tip while looking through a big magnifying glass to see if I had any scarring. He said I had hair growing there which confused me because the spot looks BALD. He couldn't explain why the cyst was there (which appeared out of the blue). He prescribed me some Desonide Cream and asked me to come back in a couple months to examine my progress to see if indeed, the balding is permanent. I don't understand why he just didn't give me a biopsy?

A friend of mine gave me this concoction of DMSO, tea tree oil & neem and I was instructed to apply it on my cyst once a day. Needless to say, my cyst disappeared. My friend thinks I may have had a staph infection under my scalp? I'm not sure. I'm just happy the cyst is gone but the discoloration on my scalp is still there. Derm also did not know what that may have come from. Sigh.

I feel dissatisfied with my visit. I have Kaiser and it was hell trying to even get my doctor to see him. The only reason why I was granted was because of the cyst. Otherwise, I would have gotten that "stay away from weaves and braids that put tension on the hairline talk, blah blah" talk. Any advice/tips?

Hi, what is DMSO.? Thanks