Dissapointing Aftermath at Salon Bohemia - I have straight peices of hair


Well-Known Member
Hey Ladies,

Remeber my little post asking if I should wash out my hair after the trip to the salon.

Well, I have to say from the bottom of my heart. THANK YOU

Cause I would've saved myself a huge disappointment about 3 months from now.

I have a couple of strands of hair that are burnt straight to the root. I feel like my texture changed all over. :( To the point, I want to seriously BC. But I don't think, it will be enough to have crochet done. So I'm going to hold out and take care of it.

So taking the advice of pre-pooing, shampooing, and aphogee and I'm deep conditioning over night. Later today when I wash it out. and stretch it. I'll make a final verdict.

:( I really screwed up big time.

DAMN THAT MARCEL IRON. I can't believe I allow this to happen to me.
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Besides the texture change, is it really damaged( rough ends, splits etc).

If not why not let it just grow out, if you continue to hate it cutting is still an option but, why not just give yourself a little time and distance to reflect.

Chopping leaves no room for regrets

...either way sorry to hear about the damage. Hope it works all works out in the end.
Besides the texture change, is it really damaged( rough ends, splits etc).

If not why not let it just grow out, if you continue to hate it cutting is still an option but, why not just give yourself a little time and distance to reflect.

Chopping leaves no room for regrets

...either way sorry to hear about the damage. Hope it works all works out in the end.

I think they beautician, took most of the splits out. But after doing some searches and reading other stories. I'm going to hold out and nurse it and try to grow it out.

But yeah, I'm totally banning salons. ME DONE! ME DONE! ME DONE