

New Member
I guess this should be a praise report as well as a prayer request...
I was in a car accident on the freeway yesterday night and the collision involved a big trailer truck. I thank God that I'm alive but I can't help crying because I don't know how I'm going to tell this to my dad...
Oh Lord I have the feeling he is going to kill me... He just bought the car a month ago and already the first day he got the car I scratched another while parking which cost a litltte over $600 already, $400 of which my dad paid.
Now there is this... I have a lot to be grateful for already among other things because the highway patrol said I should have citations because I had children in the car with no car seats. But I just don't know how to begin to tell my dad and I feel so horrible because I know he and my mom will be seriously disappointed aside from being mad :(
I've been told to believe in God's favor and that He will make this allright and I know I should but.... Lord...where do I begin Jesus, where...
I just need ya'll to keep me in your prayers...
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MindTwister said:
I guess this should be a praise report as well as a prayer request...
I was in a car accident on the freeway yesterday night and the collision involved a big trailer truck. I thank God that I'm alive but I can help crying because how don't know I'm going to tell this to my dad...
Oh Lord I have the feeling he is going to kill me... He just bought the car a month ago and already the first day he got the car I scratched another while parking which cost a litltte over $600 already, $400 of which my dad paid.
Now there is this... I have a lot to be grateful for already among other things because the highway patrol said I should have citations because I had children in the car with no car seats. But I just don't know how to begin to tell my dad and I feel so horrible because I know he and my mom will be seriously disappointed aside from being mad :(
I've been told to believe in God's favor and that He will make this allright and I know I should but.... Lord...where do I begin Jesus, where...
I just need to keep me in your prayers...

Don't feel bad about what has happened. Maybe the Lord is trying to tell you something. Go to him in prayer and let Him speak to your soul.
Before spinning your mind around all that other stuff, just thank the Lord for your life and the life of the children in the car. I believe your parents will be grateful that the only damage was to a replaceable item vs. grieving over one who is IRREPLACEABLE and PRICELESS.

RelaxerRehab said:
Before spinning your mind around all that other stuff, just thank the Lord for your life and the life of the children in the car. I believe your parents will be grateful that the only damage was to a replaceable item vs. grieving over one who is IRREPLACEABLE and PRICELESS.


Very true. :yep: She's in a tough spot, but this too, shall pass. :)
Thanks ladies for your kind words... I've quieted down and will have the courage to call my parents soon... If I can make it through to the end of this week without tearing up every day I think I'll be fine... My eyes are quite heavy for some reason and my vision is a bit blurry. I guess it's from all the crying...
Cocoberry about letting God speak to my soul, this is one the problem I have: I don't think I have yet enough discernment to realize when God is speaking to me vs. when I'm making things up in my head...

I have a practical question now: I got a flat tire from the accident and one of the officer help me put in the spare one. My question is, what do I do with the flat tire? Am I supposed to take it to the mechanic so they can get it back in shape?
Once again thanks for your encouraging words...
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MindTwister said:
Thanks ladies for your kind words... I've quieted down and will have the courage to call my parents soon... If I can me it through the end of this week without tearing up every day I think I'll be fine... My eyes are quite heavy for some reason and my vision is a bit blurry. I guess it's from all the crying...
Cocoberry about letting God speak to my soul, this is one the problem I have: I don't think I have yet enough discernment to realize when God is speaking to me vs. when I'm making things up in my head...

I have a practical question now: I got a flat tire from the accident and one of the officer help me put in the spare one. My question is, what do I do with the flat tire? Am I supposed to take it to the mechanic so they can get it back in shape?
Once again thanks for your encouraging words...

Take it to the shop and see if the tire can be repaired. If it can, have them put it on the car and save the spare you had put on the car. :)
MindTwister said:
Thanks ladies for your kind words... I've quieted down and will have the courage to call my parents soon... If I can me it through the end of this week without tearing up every day I think I'll be fine... My eyes are quite heavy for some reason and my vision is a bit blurry. I guess it's from all the crying...
Cocoberry about letting God speak to my soul, this is one the problem I have: I don't think I have yet enough discernment to realize when God is speaking to me vs. when I'm making things up in my head...

I have a practical question now: I got a flat tire from the accident and one of the officer help me put in the spare one. My question is, what do I do with the flat tire? Am I supposed to take it to the mechanic so they can get it back in shape?
Once again thanks for your encouraging words...

Hi Sweet Lady... I can promise you that your 'Dad' will understand and will be so grateful that God has spared your life. And 'MT" even if he is a little bothered about the 'car', that's just the way 'Dad's are. But they never stop loving their baby girls.

Here, this is for you and it's all so very true...

Isaiah 45:2

I will go before thee, and make the crooked places straight: I will break in pieces the gates of brass, and cut in sunder the bars of iron:

It's going to be okay. God has already gone before you to prepare your father's heart. Jehovah Shammah, means Our God who is already there...Jehovah Shalom, Our God of Peace; Jehovah Jireh, His provision shall be seen.

Don't be afraid are hesitant anymore. Just go to Mom and Dad and expect only loving words of gratefulness that it was the car and not you.

Also, ask Dad about the tire. He'll know exactly what to do.

Here's a hug, angel...It will be okay. I promise. ;)
Thank You Shimmie for the scripture and the comfort...
Funny how I've been telling God that no matter the situation I'll praise Him but as soon I'm tried I feel lost and do not have the peace of mind of knowing He is in control...
Anyways my parents can't kill me and I understand why they'd be mad. I just hope to not be too much of a disappointment to them the rest of my life, because that's what is hurting the most. I feel I've let them down yet again and it hurts... But the peace of the Lord is with me and I gotta say it like I mean, and most importantly I have to believe it :)
MindTwister said:
Thank You Shimmie for the scripture and the comfort...
Funny how I've been telling God that no matter the situation I'll praise Him but as soon I'm tried I feel lost and do not have the peace of mind of knowing He is in control...
Anyways my parents can't kill me and I understand why they'd be mad. I just hope to not be too much of a disappointment to them the rest of my life, because that's what is hurting the most. I feel I've let them down yet again and it hurts... But the peace of the Lord is with me and I gotta say it like I mean, and most importantly I have to believe it :)

Babygirl, we all make mistakes...each day about getting through them. If you don't believe me, count my typos...:lol:

You know what, guess whose with you? Jesus. MT, think about when Jesus had to present Himself to God the Father after He arose from the dead. They had been separated for so long. Jesus had become one of us and He bore all of our sins. So he had to return to God the Father for 'mercy' .. though the sins were ours, Jesus still have to present them to God the Father, face to face.

So what did God the Father do...? He received Jesus into His arms. Welcome Home my son...these sins you bared are now forgotten...they are under your precious blood...never to be remembered no more.

Daddy's waiting to embrace you and speak with tears in his heart...I love you babygirl. Forget the car and everything else, I love you and I welcome you home safe in Daddy's arms, forever; and he says to you, "When you're ready...I'll fix it."

Don't be afraid...;)
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I would like once again to thank all of you ladies for your words of encouragement:)
I spoke to my mom tonight and Praise God they were not mad like I thought they would be and didn't even ask me why I was out on the freeway on a monday night instead of home studying... I really have to praise God for his faithfulness and favor, I want to exalt His name for once more He has made my way smooth and worked in my parents' heart
They are glad I have no injury though I know my dad is disappointed that I didn't listen to his advice of not taking the freeway until I've had my licence a little longer, since I just got licensed on September 22nd

Anyways love ya'll for being so supportive and may our Good Lord bless you abundantly for your kindness:)
MindTwister said:
I would like once again to thank all of you ladies for your words of encouragement:)
I spoke to my mom tonight and Praise God they were not mad like I thought they would be and didn't even ask me why I was out on the freeway on a monday night instead of home studying... I really have to praise God for his faithfulness and favor, I want to exalt His name for once more He has made my way smooth and worked in my parents' heart
They are glad I have no injury though I know my dad is disappointed that I didn't listen to his advice of not taking the freeway until I've had my licence a little longer, since I just got licensed on September 22nd

Anyways love ya'll for being so supportive and may our Good Lord bless you abundantly for your kindness:)

Amen, precious one...:yay: To God be all the Glory. He always comes through for matter what. It's called His loving Mercy.
MindTwister, I'm so glad for you.

"And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose." (Romans 8:28)

Glory To His Name!

MindTwister said:
I would like once again to thank all of you ladies for your words of encouragement:)
I spoke to my mom tonight and Praise God they were not mad like I thought they would be and didn't even ask me why I was out on the freeway on a monday night instead of home studying... I really have to praise God for his faithfulness and favor, I want to exalt His name for once more He has made my way smooth and worked in my parents' heart
They are glad I have no injury though I know my dad is disappointed that I didn't listen to his advice of not taking the freeway until I've had my licence a little longer, since I just got licensed on September 22nd

Anyways love ya'll for being so supportive and may our Good Lord bless you abundantly for your kindness:)
MindTwister said:
I would like once again to thank all of you ladies for your words of encouragement:)
I spoke to my mom tonight and Praise God they were not mad like I thought they would be and didn't even ask me why I was out on the freeway on a monday night instead of home studying... I really have to praise God for his faithfulness and favor, I want to exalt His name for once more He has made my way smooth and worked in my parents' heart
They are glad I have no injury though I know my dad is disappointed that I didn't listen to his advice of not taking the freeway until I've had my licence a little longer, since I just got licensed on September 22nd

Anyways love ya'll for being so supportive and may our Good Lord bless you abundantly for your kindness:)

Ah! That's great to hear. I'm glad things worked out well for you. :)