Request Discussion board for parents of school age children


New Member
I wanted to do a post for parents with kids who have ADD but there is nowhere to put it where others with the same issues will see it. Can one please be added?
My daughter (16) has ADHD, so I'd be interested in this too. I'd love to know what techniques other folks have found to manage this.
More forums means more maintenance for the owner and more fee's for us I think. Ya'll gotta get it in where you can fit it in. There are several parents and members suffering from ADHD that have shared info. I don't want to call out any names. I've had it since elem and my children too.
That might be true but I think a section for parenting is very important and deserves a section. For this to be a forum for women, I'd think parenting would have it's own section. As far as fees go, I'm sure they are going to increase anyway because inflation is a part of life. Maybe members could vote on what new sections they'd like to add.
I think motherhood/parenting would be the the same, right? Unless there are Dads out there? Why not just put school age in the title of any topics started that you specifically want to be about that age group? And I think loved's suggested topic was perfect.

Why not try giving it a chance in the Motherhood forum and see what happens?
Motherhood and parenting aren't the same because the section is called pregnancy and motherhood and when you go in there it's about being pregnant and then after the baby comes.

I don't see why having a parenting section isn't as important has having a Micheal Jackson and Whitney Houston section. Geez.
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I had requested that the thread "parents of children with special needs" be bookmarked for the top of the parenting forum but that never happened.....