

Well-Known Member

I am so discouraged today and I feel as if I am hitting a brick wall in every area of my life, I really need some prayer today. I feel like I am carrying bricks on my back and every step I take someone adds another. I feel I am about to fall and drop them all at any moment.


Remember my sister that when it seems impossible that is when it is getting ready to break. It's only a test. God is going to bless you like you have never been blessed before. Just hold on a little longer, just a little while longer and joy will come in the morning.

Read God's promise to you in Deut 8.
mrsjones1 said:

I am so discouraged today and I feel as if I am hitting a brick wall in every area of my life, I really need some prayer today. I feel like I am carrying bricks on my back and every step I take someone adds another. I feel I am about to fall and drop them all at any moment.

Oh Angel...let them fall. Each brick, each weight of it... let them fall and allow the Lord of your Life, the Lord of your heart to crush them into dust.

For He is making all the crooked places straight (a straighter path and direction); all the high places low (all that you thought unattainable); and to crush into dust the gates of iron (removing the blocking walls and bricks).

Sweet child of love, allow him to whisper into your heart, just how much He loves you and wants to carry all of this for you. Angel, you can't do it, neither were you meant to. "Take my yoke, for my yoke is easy..." says our Lord. "The chastisement of our peace was upon Him..." All of this weight, He lived and died and loved to carry it for you. ;)

Let them go...let them 'all' go. Allow God's love to flow instead from the soles of your feet to the crown of your precious head. Don't take the blame and neither bear the shame of something which you had hoped to gain, and yet...time after time, you didn't. This is not your battle, little one. This is not Mrs. Jones's battle. This and all of those battles have been the Lord's and you cannot take His job nor His joy of loving you away from Him. For who else would He have to love and show you His power from Heaven above.

Psalm 18...."I cried unto the Lord, my cry reached even unto His ear. He came down, yea...He came down upon the wings of a Cherub..."

Dearest one, He came down to embrace you and to brush away the bruises and the marks and the scrapes from the weights which you have too long tried on your own to carry.

It doesn't make you weak to let go...:nono: It simply makes you loved...:kiss:

It's time to come to 'Daddy'... Our Father who art in Heaven. Those who come to Him, He will in no wise cast out.

Love and blessings sweet one. ;) Now rest...
Gurl, there is always a blessing in the storm. Hold on mama. Hold on. He loves you more than you even love yourself. His perfect mercy and grace will keep you through it all.

OT: Hey LadyR and Shimmie! I love yall. Blowing kisses to both of you.
mrsjones1 said:

I am so discouraged today and I feel as if I am hitting a brick wall in every area of my life, I really need some prayer today. I feel like I am carrying bricks on my back and every step I take someone adds another. I feel I am about to fall and drop them all at any moment.


It's times like these when the enemy want you to give up and be discouraged and think your God does not care. Oh but right in the midst of it all began to thank God for hard time for it's developing your character, began to thank him for every brick because when it's all over you'll see that that those bricks is what built the character you will have stronger and better.

Father God I come on behalf of my sister she's struggling and she is in need of prayer. Father I've been there and you've brought me out with victory and a testimony, Father I ask that you give her strength today right now to stand. Lord you said in your word, when we've done all we can do to stand, STAND. Lord help her to keep on standing. Lord sometimes it not easy but she shall reap if she faint not. Lord keep her today keep her mind strengthen her heart and increase her faith.

Father I thank you and I seal this prayer in Jesus name AMEN.

I know how you feel. I'm going through it too. But I agree with the other ladies on here. Don't give up. I know you want to, and I know it's hard, but just keep going.

As they say "if you're going through hell, keep going!"
cocoberry10 said:
I know how you feel. I'm going through it too. But I agree with the other ladies on here. Don't give up. I know you want to, and I know it's hard, but just keep going.

As they say "if you're going through hell, keep going!"

Indeed keep going, for God has a big cup of ice waiting for 'us' and a nice big chair to sit by His pool of living waters which never cease nor fail to flow the abundance of love that God has for us.

BTW: 'I love Ice..." :yep: And I'm sharing mine with each of you....each of my baby sisters. ;)

I'm not making light of these 'burdens', for I can sense and feel them upon you. But I refuse to allow the devil to come in and steal our joy. For the joy of the Lord is our strength.

So...... Anybody want a snowball? Name your flavor. I love cherry / vanilla. What's yours?

Love and hugs....

Angels, just hold on....and if you do let go, God still has you before you even begin to drop.
Mocha5 said:
Gurl, there is always a blessing in the storm. Hold on mama. Hold on. He loves you more than you even love yourself. His perfect mercy and grace will keep you through it all.

OT: Hey LadyR and Shimmie! I love yall. Blowing kisses to both of you.

Hey sweet Mocha Latte...How's my little sister?

Love you much... :kiss:
dreamer26 said:
It's times like these when the enemy want you to give up and be discouraged and think your God does not care. Oh but right in the midst of it all began to thank God for hard time for it's developing your character, began to thank him for every brick because when it's all over you'll see that that those bricks is what built the character you will have stronger and better.

Father God I come on behalf of my sister she's struggling and she is in need of prayer. Father I've been there and you've brought me out with victory and a testimony, Father I ask that you give her strength today right now to stand. Lord you said in your word, when we've done all we can do to stand, STAND. Lord help her to keep on standing. Lord sometimes it not easy but she shall reap if she faint not. Lord keep her today keep her mind strengthen her heart and increase her faith.

Father I thank you and I seal this prayer in Jesus name AMEN.


Amen sweet Dreamer... Amen to your prayer in which I stand with you in total agreement. In Jesus' name, Amen.