Disappointed.... someone talk me down from the ledge!


New Member
Ok... it's pretty clear that this month I won't be getting anywhere near the 1 inch to 1 and 1/4 inches I've gotten each of the past two months. My hair is looking much healthier than when I started on LHCF and my hair is actually still getting noticeably thicker. But, I will only get a negligible amount of length this month. I know that realistically, the growth had to slow down at some point; but I wasn’t ready darnit!

This month:

(1) I have been fighting a cold that has taken me three weeks to beat and I am only beating it because the doctor prescribed some antibiotics to knock it out.

(2) Because of the cold I have not kept up my normal regimen. Instead of washing my hair 2x a week, I’ve been washing once every eight to ten days. I also have only done my MN thing three days this month.

Someone humor me and tell me that now that I’m not sick anymore and can go back to my normal regimen that my hair will go back to growing at least ¾ of inch a month!
Okay, I'll humor you... your hair will go back to growing at least ¾ of inch a month!:grin:

:lachen::lachen: (Putting my crystal ball back on the shelf)
Step away from the ledge....I'm glad you took care of your health before hair..And guess what your feeling better now and your health is back and watch your hair grow ....Health has everything to do with skin, hair, and nails

I'm happy your feeling better:yep: Now if I could get over my cold I'll be even happier
Always look at the glass as half full. You made PROGRESS!!! That's awesome, thickness check, length here I come full speed ahead:grin: Um can you please step back from the edge. Whew, that's better - breathe.
Hey, Smartypants, take it easy on yourself! I know you want to reach your goal like yesterday, but *yelling* COME DOWN OFFA THAT LEDGE, GIRL!

Once your body's ready to rock, you'll start cranking out that mega growth like nobody's business.

BTW, :sekret: whatchu been doin'? :lachen:
Glad you're on the road to feeling better.:yep: Now that your body can focus on more important stuff(hair of course) you'll be back growing like a weed in no time flat!! :yep: