Disappointed after my 6-month stretch


New Member
O.K. just as I kept feeling this, I went to get a t/u after a 6-month stretch and I usually get it flat ironed so I can see the actual growth, but I got a rollerwrap this time.

Yall, my stylist (brother) kept telling me before he put the perm in that it looked like i had about 4 inches of NG b/c my hair was so thick, but after all is said and done, I swear it to you, I am so depressed b/c my hair looks the same exact length as the pics I posted in my journal on Dec. 5, 2005 (I will post pics later on tonight)........

I don't know what to say. I mean no used crying over spilled milk, but I can't believe that my hair looks like it didn't move!

I mainly shampooed (mainly just cw'd) and bunned every week and got my ends clipped just once during the entire time (no, the stylist didn't cut a lot; she barely snipped), did braid outs, sylver's scarf method, no manipulation, hair didn't shed....No red flags.

O.K. that's all I have to say right now; I am going back to continue to being depressed:perplexed (i will post my pics later on)
The same thing happened to me when i stretched for 4 months... the process was counter-productive for me as it seems I like lost more hair as opposed to retaining length. So i don't think stretching is not for me.

Did you gain extra thickness?
I can relate. I didn't notice much growth because I straighten and blow out my roots weekly. It really was a disappointment. It was nice to be able to comb through my hair easier. I just keep telling myself that the next time I get a touch-up, it will be longer than what is was at my last touch-up. Cheer up, you're progressing. :)
Sabina said:
The same thing happened to me when i stretched for 4 months... the process was counter-productive for me as it seems I like lost more hair as opposed to retaining length. So i don't think stretching is not for me.

Did you gain extra thickness?

As far as I could see it (while I had the nappy nap forest going on), it does look like I had a lot of new hairs sprouting up that would be as long as the NG, but it's a little hard to tell right now. I know I am being obsessive about it right now, but i really am depressed!!:(

I was never seeing a lot of excessive hair loss along the way - shedding nor breakage - nor was ther a lot today, so I am at a total loss.

My brother kept joking me and saying he may as well put act like he is doing a virgin perm b/c my NG was so thick! He was trying to urge me to go natural and said he would maintain it, but I told him that although I love the texture of my hair, I just like wearing it straight more often than textured and it would take too much time out of my schedule to either (1) come to him go get it straightened, or (2) straighten out myself.
I think after your first at-home shampoo/condition you will see a difference in length.

In my experience, roller wraps add nice volume to the hair but they kind of shrink up the length somewhat.
Supergirl said:
I think after your first at-home shampoo/condition you will see a difference in length.

In my experience, roller wraps add nice volume to the hair but they kind of shrink up the length somewhat.

I am only talking about this here (I know i need help):( b/c no one else would understand, but I'm glad you mentioned that. I even looked at the fact that I could see some length, but I guess just not in my bottom layer of hair.(I had quite a few layers from over a year ago) He commented on how my layers had grown out so much. I do notice how the sides are actually growing, it's almost back all to one length right now, and it does feel stronger. I wanted so bad to get it blow dried and flat ironed to check the actual length (and he wanted to do it for the sake of time), but I just didn't want to put the undue stress on my hair and know how my hair reacts to a blow dryer:mad:

I am still sitting here wallowing in self pity, but I had to have made some strides after 6 months, even if I don't recognize them.

Thanks for the encouragement SG!

hi bb. congratulations on your stretch. don't beat yourself up about it. i'm sure your hair is beautiful. can't wait for the pic :)
I think sometimes new growth can be deceiving so think about it realistically. Your last touch-up was December. It's now May. So that's 4.5 months. Hair typically grows .5 inches a month. 4.5 months x .5 inches per month = 2.25 inches that you could have gained. You got a small trim in between that time so take off .5 inches and that leaves you with 1.75 inches. Today, you got another trim so take off another .5 inches and that leaves you with 1.25 inches of length retained. Maybe once you see your hair straight (without the curls), you will see that you did gain "some" length.
hairlove said:
I think sometimes new growth can be deceiving so think about it realistically. Your last touch-up was December. It's now May. So that's 4.5 months. Hair typically grows .5 inches a month. 4.5 months x .5 inches per month = 2.25 inches that you could have gained. You got a small trim in between that time so take off .5 inches and that leaves you with 1.75 inches. Today, you got another trim so take off another .5 inches and that leaves you with 1.25 inches of length retained. Maybe once you see your hair straight (without the curls), you will see that you did gain "some" length.

I see what you're saying, but it was 24 weeks (actually six months). I got a small trim only once during this time. (let's even say it was .5 inches). I didn't get a trim today (i have learned from experience not to let my brother get near my hair with scissors:lol: )............So even at .5 x 6 (months) and taking off the 1/2 inch from when I got my hair trimmed during this stretch....let's say I should have about 2.5 inches? I hope it's reflected once it's all the way straight!

Thanks again for the encouragement!

Ok, 2.5 I think is still asking for a lot but I'll let you have your hair depression b/c I've been there, too! :)

Let us know what happens after it's straight. Also, remember that hair typically grows a little faster in the summertime due to the moisture/heat so maybe you'll get a growth spurt during the summer!
I can relate I just flat ironed my hair today and it looks the same length it did three months ago.

I am so glad you are venting to us. We have ALL been where you are so don't fret---hair depression is natural. LOL. You have been a hair inspiration to me for a while and I am proud of your 6 month stretch. And you know all that you are doing and have done is not in vain.

Keep me posted after your next wash and flat iron when you realize it was a bad case of Hair Anorexia. I know your pictures are going to reflect all your hard work.
Supergirl said:
I think after your first at-home shampoo/condition you will see a difference in length.

In my experience, roller wraps add nice volume to the hair but they kind of shrink up the length somewhat.

I agree. I find that normally a week or two after a fresh relaxer is when I really get to see how much my hair has grown.
Thanks so much ladies. I can't believe I am so stressed out about this and didn't know there was a name for it ("hair anorexia"):look: , but I feel a lot better now. (for a minute, I was sitting thinking that i should be really stressing about more serious things than my hair, but ya'll understand, hair IS serious; I'm glad ya'll understand and are letting me vent:) )

Although I have a maxiglide, I don't flat iron my hair that well and I am very tempted to go back to let my brother do my hair again next week and blow dry and flat iron JUST so I could see the length! (I am just so darn scared of the blow dryer; not the flat iron, but the blow dryer!).....Even though he wrapped it after he took the rollers out, I can look at it and tell that the rollerset still didn't get the roots to lay down as flat as they would have had it been blow dried, so SG was right, and it may be that I got growth throughout where my layers are catching up b/c something looks different about it but just not as much length.

O.K. I know you guys are tired of me but thanks soooooo much!! ((((((HUGS)))))))..........
blackbarbie said:
Thanks so much ladies. I can't believe I am so stressed out about this and didn't know there was a name for it ("hair anorexia"):look: , but I feel a lot better now. (for a minute, I was sitting thinking that i should be really stressing about more serious things than my hair, but ya'll understand, hair IS serious; I'm glad ya'll understand and are letting me vent:) )

Although I have a maxiglide, I don't flat iron my hair that well and I am very tempted to go back to let my brother do my hair again next week and blow dry and flat iron JUST so I could see the length! (I am just so darn scared of the blow dryer; not the flat iron, but the blow dryer!).....Even though he wrapped it after he took the rollers out, I can look at it and tell that the rollerset still didn't get the roots to lay down as flat as they would have had it been blow dried, so SG was right, and it may be that I got growth throughout where my layers are catching up b/c something looks different about it but just not as much length.

O.K. I know you guys are tired of me but thanks soooooo much!! ((((((HUGS)))))))..........

Yes, avoid that blowdryer! Blowdryers are evil.

I agree with you that hair IS serious. That's our thing or we wouldn't be members of a hair board! Girl, no less than 30 minutes ago I prayed to God about some hair breakage I've been having since my (former) stylist burned my hair with the flat iron 8 weeks ago. I began my prayer with "God, I feel petty asking you this but..." So I understand how you might feel silly stressing about your hair, but don't. Barry Fletcher has a chapter in his book titled "Hair Is Emotional." I have to agree with the brother!
Supergirl said:
Yes, avoid that blowdryer! Blowdryers are evil.

I agree with you that hair IS serious. That's our thing or we wouldn't be members of a hair board! Girl, no less than 30 minutes ago I prayed to God about some hair breakage I've been having since my (former) stylist burned my hair with the flat iron 8 weeks ago. I began my prayer with "God, I feel petty asking you this but..." So I understand how you might feel silly stressing about your hair, but don't. Barry Fletcher has a chapter in his book titled "Hair Is Emotional." I have to agree with the brother!

Ummmm, when I thought about that (the bolded part), I didn't feel so bad obsessing and posting. I didn't know you went to stylists; I thought you did everything to your own hair. How did he burn your hair; do tell. Now my problem def. feels minor in comparison to yours b/c I would be hot under the collar if my hair was knowingly (and not all in my mind) burned by a stylist:(
blackbarbie said:
Thanks so much ladies. I can't believe I am so stressed out about this and didn't know there was a name for it ("hair anorexia"):look: , but I feel a lot better now. (for a minute, I was sitting thinking that i should be really stressing about more serious things than my hair, but ya'll understand, hair IS serious; I'm glad ya'll understand and are letting me vent:) )

Although I have a maxiglide, I don't flat iron my hair that well and I am very tempted to go back to let my brother do my hair again next week and blow dry and flat iron JUST so I could see the length! (I am just so darn scared of the blow dryer; not the flat iron, but the blow dryer!).....Even though he wrapped it after he took the rollers out, I can look at it and tell that the rollerset still didn't get the roots to lay down as flat as they would have had it been blow dried, so SG was right, and it may be that I got growth throughout where my layers are catching up b/c something looks different about it but just not as much length.

O.K. I know you guys are tired of me but thanks soooooo much!! ((((((HUGS)))))))..........

Barb, I know your hair has gotten longer....even if its 1-2 inches. Upload some pics and let us be the judge.
AWWW Barbie,

I was just thinking about you. I remember your concern with this. There is NO WAY that this could have happened from what you are telling us, you took good care of your hair.

Personally I would 1. either wait for a few days whent he curl loosen to take pics and compare or 2. blowdry and flat iron the hair to see the results.

I think if you take pics right now, and since a rollerset can make the hair look shorter, you may get seriously upset!

(((((Hugs))))) Only us on LHCF can understand your hurt. You is a strong one because I would be crying!!!!
WhipEffectz1 said:
Barb, I know your hair has gotten longer....even if its 1-2 inches. Upload some pics and let us be the judge.

I am going to but I really have to stop grieving right now:( I have it wrapped now and hopefully by tomorrow, most of the curl will have fallen out and it all lay flat so I will take some more pics and upload......

Thanks for understanding(((((HUGS)))))))

(I feel like eating a lot of ice cream and cookies right now even tho i don't like ice cream; just want to eat a bunch of junk right now.........o.k. I know that was off topic:) )
MizaniMami said:
AWWW Barbie,

I was just thinking about you. I remember your concern with this. There is NO WAY that this could have happened from what you are telling us, you took good care of your hair.

Personally I would 1. either wait for a few days whent he curl loosen to take pics and compare or 2. blowdry and flat iron the hair to see the results.

I think if you take pics right now, and since a rollerset can make the hair look shorter, you may get seriously upset!

(((((Hugs))))) Only us on LHCF can understand your hurt. You is a strong one because I would be crying!!!!

Glad i have you ladies cause if i had called specifically to tell my gf about this, she would say "girl get off this phone cause you is a fool!!" But she knew that I got it relaxed today and when she called, she asked if i was pleased and I just told her i felt like it hadn't grown that much and although she doesn't know I am stressing as much as I am, she just said "after 6 months, it better had done something!!!! I'll tell you what I think tomorrow when I see you"

But you are right, I really hope my stressing is in vain cause I have done everything right and hadn't had any major issues during my stretch so i am going to try to take pics tomorrow when some of the curls have fallen and it is hopefully laying down flatter (I have it wrapped up now and that usually does the trick to lay it down flatter), but I can't blow dry since i don't own a blow dryer. (in addition to the fact that they scare the heck outta me anyway!)

But I hope to post pics tomorrow.....

blackbarbie said:
(I feel like eating a lot of ice cream and cookies right now even tho i don't like ice cream; just want to eat a bunch of junk right now.........o.k. I know that was off topic:) )

Hmmm, well if you decide to eat that ice cream, don't feel bad because I will be eating about two cones before I hit the shuck!
blackbarbie said:
Ummmm, when I thought about that (the bolded part), I didn't feel so bad obsessing and posting. I didn't know you went to stylists; I thought you did everything to your own hair. How did he burn your hair; do tell. Now my problem def. feels minor in comparison to yours b/c I would be hot under the collar if my hair was knowingly (and not all in my mind) burned by a stylist:(

I only go for retouches. I wish I knew how to apply my own relaxer touch up. Anyway, I started letting her flat iron my hair instead of rollersets, because the rolling process took so long and let's not even mention the drying process. With other customers there, I would end up there at least 5 hours. So I just started letting it dry under the dryer and letting her flat iron it every retouch. Well, she let the iron get to hot. When she was using it on my hair, I saw smoke coming from it. I didn't speak up, so it's partially my fault. I knew my hair was heat damaged, because it smelled burnt for a few days afterward. It is breaking because of the many weak spots caused by her iron and there's really no permanent solution to the breakage. My next step will be to try a series of protein (collagen protein) treatments to try and give those weak spots some give so they won't snap so easily.
sareca said:
Have you taken pics yet. You might be suffering from hair anorexia.

I was thinking this too. Also, BBarbie, I know you don't want to put heat on it but, going six months with no heat is excellent and maybe you could use heat just once after a good protein treatment and deep conditioning just so you can really see your results. Just a thought.
Supergirl said:
I only go for retouches. I wish I knew how to apply my own relaxer touch up. Anyway, I started letting her flat iron my hair instead of rollersets, because the rolling process took so long and let's not even mention the drying process. With other customers there, I would end up there at least 5 hours. So I just started letting it dry under the dryer and letting her flat iron it every retouch. Well, she let the iron get to hot. When she was using it on my hair, I saw smoke coming from it. I didn't speak up, so it's partially my fault. I knew my hair was heat damaged, because it smelled burnt for a few days afterward. It is breaking because of the many weak spots caused by her iron and there's really no permanent solution to the breakage. My next step will be to try a series of protein (collagen protein) treatments to try and give those weak spots some give so they won't snap so easily.

Awww, sorry to hear about that, but you are making me glad I didn't 2nd guess myself yesterday when my brother wanted to blow dry and flat iron to save time. He rollerset, but the whole process (from applying to the perm to the very end) took 4 hours and had he blow dried and rollerset, it probably would have taken an hour and a half off the entire process, but as bad as I wanted the blow dry and flat iron (to REALLY check the length) I told him I would pass. (was even thinking about going back next week to let him do in anyway)

Well, just nurture your hair (like no one else can) and you know it will be back at its optimal health in no time!

CantBeCopied said:
I was thinking this too. Also, BBarbie, I know you don't want to put heat on it but, going six months with no heat is excellent and maybe you could use heat just once after a good protein treatment and deep conditioning just so you can really see your results. Just a thought.

CBC, thanks for the motivation! I only use heat when I rollerset it anyway so I will probably do the DC and protein treatment this weekend anyway (actually going to visit my parents and I aunt is a master roller, so I will take advantage of her skills!!), but I wrapped it last night and it's not as poofy as it was yesterday so I can see a little length. Even though it's swinging, it's a little too flat to my head for my liking, so I will definitely be pooing and deep conditioning.......(would you rec. a hard protein like the aphogee in the square bottle or a mild one like the reconstructor since I had a relaxer only just yesterday?)


blackbarbie said:
CBC, thanks for the motivation! I only use heat when I rollerset it anyway so I will probably do the DC and protein treatment this weekend anyway (actually going to visit my parents and I aunt is a master roller, so I will take advantage of her skills!!), but I wrapped it last night and it's not as poofy as it was yesterday so I can see a little length. Even though it's swinging, it's a little too flat to my head for my liking, so I will definitely be pooing and deep conditioning.......(would you rec. a hard protein like the aphogee in the square bottle or a mild one like the reconstructor since I had a relaxer only just yesterday?)



Oh, I cannot mess around with the hard protein. My hair likes mild ones. The strongest I have used was the Joico K-Pac. I think most ladies wait till at least their 2nd wash following a relaxer when they are doing those really hard proteins. If you are going to do the hard kind, it's too soon.
CantBeCopied said:
Oh, I cannot mess around with the hard protein. My hair likes mild ones. The strongest I have used was the Joico K-Pac. I think most ladies wait till at least their 2nd wash following a relaxer when they are doing those really hard proteins. If you are going to do the hard kind, it's too soon.

Thanks; I'll stick with the Aphogee Reconstructor....