Dirty Scalp


New Member
Hi I have a on going problem with my scalp.

It doesn't matter if I just got done washing I have tons of white stuff on my scalp. When my hair and scalp is dry and I scratch with a comb or with my nails, I can strach out lots of flakes.

I tried oils, that does work. I tried this specialty scalp shampoo, no avail.

Has anyone else ever had a similiar problem? and what worked for you?
Tea tree oil...it STINKS and should be used LIGHTLY.Only on the scalp IMO.Also buy a moisturizing shampoo and follow the crown and glory method. It's all about getting the scalp clean not the hair so braid and massage shampoo on scalp.HTH
What are you washing your hair with and how often? Can you post your regimen? I have no dandriff and my scalp is very clean. When I wash my hair it's with a shampoo with NO SULFATES! I also wash frequently like 2x a week. Good luck.
This sounds like dandruff to me, I say use head and shoulders concentrating on your scalp and when you apply your DC put it at least a half inch from your scalp until it clears.

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Hi I have a on going problem with my scalp.

It doesn't matter if I just got done washing I have tons of white stuff on my scalp. When my hair and scalp is dry and I scratch with a comb or with my nails, I can strach out lots of flakes.

I tried oils, that does work. I tried this specialty scalp shampoo, no avail.

Has anyone else ever had a similiar problem? and what worked for you?
Do you use shampoos with sulfates?

Are you able to get to your scalp really good when you're shampooing your hair?

Since you have tried specialty shampoos, and they haven't worked, maybe it's product build up on your scalp.
I have the same problem too. Tried Tea Tree oil, Prescribed Scalp Sulfur, Head and shoulders, T Gel, Moisturizing scalp, Cowashing everyday - not all at the same time though. Don't know what's going on. I went to one doctor about it and he prescribed the sulfur, I plan to go to another one if I don't resolve the problem. Does anyone think baking soda will help? Or just irritate the problem?
I think there are a few options.

1. You need to seriously clarify your scalp because you may have product build up. Really focus on your scalp area and then make sure the length of your hair is clean as well. Don't add any product and see if your hair flakes up again in the next day. If you're already washing well then you probably have an issue that can't be corrected by just shampooing.

2. If your hair is flaking up badly even after cleansing you could have bad dandruff, a fungal infection, seborrheic dermatitis, eczema, or psoriasis. Either way, you need to see a dermatologist to figure out exactly what it is so that you will know how to treat it.

3. You could also be having an allergic reaction to certain ingredients in your haircare products. Or like another poster said, sulfates could be tearing up your scalp. I think until you get to a dermatologist you should use the most gentle products you can find. I would try something all natural, fragrance free, with no sulfates. Your best bet is probably something made for babies (because it's usually the gentlest).
Yes! my shampoo does have sulfates. I doubt that its dandruff because these are like brown dirty flakes. lol....sorry for the description.

I do not have a regmie, I just started back up on LCHF so I'm actually looking around for someone with my hair type 3C, so that I can kinda 'borrow" their regimin.

Thank you for your help ladies.
Brown scales could be a sign of seborrhea, IIRC. I'll try to find the site I read that on.
I ended up having a similar issue and it was due to my scalp being sensitive to sulfates and not making sure everything was rinsed from my scalp.
If it is dandruff I would recommend using a shampoo called Selsun. It worked well for me in the past and also for my friends. You just need to use a tiny bit at every other wash. It usually solves the dandruff problem in a few washes.
Yes! my shampoo does have sulfates. I doubt that its dandruff because these are like brown dirty flakes. lol....sorry for the description.

I do not have a regmie, I just started back up on LCHF so I'm actually looking around for someone with my hair type 3C, so that I can kinda 'borrow" their regimin.

Thank you for your help ladies.

Brown scales could be a sign of seborrhea, IIRC. I'll try to find the site I read that on.

:yep: Exactly what I was going to say.

Luv, I think you need to go to a dermatologist because it sounds like seborrhea. And of course, the suflates probably make it worse but any type of constant washing is probably contributing (at least it did for a person I knew who had it).

Visit your dermatologist ASAP so that you can take care of it effectively and get some relief.
If you're still having the issue try JustNatural.com get the vinegar rinse. You still may have to wash every 3 days but it works thats if it seborea or dandruff or just itchy scalp