Dirty Scalp = Relaxer Protection?


New Member
Glib Girl started a thread wanting to know if she can relax hair that is soaking wet from a workout. Most said no because of the salt and open pores. However, DLewis said she washes in the morning and relaxes at night and the hair is still wet. This got me to thinking about scalp protection. Usually, I prepare for relaxer by washing and dc'ing, the whole nine with squeeky clean scalp, I wait 3-4 days and base, then relax. Now what if, instead of that, I rinsed just my hair, maybe a light shampoo, condition, etc but i DO NOT clean my scalp. I will still have the "gunk" on my scalp and this in addition to my basing will add extra protection during the relaxing process. I could let my hair airdry during the day then relax that night on damp hair. Or I could just wait the next day until dry and relax. What do you ladies think about this? I have always thought that clean hair is best for relaxing but clean scalp?
I actually tried relaxing w/ a clean scalp once and i got burns everywhere. IMO I think its more important to just have a clean new growth, base your scalp, and protect your already relaxed hair.
I do base my scalp before relaxing. I know it seems odd. But after years of burning I found something that works for me.
I think the way you were doing it was perfect.
I'm a follower of Cathy Howse,
1. She says pores remain open for 24 hours
after washing.
2. You shouldn't exercise 24 hours before a
relaxer because your pores are open to sweat.

I'd wait 48 hours just to be safe and then
I'd really moisturize prior to getting the relaxer.
Last time I got a relaxer 5 months ago... I got
it done at a Dominican Salon... they wet my hair
before applying the relaxer... my hair came
out bone straight but I wouldn't experiment
with this unless you really know what you're doing.
I actually tried relaxing w/ a clean scalp once and i got burns everywhere. IMO I think its more important to just have a clean new growth, base your scalp, and protect your already relaxed hair.

This is what I think i am going to try this weekend. I have always made sure my scalp AND hair was clean. but the dirty scalp makes more sense to me
Well my last texlax was on clean scalp and it burned a little, even with my wonderful scalp base that I use. It also processed very quickly and almost took away my curl pattern. I want to keep my texture, just loosen it a little bit.

The texlax before that was on hair that hadn't been washed in two weeks and I got no burning, itching or problems with processing too quickly.

So I think you have something there and should give it a try.
I think I will, lana. I wonder if dirty hair really makes it harder for the relaxer to work. I'm think dirty scalp, clean hair, but you did dirty scalp, dirty hair and it still worked. the less work, the better :)
Thanks for starting this thread! My grandma always said that "dirty hair perms best" so I just always went to the hair dresser with a greasy scalp, thinking I was making my perm better. *lol*
I got really bad burns the last time I texlaxed so this time around I clarified and did a protein DC. For the next week I applied castor oil to my scalp and discontinued my scalp massages. I used a nozzle tip bottle to apply the castor oil (I learned this from healthytextures.com). The day before my relaxer I applied petroleum jelly to my scalp and the morning of my relaxer I applied another layer of petroleum jelly. I then relaxed and did not burn or tingle or anything because there was so much stuff on my scalp. The extra oils also helped my texlax to come out perfectly. I relaxed in the morning so that I could workout later in the day.

I also applied Chi Silk Infusion to my prerelaxed hair. This has been my most successful texlax since I joined the board ;)
Thanks for starting this thread! My grandma always said that "dirty hair perms best" so I just always went to the hair dresser with a greasy scalp, thinking I was making my perm better. *lol*

IMO I dont see it as the hair being "dirty". I've always gotten straight hair (80% straight as 100% straight is damaging) leaving my hair with the jojoba oil that I apply to my scalp/new growth every night along with whatever my scalp produces on its own. The only way you should be concerned w/ having your HAIR cleaned is if you apply ALOT of product on a regular basis.

Maybe apply relaxer to new growth no later than 3-4 days after the last shampoo? This way your hair is relatively clean? Just refrain from applying heavy oils (to NG).
I got really bad burns the last time I texlaxed so this time around I clarified and did a protein DC. For the next week I applied castor oil to my scalp and discontinued my scalp massages. I used a nozzle tip bottle to apply the castor oil (I learned this from healthytextures.com). The day before my relaxer I applied petroleum jelly to my scalp and the morning of my relaxer I applied another layer of petroleum jelly. I then relaxed and did not burn or tingle or anything because there was so much stuff on my scalp. The extra oils also helped my texlax to come out perfectly. I relaxed in the morning so that I could workout later in the day.

I also applied Chi Silk Infusion to my prerelaxed hair. This has been my most successful texlax since I joined the board ;)

I really like this idea. I bought some castor oil about a month ago and using it this way would be perfect, thanks for the tip :)