Dirty hair = better relaxer?

Glib Gurl

Well-Known Member
(I apologize if this has been discussed previously. I feel like it has, but the search feature is not working for me.)

My grandmother always said that my relaxers would come out better if my hair was dirty beforehand. Now I know that you don't want to get your hair relaxed if it's squeaky clean . . . but still, how "dirty" does it have to be? And does having it "dirty" (as opposed to just not washing for a few days beforehand) really make the outcome better?
Um .. not in my experiences. It's actually the opposite for me. The more gunk, the more the relaxer has to eat through before it can actually begin to process, therefore leading to underprocessing.
I used to believe this. But I think it has more to do with relaxing hair that's freshly washed may be more likely to burn the scalp (since the old layer of dead skin/cells is gone). It's also why I tried not to scratch or comb my hair too much for days before a relaxer.
this was also the belief when i was back home in zimbabwe.......

but since joining this forum i now clarify my hair and deep condition with hard protein (aphogee) about 3 to 6 days before texlaxing my hair.

i agree that your relaxer will probably work best on clean hair
I think that comes from the idea that squeeky clean hair leaves you open for overlapping. If you keep your roots semi clean and your ends full of product (oil, moisturizer, etc), then the chances of overlapping or damaging your ends is less likely...JMO.
lol...Oh lawd this was my belief for the longest time. Actually when I used to braid my hair in my country (Zambia) I would keep my hair dirty for the longest time and then when I took them out, it was considered the best time to relax because the hair was at its dirtiest.:ohwell: Its a wonder I had hair on my head:nono:
The belief was that if the hair was dirty the relaxer would take longer to burn and you can then get the hair straighter.
I have noticed that since i found this site and i started clarifying my hair 3-5 days before my relaxer touch-up, my hair has never been under processed.
I've only ever had my hair relaxed by my hairdresser and she always said not to wash my hair 2-3 days prior to relaxing also, no products.

I dunno, I just did what I was told. :)
I always wish I could do a nice deep condition the day before my relaxer so that my hair will be nicecly prepared for the harsh drying relaxer but because of this theory that u shouldn't wash before the relaxer I never do.

I wonder if this is why my hair is always so dry and damaged from relaxers, what about if you wash it the day before but oil your scalp up GOOD is that okay?