"Dirty Challenge"?

rosie said:
How's it going for everyone?

Any updates?
Great for me. I'm still doing my normal regimen....shampoo every two weeks no con washes in-between. My hair is really thriving. It's grown back very quickly from that last big trim I had to do....yippeee! The good thing about washing infrequently is the low manipulation. I really think this is key. My hair is super moisturized and no breakage. My ends are looking great as well because I'm moisturizing and sealing daily.

I'm on a lot of hair boards and some of the longest heads of hair shampoo every two or three weeks. One of my inspirations...loveyaforeva....has tailbone length relaxed hair and she washes every 2 to 3 weeks.
Well I didn't mean to join, I wash once a week usually, but then I skipped wash day and there is no going back. I'm on day 10. I'm not washing until this Saturday so that will be a 15 day stretch. I'm considering going crazy and waiting out the rest of the month.

The problem has been how to wear my hair. I need to invest in a clip. Buns aren't cute on me, but hair clips usually work well. I've been pincurling my hair.

I think I can make it to December 1st or at least one more week. Ah!
rosie said:
How's it going for everyone?

Any updates?

So far so good!!!!:cool: I plaited up my hair three weeks ago and just cleaned my scalp with diluted Sea Breeze. Then I sprayed some peppermint/water in my scalp and it feels good. Tonight will spray my hair and scalf with African Royale braid spray. Will take out plaits, Godwilling December 7th and will have a big wash and deep conditioning day.:D
My update: Just shampooed after 2 weeks. I applied shampoo to my dry hair and then added water gradually until my whole head was sudsed. I did this to avoid the oil slick that you can get when your hair is very oily and you add water and then shampoo. I did 2 lathers. My hair was so thick and strong. I then did a conditioner with an egg in it. Let it dry. Applied WG and castor oil to the shaft of my hair. Tonight I will start back with the mtg. I had been doing mtg mixed with homemade castor oil to my scalp for the last 2 weeks ( every third night...and so my hair was very moisturized. I would spray Infusium 21 on the crown and brush it back, pin my hair and make my roll and tie with my satin scarves wrapped so there is no pressure on my front, side or back hairlines. My hair feels so strong. Next time around, I will do a moisturizing conditioning so that there is a balance and then back to the protein conditioner etc. My ends are very strong and thick and barley shed at all. I had combed my hair through thoroughly before shampooing.
I think I will go back to washing every 2-3 weeks since it is winter time. You all seem to be having good results.
Miss*Tress said:
Hi Pokahontas, which board is loveyaforeva on?
She's on Blackhairmedia. I think I made a mistake on her length though....I think it's hipbone....I'm confused, but whatever it is it's looooong and beautiful.
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itismehmmkay said:
This is a spin-off from carpediem628's friend who attributes her almost waist-length hair to grease and infrequent washing.

I can testify as well that my hair was its best about 2 years ago when I was like 10-20% relaxed, washed every 3 weeks and used grease to curl my hair after the wash. I stopped b/c my hair took so dang long to curl in its very mildly relaxed state, but looking back, it was so worth it.

So, this will be my regimen for the next 3 weeks and I'll determine whether or not to continue by the state of my hair:

Shampoo - Suave Clarifying Shampoo
Condition - Cholesterol (45min)
Rollerset - Blue snap rollers (I'm only chin-length)
Dry - Hooded dryer or overnight air-dry
Curl w/ ceramic curling iron w/ SoftTouch grease once dry.

Wait 3 weeks.

Maintain w/ nightly rollersets (w/ blue rollers)
Grease hair and scalp as needed.

And that's it...dangit! :whip:

This may definitely aid my transition process.

Any takers?

Do you all at least rinse your hair frequently? Like, can I join if I add water to my hair regularly, but don't shampoo and don't CO wash??? Or are you all just keeping your hair completely dry for 2-3 weeks. Let me know. Thanks
Pokahontas said:
I think your hair will thrive by doing this challenge mainly because of the infrequent washing which means less manipulation. I already shampoo every two weeks and I seriously want to go to three because I keep so much hair on my head and get no breakage when I don't shampoo. I dunno though.....I'm thinking that third week would be strictly buns.

I use to do 2, but now I do 3 weeks, I keep it up (either pin curls, bun etc) in the week and let it down at the week end, the low manipulation works very well especially without combing in between.
cocoberry10 said:
Do you all at least rinse your hair frequently? Like, can I join if I add water to my hair regularly, but don't shampoo and don't CO wash??? Or are you all just keeping your hair completely dry for 2-3 weeks. Let me know. Thanks
I don't re-wet or co-wash for 2 weeks.
Pokahontas said:
Great for me. I'm still doing my normal regimen....shampoo every two weeks no con washes in-between. My hair is really thriving. It's grown back very quickly from that last big trim I had to do....yippeee! The good thing about washing infrequently is the low manipulation. I really think this is key. My hair is super moisturized and no breakage. My ends are looking great as well because I'm moisturizing and sealing daily.

I'm on a lot of hair boards and some of the longest heads of hair shampoo every two or three weeks. One of my inspirations...loveyaforeva....has tailbone length relaxed hair and she washes every 2 to 3 weeks.

Don't know quite what my progress is yet since I'm due for a relaxer on 12/19. I guess I've cheated a bit, since I'm shampooing weekly now. :look: But I don't wet it during that week. I tried longer then I forgot about the challenge and started having flakes from the Fantasia IC gel. :ohwell: At any rate, I hope that my progress from Oct. - Dec will be great due to less frequent shampoos.

I'll have to give updates then. I also plan to go back to extending the time now that it's fairly cold out.
Between work and school, I have informally been on this challenge only washing and re-twisting my hair every two to three weeks :ohwell:

Next semester is looking difficult, so I may not be off this challenge until I graduate in May :look:
How is everyone doing on this. I am out as my scalp could not handle waiting so long before being washed.
Now that I'm alot of weeks post relaxer (14 weeks) I choose not to wash as frequently (my new growth is a trip). I wash every 2 weeks now, and I like it better than I would have thought. The infrequent washes keeps me from handling my hair too much. Needless to say, it also help me stretch my relaxer.
I will join this challenge. At one time I would only get my hair wash when I got an relaxer which was every three months. I was working two jobs then and my hair grew alot. I had to trim most of the new growth off be However, my hair was much thicker and healthier.

I will make sure I use Dudley scalp treatment and Keracare grease for my scalp. I will also use Luster's Renutrients polish for my ends. Keep my hair in two cornrows or bun imbetween washes. When it is time to wash, I will use Alter-Ego conditioner, NTM leave in and Motion's shampoo. Third month, get a relaxer.

Ineedhair said:
bumpin... any updates?
I'm still doing my normal regimen (shampoo every 2 weeks). I think I'm retaining length very well, I'm below waist length stretched now. My hair is never dry either so that helps with breakage.