Digestive Enzymes...Any Testimonials?


Well-Known Member

Is there anyone who started taking digestive enzymes and noticed a signifcant improvement in their hair growth and/or energy? What brand are you taking?

I am trying to choose from the following brands:

-Rainbow Light All-Zyme Double Strength
-Spring Valley Papaya
-TwinLab HCL w/Pepsin
-Country Life Zime Aid
-PP Pancreatin Enzyme

Which brand do you think is the best? Any other recommendations?


I haven't noticed yet aobut hair growth but I eat pineapple before each meal.
I've learned it has natural enzymes that help us with digestion. My energy is always high.
I've been taking NOW Foods Super Enzymes primarily for good health and better digestion, not for my hair. I can say that I FEEL great with an overall improved sense of physical well-being. I simply haven't related the enzymes to my hair, but my hair is looking fabulous. Don't know if it's the enzymes 'cause I'm doing other things for my hair, like condition washes, reduced heat, etc. so can't say whether the enzymes have any effect on hair. . .
Isis said:
I haven't noticed yet aobut hair growth but I eat pineapple before each meal.
I've learned it has natural enzymes that help us with digestion. My energy is always high.

[/ QUOTE ]

Hmm....I like pinapple.

I took enzymes from the Vit. Shoppe. I didnt see any hair improvements behind it, but I did have less gas issues. I took them because of the vits...to help them digest thoroughly so they can do what they have to do.