Different Jojoba Oils


With Love & Silk
I have fallen in love with Aura-Cacia Organic Jojoba Oil. It's almost $15 for 4 oz., but I don't care! It makes my hair feel so good. :)

So I ran out once and I went to the local health food store to get some and they didn't have any. They only had Desert Essence, which is a pretty reputable brand, right? Well let me tell you, Desert Essence didn't cut it with the jojoba oil. The oil was almost as thin as water and didn't even smell like jojoba oil. I'd know the real jojoba smell anywhere.

What's your brand of jojoba oil and how is it?
I have Vitamin Shoppe jojoba oil. My hair soaks it up well, and I like it on my skin too. Mine doesn't really have much of a smell... It's the only kind I've tried so far, though, so I don't have anything to compare it to. I hear HobaCare is supposed to be top of the line. They have some good info about jojoba oil on the site too
sorry about your experience with DE jojoba oil... it works well with my hair... i Aubrey Organics jojoba oil as well, which is of superior quality......
BlackCardinal said:
I have Vitamin Shoppe jojoba oil. My hair soaks it up well, and I like it on my skin too. Mine doesn't really have much of a smell... It's the only kind I've tried so far, though, so I don't have anything to compare it to. I hear HobaCare is supposed to be top of the line. They have some good info about jojoba oil on the site too

Oooh, thanks for that hobacare link. You know I'm all over that!

Sherry Love,
I know that Aubrey's is good though I've never tried it. It's organic too like the Aura Cacia. BTW, your hair is looking awesome!
The brand of Jojoba oil that I have been using is by Cococare and for 2 oz it is 4 to 5 bucks. It isnt thin like water (and isnt as thick as olive oil) and doesnt have much of a smell. Since I am not that familiar with Jojoba oil, I wouldnt be able to tell you if it smells like it is supposed to. My hair soaks it up great.

Has anyone else had experience with this brand? I like it.
DiamondStar said:
I :love: Aubrey Organics Jojoba Oil. Unfortunately, it costs $10.95 for only a few ounces.

thanks, supergirl...

yeah, DiamondStar, the price is an unfortunate thing for us.....lol....
Supergirl said:
What's your brand of jojoba oil and how is it?

Now brand from GNC -- It has a mild, pleasant odor, and adds a nice sheen to my hair, I've been using it for 2 yrs...
I started out using Vitamin Shoppe Jojoba Oil, then switched to Dessert Essence and now I am using NOW FOODS JOJOBA Oil. I will stick with the NOW brand Jojoba Oil because the Nature and Herb Shop that I purchase it from keeps this in stock in various sizes and they are only about a 10 minutes drive away ! :)
This thread is right on time! I've been searching for a good, unrefined jojoba oil because I plan to use it as a daily moisturizer instead of water-based moisturizers and crémes that I have been using over the past 2 years now. I was doing a search last night...and From Nature with Love has two different kinds of jojoba oil--the regular kind and the organic kind--even though both are natural and cold-expeller pressed. I'm thinking the organic kind is better since it is higher and actually says organic on the jar. But now, I might check out the Aura-Cacia brand. I know that some people have experienced very good results with the Now Foods brand as well.
I was JUST asking myself this question when I saw this thread! lol. (I love LCHF :yep:) Anyway, I have the one from vitamin shoppe and it just doesn't cut it for me anymore. I was wondering why and figured that there must be better jojoba oils out there. I'm gonna mix the one I have now with my Kemi Oyl and when that runs out, I'll look to buy another brand.
I was looking for an oil to use on my hair, and I chose jojoba oil. My mom bought me the cococare brand. Actually I like the brand only for the fact that the ONLY ingredient that's in it is....jojoba oil...lol The reason why I never trusted other oils (and it didn't work anyway), is because it was always mixed with something else. What's the point of being carrot oil, or olive oil, etc., if there are other ingredients mixed in with it?? I appreciate this brand only being jojoba oil, and nothing else.
Putting in another vote for HobaCare. The quality is exceptional and and because its unscented I can use it everywhere, including my face. BTW its really good to use if you have oily skin. (only need a tiny tiny amount for my whole face)

on the website they have the 1 liter size for under 30 bucks which is what I usually get (cause you can't find that size in whole foods) I get 6 months out of 1 of that size.

IMO its a little too light to use by itself in the winter especially if you live where it gets really cold, but is excellent alone the warmer months.

BTW if you get it on your clothes and sheets it does wash out very easy without leaving a grease spot.

SherryLove said:
sorry about your experience with DE jojoba oil... it works well with my hair... i Aubrey Organics jojoba oil as well, which is of superior quality......

I use AO Jojoba oil too. I love it. A little pricey, but it does the trick and it's light as a feather.
I decided to go with the Mountain Rose Herbs brand because it's cold-pressed and unrefined. The shipping was also reasonable.
Supergirl said:
The oil was almost as thin as water and didn't even smell like jojoba oil. I'd know the real jojoba smell anywhere.

What kind of smell does it supposed to have? A strong, earthy scent? I just got my jojoba oil and supposedly it's "certified organic" but it says 100% Vegetable oil as well :confused:. Does it come from some sort of vegetable-like plant? Anyway, there is barely any scent to it...just a light barely there oil scent. It's not a thick oil either...and the color is a mixture of yellow and gold...not too dark. I will use it but I'm just not too sure it's organic.
Lanelle said:
What kind of smell does it supposed to have? A strong, earthy scent? I just got my jojoba oil and supposedly it's "certified organic" but it says 100% Vegetable oil as well :confused:. Does it come from some sort of vegetable-like plant? Anyway, there is barely any scent to it...just a light barely there oil scent. It's not a thick oil either...and the color is a mixture of yellow and gold...not too dark. I will use it but I'm just not too sure it's organic.

Jojoba Oil is an all-natural vegetable oil derived from the jojoba bean. Actually a liquid wax, Jojoba is the carrier of choice for the perfumery industry because it does not oxidize or become rancid. An excellent moisturizer suitable for daily use, Jojoba Oil nourishes and revitalizes skin, relieves sunburn and can be used on hands, nails and hair. Jojoba Oil is remarkably similar to the natural sebum secreted by our own skin.

This thread is right on time. Jojoba is one of those things I have been meaning to purchase but never got around to. I'm heading to GNC today to try the NOW brand. :)
baglady215 said:
Jojoba Oil is an all-natural vegetable oil derived from the jojoba bean. Actually a liquid wax, Jojoba is the carrier of choice for the perfumery industry because it does not oxidize or become rancid. An excellent moisturizer suitable for daily use, Jojoba Oil nourishes and revitalizes skin, relieves sunburn and can be used on hands, nails and hair. Jojoba Oil is remarkably similar to the natural sebum secreted by our own skin.

This thread is right on time. Jojoba is one of those things I have been meaning to purchase but never got around to. I'm heading to GNC today to try the NOW brand. :)

Oh thanks! I knew it was some sort of wax...but the "100% Vegetable Oil" threw me off...I hope you like the NOW Jojoba Oil...I heard it was really good too.
BlackCardinal said:
I have Vitamin Shoppe jojoba oil. My hair soaks it up well, and I like it on my skin too. Mine doesn't really have much of a smell... It's the only kind I've tried so far, though, so I don't have anything to compare it to. I hear HobaCare is supposed to be top of the line. They have some good info about jojoba oil on the site too

this is the one that I plan on ordering.