Difference in 4a & 4b curl/wave patterns


New Member
Okay, I think I'm starting to get second thoughts about going natural. The only memory that I have of my natural hair is when my mom washed it and it curled/waved right up, or when she wet it before brushing it up into ponytails. Even then, the ends curled/waved up. (I'm not sure if I know the difference between curly and wavy). I had to be about 4 or 5 in those memories. I also have a picture from when I was about 1 1/2 or 2. And in this picture, the first thought that comes to mind is that I HAD "good" hair. I mean it's really wavy and there's not a nap in sight. My edges still had the cute little "baby hair," which may have still been typical at that age.

However, I am worried that this has since changed. I'm afraid I won't like the result of my hair now. I look at some of your pictures and think, "Oh, my goodnees, that's gorgeous." Or, "I could rock that wash 'n go, or curly afro." But what if my hair doesn't allow that?? I guess it didn't help that after telling my former stylist about my wanting to go natural, she told me that I couldn't wear a wash 'n set because, "I don't have white folks hair."

I hope I don't offend anyone when I say this, and if I do, I apologize. But, I really want to be able to rock a curly 'fro; not a Macy Gray 'fro. I am afraid that I really do have "nappy" hair, because when it's time for a touch-up, Martin would definitely call me "Beady Bead" because I have serious tight curls in my kitchen area. And if I do have "nappy" hair, I might as well keep the relaxer, because I know that I won't feel like dealing with that texture of hair. That's just not my thing.

Okay, now for my question. Sorry it took so long. What is the difference in the curl/wave patterns in 4a and 4b hair. The site said that 4a has the "s" shaped curl and 4b has the "z" shaped curl. I assume I am 4b because when my new growth does grow in, I can definitely feel the sharp edge of the "z" shape. So, when it comes to the "s" pattern and "z" pattern, what's the difference in how the curl/waves look in natural hair??
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I think that if you really want to be natural, you can do it. You will definitely have to "transition" your mind though and be ready to deal with whatever texture appears. You really won't know until you see it...and even then it'll probably change (depending on how long you've relaxed/especially if you damaged your hair/scalp...your texture may keep getting softer and changing).

4a is s shaped and some tightly coiled folks like I was have o shapes. basically, the hair looks like an s. you can see it on shed hair. My hair even would curl up into an o...real "beady beads" as you mentioned above.

4b is z shaped which means it has a slight wave but is mostly poofy...not much curl/coil can be achieved without the use of a twistout/braidout.
DelightfulFlame said:
I think that if you really want to be natural, you can do it. You will definitely have to "transition" your mind though and be ready to deal with whatever texture appears. You really won't know until you see it...and even then it'll probably change (depending on how long you've relaxed/especially if you damaged your hair/scalp...your texture may keep getting softer and changing).

4a is s shaped and some tightly coiled folks like I was have o shapes. basically, the hair looks like an s. you can see it on shed hair. My hair even would curl up into an o...real "beady beads" as you mentioned above.

4b is z shaped which means it has a slight wave but is mostly poofy...not much curl/coil can be achieved without the use of a twistout/braidout.

:yep: And yes, basically u have it right...4a is more "s" shaped, and 4b is a "z" formation....
I'll give you props for admitting outright, your reasons for transitioning. But my advice is: Don't go natural because you think you may have a winning ticket in the 'good hair' lotto.

If you can't face the thought of dealing with a non curly/coily hairtype, then don't waste your time, cuz you'll probably just go back to perming anyway. Going natural is a crapshoot and the odds aren't necessarily in favor of what you want as opposed to what you'll actually get.

As for curl pattern, I agree with the 4a=S and 4b=z theory. I think that most people consider crazycoil the epitome of type 4b hair. Here's a link http://www.crazycoil.sili.net/natural2005.php

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.
Well said JC!!

Also I had "scab hair" and/or possibly heat damage from trying to straighten my new growth to match the relaxed part duing my transition, so my true texture didnt start showing up to where I could see it until about a year after my BC. In fact that is one of the reasons why I BC'd early, the damage being done to my natural hair coming in.
Kudos to what others have shared.... My humble add-on is to give a heads-up about the mental and emotional aspect of transitioning.... It's quite a challenge, but you have support here at LCHF to get you through these moments....

I think transitioning out of relaxers is like losing weight... it's like I didn't gain the weight overnight, so I can't expect it to drop off overnight.... I relaxed for more than 20 years, so my mind is not going to just switch gears overnight...it's gonna take a minute...and when I see the some beautiful relaxed heads on this board, I'm like...sigh... but then I snap out of it :grin: and remind myself of my journey and my goals....

It's gonna be alright...whatever you decide.... Peace to you....
JCoily said:
I'll give you props for admitting outright, your reasons for transitioning. But my advice is: Don't go natural because you think you may have a winning ticket in the 'good hair' lotto.

If you can't face the thought of dealing with a non curly/coily hairtype, then don't waste your time, cuz you'll probably just go back to perming anyway. Going natural is a crapshoot and the odds aren't necessarily in favor of what you want as opposed to what you'll actually get.

As for curl pattern, I agree with the 4a=S and 4b=z theory. I think that most people consider crazycoil the epitome of type 4b hair. Here's a link http://www.crazycoil.sili.net/natural2005.php

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

First of all, thanks to all of the ladies for your advice. JCoily, I think your advice hit me hard. And thank you for that. I was thinking that I only want to be able to do the curly "good hair" like hairstyles. But what if that's just not what my hair is like?!?!?

You ladies are right, this is JUST as much a MENTAL thing as physical. I think I'll just go without a relaxer long enough to be able to see my hair texture. How does that sound?? But then again, there was someone that said their texture changed after about a year. So just using months of new growth to make a decision scares me to.

But all in all, my ACTUAL reason for even considering going natural was so that I could see what my REAL hair texture is like. So, that's what I'll do; I see. If I find that I don't have the mental capacity to deal with what I see, I'll go back to relaxers. At least then I'll know. And knowing is half the battle!!!!!

Thanks again ladies.
There's only way one to find out if you're feelin' your natural curl pattern... Go for it!
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