Difference Between Leave-Ins and Reg. Conditioners


New Member
Hi Ladies...I've been using a little Humecto at night, along with coconut oil to seal in the moisture, and I must say, it has really helped to curb breakage. But here's my question to the "experts" - what is the difference between a regular conditioner (like Keracare Humecto) and a leave-in conditioner (like Giovanni Direct)? Of course, one might say a leave-in is a conditioner you can "leave in" your hair, but based on my experience and many of yours, you can leave in regular conditioner as well and it still does the trick. Is there a difference, or is this simply a way to make us buy as many products as we can from different companies? Your thoughts...
There is no difference in my opinion. Just a marketing ploy.

Leave-ins tend to not have much thickeners in them making them easier to get on the hair and not be so heavy.

My best leave-in is Nexxus Humectress which is a regular conditioner.

As a matter of fact, I used a leave-in as a conditioner one time. Worked out fine
hmmm... this is a good question. For some reason, I prefer a real leave-in as my leave-in over a regular conditioner. But of course, do what works for you. :)
My leave-ins, Nexxus Headress and Biolage Leave-in Hair Tonic, are much more detangling than my regular conditioner, although it does detangle somewhat when I rinse it out.
Leave-in are lighter based conditioners that do not have to wash out it does not way hair down or make it sticky to touch. Leave-in only lay on the top of the hair they do not pentrate the hair.

Reg. Condtioners are heavier and designed to pentrate hair with heat or without depending up the brand. Heavier conditioners must be rinsed out because they will cause residue in the hair once it dries hair will look like it has dandruff within the hair. It usaually is very sticky. Some Reg. Conditoners are very light and you may get away with it. I say unless the directions on the bottle says use it that way I would rines it out throughly.
I use many of my conditioners as leave-ins. But my conditioners don't work well as a leave-in conditioner for my rollersets (except Mane n Tail Original Conditioner).