Difference bet. underprocessing and growth ???????


Well-Known Member
4 wks ago I relaxed my hair with Affirm Sensitive Scalp and my hair was not bone straight in some areas like on the sides of my hair there was a slight wave because I didnt bring enough relaxer to the salon. Anyway, since then I have been rinsing (no poo) about 3-4x a week and it seems everytime I rinse my hair i have more new growth. My mom is telling me that I am washing out my perm. Well this Sat. will make exactly 4wks. since I last relaxed and I have new growth everywhere!!! In some places I have about 1in&1/2. My boyfriend is telling me that my hair looks a little longer cause the same day I relaxed I got a DRASTIC cut. Also, I have been underprocessed by Motions b4 and my new growth still didnt come in this fast
. Any thoughts?
For me, when I underprocess my hair (which seems like every time I try to do it myself)it's very hard for me to tell if it's growth too. So, I normally deal with my hair, keep it conditioned and wait until my normal time to re-touch, which has normally been 10 to 12 weeks even though I would love to go longer. For me, I would rather wait and not overprocess my hair by trying to correct it.