Dieting May Be Affecting Hair Growth. Something I've Learned.


Well-Known Member
So sharing my personal experience on how dieting actually affected my hair growth .

About 4 years ago , I had hip length hair, how I got there? I can't tell you besides the fact that my hair was in a bun or curly flip up all the time.... Anywho I wanted a change in my life because I had color damage in my hair and I also wanted to lose weight . So I cut my hair SL and I also made a lifestyle eating change. After a year I lost 30 pounds and my hair grew to just touching MBL. Now, for me thats slow and one thing I absolutely know, is that I am NOT a slow grower . Might not be the best at retaining, but I have fast growing hair . Anywho , didnt really think much of it because my body looked good, I felt good and at least my hair was growing back.

Well, it's been 3 years and no HL hair. I also moved to Atlanta . Anywho November '16 I cut it back to SL , this time I actually measured my hair. It was 8" exact. I went off my healthy eating (theres food everywhere here and I wanted to try it all). Well, I still kept up with my fruits and veggies but I ate way more not so healthy choices of food as well . One month later my hair grew an inch , then two months later, two more inches. After four months I also gained 10 pounds. However , my hair grew to BSL . After 6 months I was MBL. My hair was growing and I was gaining .... I hit the scale and saw I gained 13 pounds and I instantly changed up my eating again . Went for the KETO diet where I only cut out carbs, fried foods and sweets . Did it for two months. Lost 10 pounds. I wasn't depriving myself at all though . Only ate only what I needed for my body to function and only when hungry. Anywho I kept the diet going and then I went to length check my hair end of August and my hair should have been 16" but it was only at 14.5". My growth had slowed down . I decided to really try and understand this so I went off my diet in October, plus the holidays were approaching so why not.... I ATE whenever the heck I felt like and whatever the heck looked good and I've been doing that since October and now I'm grazing W'hip Length. My hairs growth spurted like mad .

I want to go back to my dieting but I don't exactly know how to do that without stagnating my hair, I'm pretty sure I'll figure it out , but, I just thought I'd share this for anyone dieting or if anyone ran into the same problem .
Do you know by how much? And you might just need to increase a couple of things, like eating oatmeal, or peanut butter, adding a little more lean meat.

On the keto diet I took in probably less than 1000 calories daily.... So yeah a really big deficit . However, that's only temporary until my body gets use to it and then I up the calories . But , I'd still leave carbs completely alone. I will try the oatmeal in the mornings , spoon some peanut butter throughout the day and lean meat for dinner and I also started a new thing where I do a 16oz cup smoothie of veggies and fruits which fills me up quickly. And somewhere I'm adding carbs in more because I do believe that cancelling out the carbs may have had a big impact on my hair growth.
I read that hair cells need energy to grow. 4 hours after eating carbs hair cell growth slow down or stop growing.
Many people who cut carbs eventually have excessive hair shedding.

This is the conclusion I've come up with. So I've come up with a plan to add carbs to my diet, not sure the limit yet but I'll start with only a small amount and next month see if my weight changes and see how my hair does.
This is the conclusion I've come up with. So I've come up with a plan to add carbs to my diet, not sure the limit yet but I'll start with only a small amount and next month see if my weight changes and see how my hair does.

As long as you eat you carbs during the early portion of you day you will be fine. Once you start adding carbs to your last meal of the day, it's over. I have learned the hard way and I'm currently recovering from it.
As long as you eat you carbs during the early portion of you day you will be fine. Once you start adding carbs to your last meal of the day, it's over. I have learned the hard way and I'm currently recovering from it.

Thanks a million for that. Cause I'm the door knob who will think about it at night then go make a peanut butter jelly sandwich and internally make the excuse "it's for my hair" then be completely mad at myself the next day. Lol.
I think its because you get more of the B complex vitamins when you eat more carbs. Most carb-filled foods are the ones that contain the B complex vitamins since fortified flour is a b vitamin powerhouse and the source of most b complex vitamins for Americans. And flour is in those foods like pastas, breads, cake, cookies, etc that you may be eating more of when you don't eat on a diet. I'm taking a B complex vitamin right now and my hair has never grown so fast. Biotin didn't do anything for me but its the ones like Folate, B-12 and the others that are causing more growth oddly. Maybe b complex vitamins affect your body chemistry the same way (by helping your hair grow, like it does mine) so perhaps it would help if you took a b complex vitamin if you still want to diet but want your hair to grow.
I think its because you get more of the B complex vitamins when you eat more carbs. Most carb-filled foods are the ones that contain the B complex vitamins since fortified flour is a b vitamin powerhouse and the source of most b complex vitamins for Americans. And flour is in those foods like pastas, breads, cake, cookies, etc that you may be eating more of when you don't eat on a diet. I'm taking a B complex vitamin right now and my hair has never grown so fast. Biotin didn't do anything for me but its the ones like Folate, B-12 and the others that are causing more growth oddly. Maybe b complex vitamins affect your body chemistry the same way (by helping your hair grow, like it does mine) so perhaps it would help if you took a b complex vitamin if you still want to diet but want your hair to grow.

Good deal. Will look into that.
I think its because you get more of the B complex vitamins when you eat more carbs. Most carb-filled foods are the ones that contain the B complex vitamins since fortified flour is a b vitamin powerhouse and the source of most b complex vitamins for Americans. And flour is in those foods like pastas, breads, cake, cookies, etc that you may be eating more of when you don't eat on a diet. I'm taking a B complex vitamin right now and my hair has never grown so fast. Biotin didn't do anything for me but its the ones like Folate, B-12 and the others that are causing more growth oddly. Maybe b complex vitamins affect your body chemistry the same way (by helping your hair grow, like it does mine) so perhaps it would help if you took a b complex vitamin if you still want to diet but want your hair to grow.

I am trying to grow out my TWA. The iron I take has B - complex vitamins as well. I am also taking prenatal vitamin (I am pregnant). I hope hair will go shooting from my scalp. I know postpartum shedding is in my future so hopefully this will help.
I’ve been vegan for 2.5 years, my b-12 level is 979 and I’ve yet to have issues with my hair.

@LostInAdream, I know everyone isn’t the same, but I heard it’s common for people that are vegan to shed and loss a lot of hair. I know every person body function is different from another people.
I used to be vegan for a short period of time, but it wasn’t for me. I did experience a lot of shedding.
When you cut out carbs, fried foods and sweets, you also cut out something that is very important for your hair and skin - fats/fatty acids!

Most people cringe at even the term, but fats are very good for you. Saturated fats, on the other hand, or not. Salmon, avocados, walnuts off the top of my head are full of healthy fats that are good for your body. If you cook your own meals, don't be afraid to use olive oil (not butter or vegetable oil).

If that's too difficult, even try going for an omega or fish oil supplement for convenience. :)
when i was vegetarian my hair growth stalled dramatically. i didn't eat junk but my diet wasn't exactly healthy either. i didn't notice any change in nail growth.