Did you think you were high porosity only to find out your were low porosity?


Well-Known Member
Been doing a lot of pondering on this and I'm starting to wonder. I've always thought I was high porosity but now I'm questioning this. I am 4a relaxed thin haired woman and have had issues with dry hair on and off. I did the hair in the glass water test and my hair went straight to the bottom so I was like.......okay, I'm high. But as I've been pondering this weekend about the whole thing here is what makes me question whether I'm high po:

~Dry hair that doesn't absorb conditioners unless I put some serious heat to it. :ohwell:

~With no heat, conditioners just sit on top of my head. :nono:

~My hair is relaxer resistant. To acheive the straightness, I have to use a flat iron. I've used Design Essentials and Mizani Butter Blends Medium. Currently use Mizani BB. :needhug:

~My hair has always absorbed conditioners better after relaxing. Could it be the alkaline levels in relaxers cause my cuticles to open and absorb conditioners like it should? :rocker:

~And lastly, again my hair just loves heat for some odd reason. It behaves with heat. Funny thing is of all the years of going to African American salons and now doing Dominican salons, my hair seems healthier despite all that heat. :gorgeous:

Now here is another reason why I am confused:

I use Roux Porosity control and it works but I thought it was for high po? Maybe it balances things out?? :seesaw:

My hair does well with protein which from my understanding, low po hair doesn't like protein. :drunk:

And then of course, I am relaxed. I thought relaxed hair is generally high po anyway? :ohsnap:

I have read where some people can fall in between so maybe I am one of them??? :hair:

Any sistas out there can relate? :pray:
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I believe that I may have low porosity as well. I did a strand test (in water) and my hair never sank; even after 3 days.

I have extremely coarse, wiry hair that is prone to extreme dryness. Yet, my hair does well with protein.

I have yet to perfect my moisture regime and am looking for suggestions as well.

Good thread!
I'm low porosity and we do not have the same issues. My hair can't take a lot of heat, liquid products such as conditioners absorb easily but thicker ones sit on my hair, and I can't take a lot of protein. You sound high porosity to me.
So I just washed my hair, chelated and everything, took a few shedded hairs and put them in a glass of water and as I type this, they are still floating on top of the water. 15 minutes have elapsed since I put them in. Weird.......but why did they sink the other time????? This is confusing??
I have low porosity. A brief overview of my hair: It doesn't like excessive exposure to protein. I have to feed it mild protein a little here and there. I can air dry but my hair prefers heat styled. I roller set to accommodate this need. Without heat, my conditioners don't work as good. Steaming works best for my hair. Roux PC was not for me. It closed the cuticles further making it even harder to achieve product absorption.
I have low porosity. A brief overview of my hair: It doesn't like excessive exposure to protein. I have to feed it mild protein a little here and there. I can air dry but my hair prefers heat styled. I roller set to accommodate this need. Without heat, my conditioners don't work as good. Steaming works best for my hair. Roux PC was not for me. It closed the cuticles further making it even harder to achieve product absorption.

Glad you brought up airdrying. My hair hates it and can you believe I've been trying to make it work forever. Maybe I need to stop. I ordered a hair steamer so maybe this will change things.
Hair is still floating on top of the water. I'm convinced, I had it wrong all this time. My God.......my poor hair!
I actually think a lot of high or normal porosity people consider themselves low porosity. If you read tips on low porosity, you'll notice a lot of conflicting tips. I think people either do not know their porosity or porosity has less of an impact than we think or the variations in texture and elasticity will have an effect on how we deal with porosity issues.
Glad you brought up airdrying. My hair hates it and can you believe I've been trying to make it work forever. Maybe I need to stop. I ordered a hair steamer so maybe this will change things.
Brighteyes35, I can air dry with decent results now although heat styling is better for my hair. I use to struggle with air drying but applying LIs on sopping wet hair has had a positive impact. It ensures moisture is sealed into my strands. My hair air dries hard and crispy if I ring the water out in the slightest bit before apply LIs. Earlier I forgot to mention that my hair is slow to absorb water when shampooing.
I actually think a lot of high or normal porosity people consider themselves low porosity. If you read tips on low porosity, you'll notice a lot of conflicting tips. I think people either do not know their porosity or porosity has less of an impact than we think or the variations in texture and elasticity will have an effect on how we deal with porosity issues.

I agree that a lot of people are confused about their porosity and there's a lot of conflicting info. I just gave in and did a hair analysis. Now it all seems to make since. I do think porosity is real important but I think texture and elasticity are too. Sometimes I think the protein confusion the OP mentioned isn't about porosity but more about texture. I know my hair doesn't do well with a lot of protein.
Glad you brought up airdrying. My hair hates it and can you believe I've been trying to make it work forever. Maybe I need to stop. I ordered a hair steamer so maybe this will change things.

i can't seem to airdry with my hair down. i can airdry if it is molded or set on rollers. i am looking into buying a steamer soon as well.
i think i just figured this out too! i'm still trying to figure out what direction to go in, so i'll keep an eye on this thread.
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Been doing a lot of pondering on this and I'm starting to wonder. I've always thought I was high porosity but now I'm questioning this. I am 4a relaxed thin haired woman Do you mean fine haired or low density (hairs per sq. in.)?and have had issues with dry hair on and off. I did the hair in the glass water test and my hair went straight to the bottom so I was like.......okay, I'm high. But as I've been pondering this weekend about the whole thing here is what makes me question whether I'm high po:

~Dry hair that doesn't absorb conditioners unless I put some serious heat to it. :ohwell: It could be the conditioners that you use. What are you using?

~With no heat, conditioners just sit on top of my head. :nono:

~My hair is relaxer resistant. Are you self relaxing or going to a salon? This could be due to improper application.To acheive the straightness, I have to use a flat iron. I've used Design Essentials and Mizani Butter Blends Medium. Currently use Mizani BB. :needhug:

~My hair has always absorbed conditioners better after relaxing. Could it be the alkaline levels in relaxers cause my cuticles to open and absorb conditioners like it should? :rocker:Yes. This is normal. After a relaxer is the best time to deep condition because the cuticle has been lifted.

~And lastly, again my hair just loves heat for some odd reason. It behaves What does this mean?with heat. Funny thing is of all the years of going to African American salons and now doing Dominican salons, my hair seems Your hair could be heat damagedhealthier despite all that heat. :gorgeous:

Now here is another reason why I am confused:

I use Roux Porosity control and it works but I thought it was for high po? Maybe it balances things out?? :seesaw:

My hair does well with protein which from my understanding, low po hair doesn't like protein. :drunk:Low porous hair doesn't need protein. Low porous hair is healthy and the cuticle has not been disturbed. It needs moisture

And then of course, I am relaxed. I thought relaxed hair is generally high po anyway? :ohsnap:Not necessarily

I have read where some people can fall in between so maybe I am one of them??? :hair:Yes. It's called avg. porosity.

Any sistas out there can relate? :pray:

Been doing a lot of pondering on this and I'm starting to wonder. I've always thought I was high porosity but now I'm questioning this. I am 4a relaxed thin haired woman Do you mean fine haired or low density (hairs per sq. in.)?and have had issues with dry hair on and off. I did the hair in the glass water test and my hair went straight to the bottom so I was like.......okay, I'm high. But as I've been pondering this weekend about the whole thing here is what makes me question whether I'm high po: Yep, low density it is.

~Dry hair that doesn't absorb conditioners unless I put some serious heat to it. :ohwell: It could be the conditioners that you use. What are you using? I've used both water based and oil based and still the same results~~just sits on my hair. Currently using Phytojoba

~With no heat, conditioners just sit on top of my head. :nono:

~My hair is relaxer resistant. Are you self relaxing or going to a salon? This could be due to improper application.To acheive the straightness, I have to use a flat iron. I've used Design Essentials and Mizani Butter Blends Medium. Currently use Mizani BB. :needhug: I've done both. Professional and self relaxing with the same results. In fact, I can get it a little straighter than stylists.

~My hair has always absorbed conditioners better after relaxing. Could it be the alkaline levels in relaxers cause my cuticles to open and absorb conditioners like it should? :rocker:Yes. This is normal. After a relaxer is the best time to deep condition because the cuticle has been lifted. Cool!

~And lastly, again my hair just loves heat for some odd reason. It behaves What does this mean?with heat. Funny thing is of all the years of going to African American salons and now doing Dominican salons, my hair seems Your hair could be heat damagedhealthier despite all that heat. :gorgeous:
Behaves as in soaks up conditioner like it should and feels nice and moisturized like nothing else. I've had heat damage before so I'm pretty familiar with how it is and so far, not experiencing any heat damage symptoms.
Now here is another reason why I am confused:

I use Roux Porosity control and it works but I thought it was for high po? Maybe it balances things out?? :seesaw:

My hair does well with protein which from my understanding, low po hair doesn't like protein. :drunk:Low porous hair doesn't need protein. Low porous hair is healthy and the cuticle has not been disturbed. It needs moisture
Generally it is healthy, however if it's dry it's not healthy. Low po hair can take protein just not too regular and not too intense. No Aphogee for low po and no Nexxus Emergencee. I use a protein based conditioner once per month and I let my Dominican stylist put it in. It's a light protein treatment. I tried Aphogee......a hot mess! My hair ended up parched and breakage was EVERYWHERE! Definitely not for me.

And then of course, I am relaxed. I thought relaxed hair is generally high po anyway? :ohsnap:Not necessarily
Interesting, given all the literatire out there that claims relaxed hair is always high po.

I have read where some people can fall in between so maybe I am one of them??? :hair:Yes. It's called avg. porosity. Cool! Thanks for the informative post!

Any sistas out there can relate? :pray:
I just ordered a hair analysis so I can really see what's the real deal. Will be interesting to see what my results are. I will keep everyone posted. This is gonna be the longest 4 weeks of my life!!! Yeah, it takes 4 weeks to get the results.
Brighteyes35: I hope it helps. I hear you on the waiting. I went forever guessing & as soon as I mailed my sample I felt like I couldn't wait another moment to know for sure.

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can relaxed heads do a sample, or is it only for naturals? what if i send in a sample with lots of new growth, and cut the relaxed part off before i send it in?
can relaxed heads do a sample, or is it only for naturals? what if i send in a sample with lots of new growth, and cut the relaxed part off before i send it in?

@me-T: Hmmm...I never really thought of that. I think I just assumed it wouldn't matter if the hair was relaxed or natural, but since its a site driven towards curly hair, I don't know. This is the email address on the website: infoLiVecurlylivefree.com. Maybe you can ask if it makes a difference.
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Got my hair analysis:

Hair: Course to medium

Porosity: Normal to low

Elasticity: Low..........:sad: Gotta work in fixing this.

Hair is also relaxer damaged in some areas..........:nono:. Looks like stretching will be part of my regimen from now on.
Got my hair analysis:

Hair: Course to medium

Porosity: Normal to low

Elasticity: Low..........:sad: Gotta work in fixing this.

Hair is also relaxer damaged in some areas..........:nono:. Looks like stretching will be part of my regimen from now on.

Brighteyes35: Wow...so it actually told you there was relaxer damage? I didn't know it would be that specific.

Yeah she sure did tell me that. I was actually pretty shocked. I'm assuming it's from the overlapping so I gotta really stretch or give a second thought to going natural.
I'm glad I found this thread. I'm transitioning and am 13 months post now. When I wash my hair, my relaxed ends hold water and stay wet while my natural roots will dry really fast. My ends will be dripping wet and the roots will be dang near dry. The natural roots also don't absorb product as well as the relaxed. Water tends to bead on the natural parts while the ends are nicely saturated.

What should I do? Any suggestions? Are my natrual roots high porosity and the ends are low? Or is it reversed? What can I do to make them more similar? I asked this question in another thread but I didn't subscribe and now I don't know which thread it was to go back to respond.
I'm glad I found this thread. I'm transitioning and am 13 months post now. When I wash my hair, my relaxed ends hold water and stay wet while my natural roots will dry really fast. My ends will be dripping wet and the roots will be dang near dry. The natural roots also don't absorb product as well as the relaxed. Water tends to bead on the natural parts while the ends are nicely saturated.

What should I do? Any suggestions? Are my natrual roots high porosity and the ends are low? Or is it reversed? What can I do to make them more similar? I asked this question in another thread but I didn't subscribe and now I don't know which thread it was to go back to respond.


My issue is the exact reverse. I would do the water in a glass test if I were you. Fill up a glass of water. Make sure your hair has been clarified. Take a strand or strands of hair. Cut where you think the relaxer is ended and drop your relaxed hair and natural hair in in the water.

Hair floating in the middle-normal porosity
Sink to the bottom-high porosity
Float on top-low porosity.

If you are still confused, I would get a hair analysis done. The reason I say this is because you will get all kinds of advice on hair products and then go spend hundreds of dollars and come out with worse hair. It's an uphill battle!