Did you have any setbacks when you first self-relaxed?


Well-Known Member
I may self-relax in mid May. I have heard mixed reviews about it. I am just so tired of stylists overlapping relaxers! After my last relaxer, I vowed to learn how to self-relax. Please post suggestions here!
Well, I might be giving the unpopular answer but self relaxing isn't for everyone. For every person that has had success with it, there is someone that isn't; even if they don't know it yet. Supergirl had said before that a bad trip to a stylist or yourself can cause you problems and it can. I think alot of people get fustrated and want to do it themselves and that is great, that is why I learned how to do it too, but just how there are stylists that are not great, there are people that are not going to be great at it too. I know we care about our hair and want it to flourish so sometimes we think that we can automatically provide better care for it since it is "ours" but that isn't always true. I think sometimes out of fear of being discouraged here, people keep self-relaxing even when they shouldn't.

With that being said, make sure you are prepared. Start practicing now with conditioner and a brush. Go ahead and time yourself and work on your technique so you know were your weak spots are. Protect your previously relaxed hair with conditioner, oil or another protectant product. Make sure you have some clips you can use to clip off sections of your hair which might make it easier for you to have a neater application.
I made soooo many mistakes (nothing like burns or anything though, i just didn't protect my relaxed hair or scalp well)...but it was also before I discovered LHCF. Luckily I only did 2 self relaxers before I found the site. My most recent relaxer, post LHCF discovery was wonderful and I plan to continue doing it myself.
Well, in a way, yes. The front of my hair is much coarser than the back, and I kept underprocessing it.This caused some breakage when I would stretch before I would get a corrective, but I've gotten much better. What really helped me stay focused was the HORRIBLE jobs stylists did with my hair. People coming up and telling me "I have my certificate" are doing a worse job than me. They would not put enough relaxer on my hair and wouldn't base me. My scalp was burning up! I'm happy I've started doing my own relaxer but like someone said before me, it is not for everyone. If you look through my past posts I have a link to my first self relaxing experience
The only set backs I had was missing some spots and sometimes not putting the relaxer down far enough and under processing.
Well, in a way, yes. The front of my hair is much coarser than the back, and I kept underprocessing it.This caused some breakage when I would stretch before I would get a corrective, but I've gotten much better. What really helped me stay focused was the HORRIBLE jobs stylists did with my hair. People coming up and telling me "I have my certificate" are doing a worse job than me. They would not put enough relaxer on my hair and wouldn't base me. My scalp was burning up! I'm happy I've started doing my own relaxer but like someone said before me, it is not for everyone. If you look through my past posts I have a link to my first self relaxing experience

Hey! I haven't seen in of your posts in awhile. I'll definitely look up your past posts
Just did my first self relax last month after a 13week stretch. Underprocessed isn't the word for how it came out. I just call myself "texlaxed" now so thiat I dont feel so bad about it!

But I definately did protect my hair waay more than any stylist ever has thanx to this forum & sistaslick's article. Protein before & after, let poo sit, protected my ends w/ oi, etc. Debating on whether or not I'll try it again for my touchup in july...:perplexed