Did you ever think that you would achieve your hair goals?

Did you ever think that you would achieve your hair goals?

  • Yes, I always thought that I could do it.

    Votes: 34 48.6%
  • Honestly, no. I had many doubts.

    Votes: 36 51.4%

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New Member
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?
i don't have any goals per se but I've never really had doubts that my hair would grow out. There are just too many beautiful heads of hair on here :yep:
vtoodler said:
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

When I first started my hair journey I wanted to quit everyday. LOL. As long as I needed a relaxer, I knew my hair growing so I was determined to find ways to keep it on my head & retain what grew. It took me 10 months before I started seeing any retention. I was in and out of different products in the beginning to get a feel of what my hair liked and what my hair hated.

The biggest challenge was trying to stop the mini hair breakage all over the sink and clothing. That's when I became an expert at moisture/protein balance. My hair has never looked back. ;)
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

I like this thread!

Even though I'm nowhere near my ultimate goal, I never thought I couldn't grow my hair. I had really long hair when I was younger so I always felt that it was achievable.

Yes, ever since I bleached/dyed the hell out of my hair, I've felt like giving up. My stylist went overboard with the chemicals and in a span of about six weeks I went from past APL (which was a huge accomplishment for me, because my BC was shorter than neck length less than a year prior) to back to neck length, thanks to the cut she gave me immediately after the dye and the subsequent breakage. It didn't help that the guy I was dating at the time kept commenting on how I'd just wasted a year of my life because I "wasn't natural anymore" (for the record, I claimed, and still claim, naturalness. Just colored naturalness). I constantly thought about just cutting it back to the asymmetrical bob I used to wear, and just keep it straight. It didn't help that I actually LOVE that cut on me.

What has made me keep going is the amount of hair porn on this board, and others. I love big, natural hair. I'm in it to win it.

Biggest challenge: Staying with it despite the coloring incident. Another challenge was really learning to love my shrinkage. Funny thing is, I didn't love it until it was almost gone (from coloring damage)! Best lesson I learned is that I actually feel MORE beautiful when I'm COMPLETELY ME. Meaning no dye, full shrinkage, no fake nails, etc. etc. This journey has made me appreciate a lot more about myself than just my hair.
I always thought my hair was just bound to be stuck at shoulder length because i was told it was my "terminal" length. But then I started doing research about how to take care of my hair and after a while and wanting to give up I finally started seeing progress and retention. Since then I've made it waist length, trimmed (back to bsl) and made it to waist length again!

It gets hard and sometimes I don't take as good care of it as I should, but it's still in much better condition than it was before my healthy hair journey :grin:
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Yes. I always knew I could, even when I had a relaxer. I just knew it would never happen as quickly as I wanted it to. The funny thing is when I finally met my biggest goal (APL) I didn't even realize it! I didn't hit me how long my hair was until I was tagged in photos on facebook. :grin:

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

I had my first set back this past summer. My stylist made me think no matter what I do to my hair it wasn't working. I cut off all my hard work. Was at chin length... Hasn't been that short since 2008. I was beyond frustrated and I didn't understand what was goin on with my hair. But when I'd get fed up, I'd think about how texlaxing made a huge difference in my hair health and how long it got...A few inches from BSL-- the longest since middle school. So I figured I might as well go all out and go natural and go without a stylist.

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

My set back was the biggest challenge. What I learned is that I need to listen to my hair and not what a stylist or other people say I need to do. What I was doing was OBVIOUSLY working. I don't know why I quit doing what was working for me. My regimen was insanely simple and suited my lifestyle, I will never take someone else's advice instead of listening to my hair. Biggest mistake ever... but in retrospect, it led me to going natural. And allowed me to save a lot of money from not going to a beautician.

So overall I learned that I don't need to see a beautician on a regular basis, my hair thrives with a simple regi, and that with patience and not obsessing over length I will reach my goals.
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No, the longest my hair ever got was sl. But lingering on this board eventually changed my mind. I never thought I would get to apl or bsl but the plethora of info on this site has made such a huge difference for so many of us, I know I can make it to wl for sure. Thanks to all the ladies who have contributed with their progress pics over the years.
im currently being challened because it feels like my hair has been shoulder length forever. it streches to APL but somehow feels only SL. this has to be the hardest length to pass. i feel i have reached shoulder length in a year since big chop, and have stayed there ever since :(
I never ever ever ever ever ever ever thought I could grow healthy hair before LHCF. And long hair?? Of my own?? Growing out of my own scalp?? :lachen::lachen::lachen: #sad I know :(

Shoot, I was on LHCF a good 3/4 months before I *really* believed I could grow it past my neck, maybe to my shoulders.

And now, 20 months later, I'm scraping BSB :yep: . I just closed the door of doubt by focusing on all of the AMAZING progress stories on this board. I kept thinking, "If they can, I can too!"

I used to be the kind of person that used the word "can't" a lot. Not anymore...and I *never* would have thought something as inconsequential as hair would have had such a profound effect on how I see myself.
My hair was always SL or NL with extreme breakage so I can honestly say that I had doubt. my hair now is only APL but that's the longest ever. For me to have made it this far is all the motivation and determination I need to make it to greater lengths and the ladies of LHCF are so inspirational..
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

I knew I could have long hair because my hair was long as a child. I had my first relaxer at age 10 and in one year went from waist length to neck length. My hair was always shoulder length and full of split ends. I definitely was not satisfied with the length, especially since I knew its potential. Fast forward to 2006, I did a 4 month stretch and realized I retained absolutely no length. That was when I decided I was tired of thin, lifeless hair.

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

I definitely got lazy, but never gave up. From 1993 to 2006 I went to salons instead of doing my own hair. At the age of 35 I decided to empower myself and start taking better care of my hair. I kept going because my hair was always important to me.

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

I had a vision of what I wanted and I never doubted that I'd get there. One of the biggest challenges was not relying on salons, transitioning to natural and dealing with two textures, and ignoring the people that were trying to discourage me.

What I learned is that despite reaching my goal of waist length, I have a new problem = hair anorexia! LOL I swear my hair is "short"

Sent from my iPhone using LHCF
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Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Before LHCF no I didn't, most of the women in my family grow their hair in between SL and APL. I didn't think my hair could grow longer than that, until I saw my grandma's HL hair, it was gawegous with streaks of gray and white. I looked at her hair and I wanted hair like hers while I'm YOUNG.

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?

YUP!! I accepted that sometimes you have set backs, but I decided to use the setbacks as learning opportunities to take better care of my hair.

Like now, by my calculations I should be BSL, I'm currently APL. To me that's a setback, but I take time to "figure out my hair" and make improvements when necessary.

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

Retaining length has been my biggest challenge. I'm natural and my hair ends would quickly wrapped around other strands, etc in it's curly state. I tried to keep my hair in twistouts and I still have the same problem.

I learned that my hair retains more when it's sorta straight, moisturized and hidden.
Nope I never thought my hair would be this long. Sometimes I will just stare at it. My hair never got longer than shoulder length when relaxed and always broke off to ear length. It was a constant cycle of growth then breakage.

I went natural and my fine hair was finally able to retain length. I spent a long time at apl due to ssks and too much heat, (I'm pretty much heat trained). But I finally made it to bsl by protective styling with weaves. My next goal is to keep my hair this length and work on thickness. Which seems impossible as well but hey I made it this far.
Phoenixsky13 - you can do it girlie! No negative talk allowed in this thread :nono: :)

Try Megatek - I've regained sooooo much of my hair's thickness (from my childhood) in the 7/8 months since I've been using it. HTH!
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

I've always had hair that grows. I could grow it to BSL or MBL without a thought but then the split ends and dryness would make me cut to SL. I thought MBL was terminal for me ...until I found LHCF and realized that my hair grows just fine; retention was my problem. GAME CHANGER

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation? Yup! Have felt like giving up many times in less than a year. Like all goals, taking care of my hair takes time and effort. In the beginning I was 'focused' aka obsessed with finding the "perfect" reggie.

My motivation is twofold: the women on this forum with healthy gorgeous hair who believe for all of us. Two, none of the women in my generation (or younger) on either side of my family have extremely long hair. My father's mother had classic length hair and everyone who knew her always talks about her sitting on her hair. I'm out to prove my cousins (2nd cousins, etc) that we can grow hair just as long!

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

I've learned discipline and (some) patience. I know my hair is growing because of the gray roots I keep dyeing!
Looking back, did you ever think that you could either grow long hair, or get your hair to the point where you were satisfied with its length/health?

Yes, I always had healthy, thick long hair but I never let it grow pass BSL. I thought it would be too much for me to handle and I was too cheap to pay stylist more money for the extra length. My goal is WL and I've never been that length before. I know I'm going to make it and only have 3.5" to go

Were there points in your hair care journey when you felt like giving up, and what made you keep going despite any lapses in motivation?
Yes, I was natural at the time and my hair was overwhelming to the point I only wig it. However, I decided to texlax and that is what changed things around

What are some of the biggest challenges that you faced during your hair journey, and what were some of the best lessons that you learned about your hair and yourself?

I had an 1" set back in July due to Nexxus Promend. My ends stuck together and when I tried to detangle them I lost an inch. I felt like I was at APL forever. I also had shedding issues. I've learned to watch what I put in my hair. Also, molasses, black tea, and SM purification masque are my best friends. Oh, garlic doesn't work for me to stop shedding and makes me smell funny. :lol:
Yes and no.......I did think that I could achieve my hair goal but I didn't know what to do to achieve them. I thought it was a secret product that I didn't know of..
My hair is growing/retaining faster than I thought. I have a natural hair goal and I can't quite picture myself hitting it, but at the same time I can if that makes sense. We will see when I get there.
I think I'm the opposite.
I did when I first started. . .
But now, i'm kinda faltering. The ssks are getting to me. . . . . . theres got to be hundreds in my hair. . . or thats how it seems.

I know I'll get there eventually. But I'm having more doubts the closer I get.
Weird, huh?
NaturalBeauty<3 said:
I think I'm the opposite.
I did when I first started. . .
But now, i'm kinda faltering. The ssks are getting to me. . . . . . theres got to be hundreds in my hair. . . or thats how it seems.

I know I'll get there eventually. But I'm having more doubts the closer I get.
Weird, huh?

I know exactly what you are saying. But I know that my hair is growing so it leads me to believe that I will reach my ultimate goal someday. Soon I hope.
I was very discouraged last February when I cut my hair for the second time back to chin length. I am currently past SL and getting back in the game. I am back to using Megatek on my slow growing, thin nape and I feel really good about my progress. I have even come up with a regimen to help a coworker with her thinning crown. My goal is healthy BSL my the end of 2012.
After joining LHCF I felt fairly certain that I could eventually make it to BSL. That was my ultimate goal. But I never imagined I'd surpass it. I have had my setbacks (due to scissor happy stylists), but bounced back from them.

At this point I'm not sure how long my hair will get. I've not straightened it in awhile, so I'm not 100% on what my length is now. But I think I'll try straightening my hair in a week or two, since I prefer to do it when the weather's cold (so there's less chance of reversion from sweating).
I don't think I ever doubted that my hair could grow past MBL, it just never occurred to me to even want my hair that long. If it hadn't been for LHCF I'd probably just be maintaining around BSL. Hip length was definitely not on my radar.