Did Ya'll Know About This? : ' Benny Harlem Exposed '

He's a piece of work but scammers gonna scam. Where's the old lady shaking her head gif? Not even for him, but for all the undiscerning and desperate folks who believed this family of fake fros and ran to buy this stuff. Do people need classes on...heeeey, I'm spotting a money-making moment here.
What! His hair isn't real? What about the daughter's hair? *goes to watch*

Edit: I watched in disappointment.
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Daughter’s hair does look real. He has very creepy vibes. And as for that thing on his head:eek:
I wouldn't be surprised it's real. I also don't think he is doing anything special to it. She could be someone who is able to retain much easier or grow at slightly faster than normal rates. He could put that Trader Joe's honey that he used as an ingredient in his $500 hair concoctions or whatever he was accused of using or he could use Carol's daughters and common sense methods and her hair would still grow. Lol

Mine on the other hand be like....if you're lucky you can keep 1inch of the growth you got this year.
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Ooooo thank you!

Seems like standard healthy hair practises. Reminds me that I need to go back to moisturising and sealing daily and leave my comb on the shelf

The moisturising 3 times a day though..... o_O... Seems a bit much


@intellectualuva plugged part if the regimen :clap:~ thank you ~

Interesting. I think once a day should be enough. If I did it once a day, I'd have to rebraid nightly though. I've been wondering if moisture beats low manipulation.
Hair looks real enough and I guess if they reach the World Record we will know for sure. All I see is all that parting and no scalp whatsoever. Unless I missed it. The only place I see scalp is the part.
Interesting. I think once a day should be enough. If I did it once a day, I'd have to rebraid nightly though. I've been wondering if moisture beats low manipulation.

Me too. I also know detangling is much easier and I find almost no SSKs when I moisturize much more regularly like every other day. I just always wonder if I'm touching my hair too much when I do.