Did that Surge grease ever come out????


New Member
I remember some one mentioning that Surge would be coming out with a hairdress, like a grease with no mineral oil in it, or something to that effect. This was a while ago, and I was just wondering did it ever hit the shelves. :sekret:

ETA: I just looked on the Surge website and the product is called Ultra Max. Has anyone tried it?
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Yes, I purchased Ultra Max a couple of months ago and use it every two days. It is light blue and creamy but goes on very light and does not weigh the hair down. Smells like bubble gum. YUM!
How is it working for you, and where did you get it from? :)

Also, is it water based? Sorry for so many questions.
I am currently using this. Makes my hair look nice, can't say that it has affected growth.
hey carrie :wave:

Since chellee logged off can you tell me if this product has any water in it, and where you got yours from?
I have the Ultra Max and the Moisture Aid I did not really like these products I prefer the Surge Spray these products have been pushed to the back of my cabinet.
I use ultra max and I LOVE it!!! It's become one of my staples :grin:
PittGirl06 said:
whats the ultramax for exactly? is it for hold?

It promotes hair growth like the spray (surge 14) only its in a creme version instead of spray.

I think I will order this one. I cannot use the spray anymore. My hair is just way to dry. I may use it 4 weeks prior to relaxer. I will try the ULtra Max. I was waiting for feedback.
I use Ultra Max for a deep penetrating conditioner but it has changed the texture of my hair. My baby fine hair now is a bit coarse. It has made my hair look fuller but I can't figure out why it changed the texture.
For the ladies who use this product, does it contain petroleum/petrolatum, mineral oil or silicones? TIA!!!
I use the Ultra Max probably for about two months now and purchased Moisture Aide over the weekend. Ultra Max is a hair and scalp hairdress without wax or petroleum and it has Aloe and Vitamin E, I guess they are supposed to calm itchy scalp. It's more of a creme then a grease.
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I recently purchased the Ultra Max and Moisture Aide. I use the moisture aide on the length on my braids, to protect my hair after shampoo. And use the Ultra Max on my hairline for smoothing since I am using 14 still. It's still early to attribute growth to the ultra max, however I have seen little black hairs come in more along my hairline this last week. I do love the moisture aide and will continue to use it.

Hope this helps,

I really want to *try* this Ultra Max. Although I'm not a big fan of grease, me being the product junkie that I am, I feel that I should have tried this by now, but all the BSS I've ever been in don't carry it. They only have the Spray, Moisture Aid and MAYBE the oil. :-\