Did other people's faith in God for the "Impossible" rub off on you


Well-Known Member
I was blessed to have come in contact with people who has Great faith for things that appeared impossible. I'll admit that some things were laughable but God moved on their behalf because of their faith in Him.

I'll never forget my two friends who always said I'm believing in God for X, Y, AND Z. And long and behold they had a testimony!

Several years ago I was complaining to my friend about my previous job, how I felt stuck because I've made the wrong move. I've been on the job for less than 4 months and figured it was too soon to jump ships and as a result nobody would hire me. Well, my friend said...girl, you don't know the Miraculous?....And when she said that my spirit leaped. I held onto that statement and believed that God would suddenly deliver and find me a new and better job. And He did!!!!

I have other stories where God moved on my behalf because of my belief in Him. But the main point I wanted to make is that I came into contact with people that believed and have strong faith in God. And because of their walk and faith in God allowed me to go to the next level. When I look back over my life there was no way I would have done or received some things on my own. It was definitely faith and the move of God.

So do you know people that have Great faith? Did their faith in God for things the seemed impossible rub off on you?
That is why I need some new friends...my will talk themselves and you out of a blessing.

I have a Rule....I can't be smarter, advanced, or more spiritually than everyone in my circle. I have to surround myself with people that I can learn from so that I will be able to go much further in life.

My prayer life includes divine connections and friendships...:)
You have a great testimony, PinkPebbels... it's amusing you put this post up, because our pastor touched on this today. He stressed that we can't be around people we are too comfortable with and who don't challenge us. We should always be around folks who will challenge us all the time. ITA with this!

So to answer your questions, yes, I know folks like that and they have rubbed off of me... one is my mom :yep:

So do you know people that have Great faith? Did their faith in God for things the seemed impossible rub off on you?
I have a Rule....I can't be smarter, advanced, or more spiritually than everyone in my circle. I have to surround myself with people that I can learn from so that I will be able to go much further in life.

My prayer life includes divine connections and friendships...:)[/QUOTE]

Thanks this is what I have been praying for lately. I know He'll answer he always does I just have to keep myself open and not let past experiences ruin my outlook.
This is a wonderful thread.

I have a friend who is so fearless it seems. She is not boastful or anything but just believes God will deliver her to the right place.

I have been thinking about her a lot lately because I've had this feeling like God is moving something BIG for me and my family. I am not sure what just yet... but it grows more and more everyday and I pray that I will see it when the time is right.