Did Not Like my Maxiglide Results


Active Member
I was so excited to get my Maxiglide but when I used it I did not get the amazing results that everyone has talked about here. Before I got my Maxiglide, I was just using some flat iron that I paid too much for from one of those mall stands and was getting decent results. The Maxiglide got my hair fairly straight but it looked frizzy and big, kind of like a mini Cousin It.

Here's What I did:
1. Rollerset
2. Used steam on the ends
3. Flat Ironed from root to end, I did feel like the pins were snagging my hair.

I used this CHI spray as a heat protectant which I don't normally use but I ran out of my other serum.

I did not take pics because I immediately bunned it. I tried it on DD's hair and got the same result, somewhat straight, but definitely not as straight as my cheapie flat iron and I had a hard time straightening the roots. Could there be something I'm doing wrong or could it be that my hair just doesn't like it? I'm in debate as to whether to return it or try again. Thoughts? Tips?

BTW- My hair is natural and I don't know the type but I think 3c/4a maybe.
I would try it again. I tried to use my Maxiglide and I gave up after 5 minutes. It's just way to bulky for me and I have the smaller one.

I'm not very good at flat ironing so I'll have someone else use it on me to see how I like it before giving it up.
I thought of that too but I'm not sure who I would get to do it. The pins are really weird to me. The whole time I felt like I was either putting too much or not enough pressure on the iron. It was nowhere near as easy as they made it look in the video!
We are the same hair type and i am natural as well and i used the maxiglide and got great results. The problem may be moisture. Did you DC before you did it? N BTW there is another plate in that box that is interchangable with the one with the combs thats just a flat plate . I didn't like the combs either.

Here are my results>http://www.longhaircareforum.com/showthread.php?t=448738&highlight=

My problem was moisture as well and i used too much sabino.. lol that's why it looks greasy. But i fixed it with a bantu knot out and i LOVED that style.
Your bantu knot out looks great! I did one for today and it looks much better. I didn't try the flat plate so I will give that a try before throwing in the towel.
Im textlaxed and the steam/pins dont work for my hair. I just use it with the flat plates on setting 5 with great results.