Did my post erase?


New Member
Last night I was having trouble posting how I updated my album. Well, I check this morning and my post is gone!:mad: So I'm letting everyone know again that I have new relaxer and bun pics.
I just wanted to say how aspiring your album was when I looked through it. My hair is the lenghth yours was in the beginning. So, you truly give me inspiration. I really just want healthy, thick, manageable hair if length comes with it, that will be a bonus.:)
Liz25_Ga said:
Your hair looks great! How do you make your buns?

I used Sistaslick's famous sock bun method. @ Sistaslick, you've created a monster! :lachen:

Basically take a clean, non-cotton sock and fold it over itself many times. It's kind of like rolling a sleeve. You can make it as thick or as thin as you like depending on your hair length.
Lshona said:
I just wanted to say how aspiring your album was when I looked through it. My hair is the lenghth yours was in the beginning. So, you truly give me inspiration. I really just want healthy, thick, manageable hair if length comes with it, that will be a bonus.:)

Thank you so much! I'm glad I can be an inspiration to you because there were many ladies who were an inspiration to me when I first joined. I just ask that you do the same for other newbies when they come along.:kiss: :up: