Did I Really Give that Away?


Well-Known Member
Okay, ladies it's Friday let's have some fun.....:grin:

So my nephew came to me experiencing some scalp flakiness/issues, auntie he said what should I do? I told him about washing his hair and using conditioner. Then I said (drumroll....) "I think I have something that can help." I give him a bag with MHC Sophia's Old Fashioned Hair Grease, HV's Almond Glaze, and QB's Amla and Olive Heavy Cream. I say to him, try these out see what you like and give me the rest back. Well you know which one he liked. Yeah, the freakin' Amla and Olive Heavy Cream and it actually did wonders for his little scalp. :wallbash: So I'm sitting here saying, "did I really GIVE that away." No less to a boy with not even enough hair to call a TWA. Hhhhhhmmm. I was thinking I don't even know if I love him that much.

So girls, what have you given away that you stared thinking later "did I really do that?" Please share.

...oh yeah, and he has yet to return the Sophia's or the Almond Glaze either. I think I've been hit. Teenagers!
My short lace front wig to my nephew's gf
Curling iron i loved(always gave me the right style) to my mother
Nixion products to my SIL
Wild hair oil to my SIL
All the beads and barets i collected over the years for my dd (hadn't used them im a while but you never knew at the time i have given them to her)
My short lace front wig to my nephew's gf
Curling iron i loved(always gave me the right style) to my mother
Nixion products to my SIL
Wild hair oil to my SIL
All the beads and barets i collected over the years for my dd (hadn't used them im a while but you never knew at the time i have given them to her)

Oh wow, the wig to the nephew's girlfriend, now you might have me beat lol lol. That was really kind.
I keep plastic bags in my product closet because I already know that my mother and sister will go "shopping" in there every chance they get.

I have NO curling irons left. None.

My Redken products got snatched. Nexxus shampoos, what else? Porosity Control, LeKair cholesterol jars I was saving as backups.

It's constant. I've given up. LOL!

(Now if I were actually upset, they wouldn't take anything, I'm mostly cool with it since I have a ridiculous amount of products and tools.)
At the time she was in tears over her hair, stress was causing it to shed and she didn't want to cut it. Everytime i see she she has it on, so i guess i did do a good thing
Oh wow, the wig to the nephew's girlfriend, now you might have me beat lol lol. That was really kind.
What cute stories....but mine had a happy ending....sort of.

My great-niece came to help my mother during her recovery from a brief illness this summer. She was constantly complaining about her hair (she's 14) and I gave her hairveda's CoCasta Shikaki Oil, Shescentit's seyani butter, Olive and Orange nourishing conditioner and the Cococreme leave-in conditioner. She used it may twice or three times and left it under the bathroom sink. When she went back home, I discovered it when I went to wash my Mom's hair. I scooped it all up and took it back home.

What a ditz! She didn't discover, like your nephew, how good those products were. Her loss.....LOL!
Someone at my job asked what she could use for her hair. I gave her suggestions and actually told her she could try my Kinky Curly and Knot Today to see if she liked it. Well, I started wondering where they were after a couple weeks and she would always work from home so I would never see her. When I finally get a hold of her to ask about my products she says she THOUGHT I said she could have them. I was heated but she bought me a new jar and bottle of Kinky Curly.

Lesson learned though. I don't let folks borrow or have my products. Shoot just like I had to try and see what worked for me, so should they. I will only give suggestions.
Most of my friends don't know about my hair obession but sometimes I cringe when I see them using crap on their hair.

I do give products to my sister and niece but its all good becaue I buy multiple bottles (yes, I'm a recovering product junkie) at one time - even of the expensive stuff.
My 53 oz of Crece Pelo deep conditioning treatment ..
But AS SOON as I got back from DR and realized that my cousin BARELY touched it I took it right on back lol..

I'm currently looking to replace it because it is allllll gooone.
well i think the amla and heavy cream catches men attention because its heavy like grease. my dad loves that stuff too.
anyway i never gave anything away like that. well i did give my brother some bee mine sulfur serum because he is balding.