Did getting a retouch stop my breakage?


Well-Known Member
One week ago I went to get a retouch. I was nervous because I had been experiencing some breakage. When she applied the relaxer, she ran it up the shaft a little. I believe she was doing a corrective. And she really took her time and let me process for the set time when other stylists slapped it in the washed it out...she really worked it through. I've noticed that my breakage has completely stopped. I'm thinking that my hair was underprocessed that whole time. Now my hair is nice and moist and silky.
I noticed this happened to me as well, but I'm being EXTRA careful. I
am worried that this may only be temporary, so I am taking EXTRA care of my hair. It's been a little over two weeks and I still haven't noticed any breakage.

I wonder why that is (I still have so much to learn about my hair).
this happens to me sometimes.

reason why I don't stretch.

I know some are good at it, but I just can't.

When I start getting the line at demarcation breakage it is time to plan for my next touchup.
Yeah. I am starting to wonder about this next stretch. I stretched for 17 weeks this time. I normally don't stretch that long (except for when I'm wearing braids).

If I start to get breakage again like I did this past time, I may have to relax more often.
Yeah. I am starting to wonder about this next stretch. I stretched for 17 weeks this time. I normally don't stretch that long (except for when I'm wearing braids).

If I start to get breakage again like I did this past time, I may have to relax more often.

I stopped stretching about two retouches ago. Now I am going by my amount of new growth as opposed to weeks. Now, I won't relax before 6 weeks but if it is 7 or 8 with a good amount of growth, I'll go ahead.

This time I relaxed at 8 weeks which seems to be a good timeframe for me.
What hairstyles do you relaxin ladies wear to not apply heat. I relax, and it sucks because I cannot apply heat to it.
I stopped stretching about two retouches ago. Now I am going by my amount of new growth as opposed to weeks. Now, I won't relax before 6 weeks but if it is 7 or 8 with a good amount of growth, I'll go ahead.

This time I relaxed at 8 weeks which seems to be a good timeframe for me.

I don't really have a set time - as needed. I can go up to 9 or 10 weeks sometimes and other times only 6. I am not sure why but it varies.

Since I stopped henna I can tell that I can go longer. I think that is just because it was drying my hair a bit. Without henna and hardcore protein treatments I can go longer. I have not done less than 8 weeks in a while.
I don't really have a set time - as needed. I can go up to 9 or 10 weeks sometimes and other times only 6. I am not sure why but it varies.

Since I stopped henna I can tell that I can go longer. I think that is just because it was drying my hair a bit. Without henna and hardcore protein treatments I can go longer. I have not done less than 8 weeks in a while.

I stopped using henna as well. My hair doesn't need all of that "stuff" I am realizing.

I am also going back to washing my hair every week instead of every couple of days.
I stopped stretching about two retouches ago. Now I am going by my amount of new growth as opposed to weeks. Now, I won't relax before 6 weeks but if it is 7 or 8 with a good amount of growth, I'll go ahead.

This time I relaxed at 8 weeks which seems to be a good timeframe for me.

That sounds like a plan. I think I might have to go by the new growth (like I used to) as opposed to weeks as well.
I relax as needed too. I usually relax every 8-12 weeks... most times i fall into the 8-10 week timeframe. Stretching was not good for my hair at all.
Yeah getting a touch up will stop demarcation line breakage.
I just did a touch up yesterday after a 13 week stretch but I wasn't having breakage problems.
Maybe you needed some protein on the demarcation line? The same thing happened to me at about 11 weeks post. Co-washing when you're stretching can really weaken your hair if you're not adding that protein in there.

ITA. I was experiencing breakage and decided to end my stretch of 12wks (was going for 14-15wks) and my breakage has stoppped. My last stretch was actually 15 weeks and my hair did so fine then. I truly believe that I was not as successful this time because I started neglecting my hair by not washing 2x a week and not upping the protein as needed during the last 3 weeks of the stretch.
Some people can stretch relaxers with either no problems or minimal ill effects. I can't. I know it's time to retouch when I start shedding like mad!

The longest I can stretch is nine to ten weeks. Once I waited 13 weeks, and it was disasterous.. I won't do it again!
What hairstyles do you relaxin ladies wear to not apply heat. I relax, and it sucks because I cannot apply heat to it.

I wear mostly loose buns and updo's, I pin curl at night and finger style in the morning. I use indirect heat once a week when I rollerset.