DH is mad because I won't go the the hair dresser


The Credit Countess
He has lost his mind. He is upset because the shower drain is clogged up. So I said ok I will wash my hair in the sink even though I love to wash in the shower. That wasn't enough, he like you know my solution is to get it done. Now we have had this conversation many time and I have given him all of the reasons why I don't get my hair done. Because my hair isn't super straight which I don't want it I don't know what I am doing and he also doesn't understand all that I am doing.

The reasons I give him is # 1 we don't have the money. $ 30-40 a week for a rollerset doesn't make sense and I'm not waiting two weeks to wash my hair, # 2 No one will take care of my hair like I will and if it's get's messed up I haven't anyone to be mad at buy myself # 3 the wait I don't have 3 - 4 hours to be sitting around waiting on someone to get to my hair especially someone how may not listen to

He is still not getting it. So I went out and got a hair catcher to catch the hair hopefully that will work if not oh well he will have to get over it because I AM NOT GOING TO THE HAIRDRESSER.

Is there any one else who SO/DH just doesn't understand.
Hey LadyR..

Sometimes you have to show people. Pull aside the money you would spend on getting your hair done each week. Put it in a jar. After month or two, let him see how much money you have saved. Put the hair catcher in the tub and go about your business.
I feel your pain about the clogging. Water in my shower started going down slowly. I also go two hair catchers. I hope they work for you... and me LOL Was he able to get the hair out?? I'm going to stick something down there to get the hair out.

I just did a google search, check this out:
http://www.flexisnake.com/Flexi-Info.php It may help.
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Oh, just wanted to add that a while back someone posted a thread about some sort of homemade drain unclogger as an alternative to Drano.

I'm sorry that I can't remember the name of the thread or who started it. Does anyone know?
He's been pouring bleach down and that had stopped the clog before but not this time so I will probably call maintence and have them come out to get the hair out. I hope that the hair catcher works as well because I truly don't want to keep hearing his mouth because on this issue he is truly talking to deaf ears. It AIN'T going to happen

I feel your pain about the clogging. Water in my shower started going down slowly. I also go two hair catchers. I hope they work for you... and me LOL Was he able to get the hair out?? I'm going to stick something down there to get the hair out.
I had the same problem about a week ago and my dear DH was like wth are u putting in ur hair :look: I was like isnt my hair longer and healthier then its ever been. He was like yes :grin:. So I put everything in the tub and it took about a week but the final product was liquid plumber and that worked.:yep: so now I have a hair catcher and I put some baking soda and then vinegar in the drain once a week (I read this on the net its supposed to be a good way to unclog your drain without damage to the pipes)
Like someone suggested put all the money you would have spent @ the salon in a jar and at the end of two months, show him all the money you would have spent there. He'll definately be amazed. I'm sure you caould buy like a dozen hair catchers with all that saved up money.

You can try throwing caustic soda down your drain and flushing it with hot water That really does help a great deal, It will take care of everything down the drain.
If hair down the drain is really his only issue, then the hair catcher should solve the problem.

I'm with you on ths MizAvalon. Would be curious to see if that solves the problem :look:

However, I do have a male friend who admitted not liking his girlfriend NOT getting her hair straightened. The last time I saw her, she probably had either APL or BSL and told me she went to the salon every 3 mos to get trimmed etc. She had a very simple routine and I believed washed her hair every day (or mostly). He (my male friend) told me that he simply did not like her curly fro and asked her to straighten it...and she did.

I remember my grandmother's sister telling me a story about her days in school. To make a long story short she said that when the white boys on campus where questioned as to why they did not date the black women on campus, they said they didn't mind the nose, the lips or the skin color. They simply could not get past the hair...
Depending on what type of drain you have you could also use a good old paper clip. I did this back when I was shedding. Works like a charm.

But it might be helpful to ask him if the drain is his only problem with you not going to the salon. If you ask him to tell you if there is any other reason, you'll have to listen without arguing until he's done. Then see if there is anything you can do to make the transition easier on the both of you.

If you used to be a salon customer and now you aren't, it really is a lifestyle change. Adjustments have to be made by both of you. Good luck and HHG! :yep:
I'm with you on ths MizAvalon. Would be curious to see if that solves the problem :look:

However, I do have a male friend who admitted not liking his girlfriend NOT getting her hair straightened. The last time I saw her, she probably had either APL or BSL and told me she went to the salon every 3 mos to get trimmed etc. She had a very simple routine and I believed washed her hair every day (or mostly). He (my male friend) told me that he simply did not like her curly fro and asked her to straighten it...and she did.

I remember my grandmother's sister telling me a story about her days in school. To make a long story short she said that when the white boys on campus where questioned as to why they did not date the black women on campus, they said they didn't mind the nose, the lips or the skin color. They simply could not get past the hair...
I agree with this.If you get the hair catcher and he's still saying you need to go to the hair dresser,the drain probaslly isn't his biggest problem after all.
He has lost his mind. He is upset because the shower drain is clogged up. So I said ok I will wash my hair in the sink even though I love to wash in the shower. That wasn't enough, he like you know my solution is to get it done. Now we have had this conversation many time and I have given him all of the reasons why I don't get my hair done. Because my hair isn't super straight which I don't want it I don't know what I am doing and he also doesn't understand all that I am doing.

The reasons I give him is # 1 we don't have the money. $ 30-40 a week for a rollerset doesn't make sense and I'm not waiting two weeks to wash my hair, # 2 No one will take care of my hair like I will and if it's get's messed up I haven't anyone to be mad at buy myself # 3 the wait I don't have 3 - 4 hours to be sitting around waiting on someone to get to my hair especially someone how may not listen to

He is still not getting it. So I went out and got a hair catcher to catch the hair hopefully that will work if not oh well he will have to get over it because I AM NOT GOING TO THE HAIRDRESSER.

Is there any one else who SO/DH just doesn't understand.

I know how you feel my SO is trying to be supportive but I hear the "oh boy I wish she'd get her hair done" all in his voice. When I'm prepooing he just looks at me and says "you'd better have long luxurious hair soon or I'm cutting all my hair off". He'll never do it he's way to vain about his hair. Go figure:ohwell:
I feel your pain about the clogging. Water in my shower started going down slowly. I also go two hair catchers. I hope they work for you... and me LOL Was he able to get the hair out?? I'm going to stick something down there to get the hair out.

I just did a google search, check this out:
http://www.flexisnake.com/Flexi-Info.php It may help.

Here's another option. The Zip It. Many on the forum have used this very successfully. I've purchased it at Walmart for about $2 and it's work better than anything else I"ve tried.



Every so often, I got to fish hair out of the drain and it's yucky. The hair catcher should work though. I got to get me one of those.
someone tell me what DH means. . . because from the looks of the way ya'll use it, it looks like it means "damn husband" :lachen:
For all of your how stated that the drain probably isn't his main problem is probably correct. For him my hair isn't straight enough he wants the bouncy, blow dried, flat ironed hair all the time and I don't. I am happy ( most of the time) happy with my hair.

I have tried to sit down with him and explain this to him and try to get him to understand what I am doing but he is very old school.

He is the same way with wig and "fake hair". At one point I was given in to him in regards to me wearing my falls but now for this winter I have to do what is best for me not him.
Thanks I tried to find the zip it at super walmart and Home Depot and couldn't find it will keep looking for it.

LadyR, I had the same problem! Couldn't find that zip it thing ANYWHERE :wallbash: so thanks to a previous poster in this thread I just purchased a FlexiSnake. Their shippng is very reasonable and now I don't have to go searching. Maybe you should try that?

Oh and I totally agree that spending all that $$ to get someone to abuse your hair is not smart. Your hubby will come around.
For all of your how stated that the drain probably isn't his main problem is probably correct. For him my hair isn't straight enough he wants the bouncy, blow dried, flat ironed hair all the time and I don't. I am happy ( most of the time) happy with my hair.

I have tried to sit down with him and explain this to him and try to get him to understand what I am doing but he is very old school.

He is the same way with wig and "fake hair". At one point I was given in to him in regards to me wearing my falls but now for this winter I have to do what is best for me not him.

I just don't understand these men. They want the bouncy, breezy, blow dried, flat ironed hair all the time and it just doesn't work like that for black women. Please let him know that if you did all that to your hair on the regular, then you would quickly go to having NO hair.

I'm sure you two can come to some kind of compromise but if he's expecting your hair to look like that all the time , then I think that's a bit unreasonable.
I just purchased the flexi snake too. I was looking for the zip it in stores a couple of weeks ago, but I couldn't find it, and couldn't remember what it was called :wallbash:. I hope this flexi snake is just as good.

I washed my hair in the shower tonight using the hair catcher and it did catch the hair so hopefully that we solve the problem.
I just don't understand these men. They want the bouncy, breezy, blow dried, flat ironed hair all the time and it just doesn't work like that for black women. Please let him know that if you did all that to your hair on the regular, then you would quickly go to having NO hair.

I'm sure you two can come to some kind of compromise but if he's expecting your hair to look like that all the time , then I think that's a bit unreasonable.
They don't understand us,either.One minute we're at the salon once a week and come out with flowing hair the next it's on lockdown:lachen:They probally wish the buns/protective stlyes would vanish...but they better be getting use to them.
I hope the hair catcher settles the issue for you. I just ran some Drano max down the tub/shower drain yesterday. Worked like a charm. I will be getting a hair catcher as soon as I can find one.
Edit: Yeah. I wrote this whole post about the ZipIt and then I realized I skipped a page of posts...including one about the ZipIt. :blush:

Gotsta work on my reading skills! But I do love my ZipIt, I get mine at Target (in the plubming/home improvement part) And I get my hair catchers at WalMart (also in the plumbing aisle, but I've seen them in the hair products on little display strips).
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