Detecting breakage?


New Member
I hope this doesn't come across as a really dumb question...but what if it seems you do not gain a lot of length in a year, but you don't notice the normal signs of breakage?

For example, I very *infrequently* see little broken pieces in the sink, or on my clothes at all, and I don't think I have abnormal shedding. However, I feel like I'm not getting the monthly gains I'd normally expect. I know my hair grows slow, but come on man...

I mean, your ends just don't break off and float away into the wind do they??

I'm just really curious about this...
Hi Kaela,

If you haven't gotten any noticable growth in a year, then your hair is snapping off at the ends without you even noticing it. Breakage on black women in particular can be insidious, so yes, your hair could be breaking off and blowing away in the wind, so to speak. You will need to start a routine to give extra moisture to the ends of your hair and if you're not already doing so, start wearing your hair in protective styles.

Not everyone has the same growth rate. Some will have slower growth than others, but everyone should have some noticable growth in a years time.
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Kaela said:
I hope this doesn't come across as a really dumb question...but what if it seems you do not gain a lot of length in a year, but you don't notice the normal signs of breakage?

For example, I very *infrequently* see little broken pieces in the sink, or on my clothes at all, and I don't think I have abnormal shedding. However, I feel like I'm not getting the monthly gains I'd normally expect. I know my hair grows slow, but come on man...

I mean, your ends just don't break off and float away into the wind do they??

I'm just really curious about this...

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I think having a strainer (keeps hair from going down the shower drain) in your shower would definitely show you where some of the hair's going. I would recommend this to anyone. I also think protective styles are a must to keep your hair from blowing and being exposed to the elements. I mean come on, the sun can darken and bake your skin; cold weather can make your skin dry and ashy---these elements can cause your hair to break.

It's kind of funny that you said this today because I saw this white woman on a motorcycle today,and her hair was blowing in the wind, and I was thinking that the wind probably wouldn't hurt her hair at all, and it'll probably still grow, but I think white women get a lot of breakage also. Lately, I've noticed that a lot of white women have short hairs near the crown of their hair and all over (sticking up all over the place), so breakage isn't just a black thing.