Detangling under the shower!!! TEXLAXERS ESPECIALLY


Well-Known Member
Hi ladies, you know I have a major problem with detangling my wet texlaxed hair even with Salerm 21, well, I think I may have found the answer!! I just washed my hair and after using Keracare Humecto, which I normally use, I decided to try and detangle whilst under the shower with my jilbere comb. The ladies here have been suggesting it for a while but I thought I wouldnt work on my hair. It was too good to be true, the comb glided through!!! I didnt even add any salerm 21 when I got out. I rollerset my hair with NTM Leave In in no time and I'm under the dryer as we speak!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think its all to do with finding a really good detangling con, and detangling your hair whilst you are rinisng it out. I normally wait about 5-10 mins before detangling and by that time it is already getting dry and hard. I think that running water is a great detangler for texlaxed hair....I lost a lot less hair too!!!

Just thought I would share
glad you've found something that works for u hun.

i detangle with oil when dry and dont bother again till my next wash.
Hi, lonei

I'm glad you found this out, too! I just discovered detangling under the shower a few weeks ago myself, and it does work! I lose much less hair this way. I'm so glad I tried this, too! :)
I found this out a few months ago as well. I am currently 12 weeks post and this method has made detangling such a breeze. You lose a lot less hair if any at all an makes for easy styling afterward. Whoever came up with this idea much props to you. This will enable me to stretch another month or 2!!!!
lonei said:
Hi ladies, you know I have a major problem with detangling my wet texlaxed hair even with Salerm 21, well, I think I may have found the answer!! I just washed my hair and after using Keracare Humecto, which I normally use, I decided to try and detangle whilst under the shower with my jilbere comb. The ladies here have been suggesting it for a while but I thought I wouldnt work on my hair. It was too good to be true, the comb glided through!!! I didnt even add any salerm 21 when I got out. I rollerset my hair with NTM Leave In in no time and I'm under the dryer as we speak!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think its all to do with finding a really good detangling con, and detangling your hair whilst you are rinisng it out. I normally wait about 5-10 mins before detangling and by that time it is already getting dry and hard. I think that running water is a great detangler for texlaxed hair....I lost a lot less hair too!!!

Just thought I would share
I am so happy for you Lonei! :clap: :clap:
It really does work and it sounds like your tangling issues are totally over! Free at last! Congratulations girl! :dance7:
I detangle under the running water of the shower too and it does work. The stream of the water really helps the tangles to fall out.
I used to wash my hair in the kitchen sink, but after detangling in the shower I can't go back. It really does work. The running water makes all the difference. I'm glad this works for you!
lonei said:
Hi ladies, you know I have a major problem with detangling my wet texlaxed hair even with Salerm 21, well, I think I may have found the answer!! I just washed my hair and after using Keracare Humecto, which I normally use, I decided to try and detangle whilst under the shower with my jilbere comb. The ladies here have been suggesting it for a while but I thought I wouldnt work on my hair. It was too good to be true, the comb glided through!!! I didnt even add any salerm 21 when I got out. I rollerset my hair with NTM Leave In in no time and I'm under the dryer as we speak!!!!!!!!!!! So, I think its all to do with finding a really good detangling con, and detangling your hair whilst you are rinisng it out. I normally wait about 5-10 mins before detangling and by that time it is already getting dry and hard. I think that running water is a great detangler for texlaxed hair....I lost a lot less hair too!!!

Just thought I would share

I'm not texlaxed, rather relaxed about 85%. I use this method too and its the ONLY way i detangle my hair. I dont even think about it anymore, its second nature and it works great
Congrats on finding what works for you. I detangle my hair under the shower too and it's been a hair saver. It's the only thing that works consistently for detangling my hair without losing too many hair strands.
Isis said:
Have you tried this method again Lonei or will you wait longer before washing?:)

You know me Isis, I will wait longer, i aint got the time or patience to rollerset too frequently!!!
see, this hasn't worked that well for me... if i detangle under the running water, when i'm done i'm inevitably staring at all the hairballs chilling in the bottom of the shower.. i think i do best when i'm detangling with conditioner only... much less hair loss... :perplexed
SqrpioQutie said:
see, this hasn't worked that well for me... if i detangle under the running water, when i'm done i'm inevitably staring at all the hairballs chilling in the bottom of the shower.. i think i do best when i'm detangling with conditioner only... much less hair loss... :perplexed
Were you detangling under the running water with or without conditioner in your hair?
Isis said:
Were you detangling under the running water with or without conditioner in your hair?

with conditioner... seems like with me, the running water rinses the conditioner out before i'm done...