detangling = set back each week

Yeah I saw her post. I just didn't realize she did it in less than 2 years. I don't remember her posting about it before so I must have missed it. I wasn't really following the WL and MBL threads last year.
I was thinking the same thing. That is huge news. Maybe she did report it and we missed it (??). When I'm feeling up to it, I'll click some history (I guess). I hate we only heard the news after she cut it though. We could provide hair-saving tips before you take the cutting plunge (for future reference).
I was thinking the same thing. That is huge news. Maybe she did report it and we missed it (??). When I'm feeling up to it, I'll click some history (I guess). I hate we only heard the news after she cut it though. We could provide hair-saving tips before you take the cutting plunge (for future reference).
I looked through history and she doesn't post in the hair forum often and mostly in random topics. She said she was bsl in July of last year and she posted she was tbl right before she chopped.

We couldn't have helped her because she doesn't seem to check back after she post.

I think I saw pics of her hair early in her hair journey but not last year. We were probably in a SL challenge together where I still am :sad:
I looked through history and she doesn't post in the hair forum often and mostly in random topics. She said she was bsl in July of last year and she posted she was tbl right before she chopped.

We couldn't have helped her because she doesn't seem to check back after she post.

I think I saw pics of her hair early in her hair journey but not last year. We were probably in a SL challenge together where I still am :sad:
I'm pretty sure I've given her tips before or done a challenge with her. I believe she is 4c. Unless there is another Spongebob around here (or similar name), her hair was pretty. And you're right-- I can't believe she never checked back after asking for hair advice basically in tears!
Superfine 4b+ here too!

As my hair is growing (touching SL from my BC) its getting harder to detangle. Those spiderweb fine tangles at the root are the worst and no amount of finger detangling can get those out of my hair.

Detangling on wet hair is asking for breakage because my hair is also porous. IT gets soggy fast and breaks like a champ when wet even with weekly protein treatment.

Best detangling suggestion I have is to NEVER detangle until it's 80% dry. That means leaving it alone after you wash it. Then use fingers first, then a wide tooth seamless comb (because fine hair loves mid-shaft splits with regular combs).

If your hair is tangling REALLY bad, it might need a trim. How often do you dust? It is recommended fine hairs get trimmed every 6 weeks. This has been my retention savior! 1/4" off has saved me from having see-thru ends and massive breakage due to split ends.

Other suggestions for fattening up those strands like everyone suggested is the protein reconstructors. Use one every week if you have to at first. I did at first for a month. Then moved it to every 2 weeks. I use henna as well.
:amen:to all of the bolded esp. the trimming at 6 weeks part. I particularly have trouble making it to 6 weeks without a trim. I find it important to keep my hair moisturized everyday especially if I'm going to comb it. Doing a search and destroy on SSK's also helped me preserve my ends but the moisturizing has got to be the most important factor in preventing breakage. Less combing and more deep conditioning is key.
have you tried joico moisture recovery balm? It melts tangling and makes the detangling process a breeze.
I know we talk about Naptural85 a lot, but she really has a solid regimen and great tips for simple hair care. This detangling method is really good and worth a try. I know getting over detangling is very important for a good hair care journey. She uses coconut oil and it works for me and my fine hair hth