Detangling Hair After A Braid Out


New Member
hey guys.. the other day i did a braid out and it came out great however when i wanted to wash it i knew i should detangle first and this is wear the problem came in... i put in the shea butter lotion which supposesly suppose to help but it didnt..... then i just decided to put conditioner and oil in my whole head and sit under the dryer then wash it off it was detangled.. for those who wear braid outs alot is this how u do it... maybe my tangled alot because i have alot of new growth
Normally when I wear a twist out I finger detangle. Then I put cheapie conditioner on and rub it into the hair like I am lathering my hands. Picture your hands together with the fingers lined up and the hair in between rubbing back and forth. This uncurls my coils and allows any tangles to be easily removed when I get in the shower. I do this method again once I get in the shower ( in sections) until I can comb through my hair. HTH:grin:
When I do braid-outs I wear them for a week. To detangle before shampoo'ing I section my hair into 4 sections, spray each section with detangler and coat in conditioner or something with slip, comb the section and braid it up. In the shower I take out the braids and shampoo as normal.

I'm kinda curious as to why you were shampoo'ing it out after just one day. Do you do fresh braid-outs daily?
I spray my hair with moisturizer and use kid's organic m/d and make sure my ends are soaked, then gently detangle with my fingers and shower comb. Then I put my oils in and get ready for bed.
I finger comb and prepoo with conditioner. This always does the trick. While my braids are still in, I moisturize with S-curl. S-curl minimizes the tangles and leaves my hair very moisturized and shiny.
Pokahontas I was washing it after one day because it looks really wild and I didnt think I could wear it the next day cause it wouldnt look neat. but i dont usually wash everyday
My twist outs last about 3-4 days if I roll the ends. I detangle with a cheapie conditioner and oil and wide tooth comb it in the shower. Very little hair comes out with is probably normal shedding. :yep:
I pre-poo with Aubrrey organics Honeysuckle rose- Apply- use heating cap for 20 minutes it actually gets my hair moist enough then to comb though with a big shower comb. Oh and I do my hair is sections. Comb from the ends up.