Detangling and Deep Conditioning

During which part of your DC routine do you detangle?

  • Detangle BEFORE. I also follow up w/ another conditioner

    Votes: 14 8.6%
  • Detangle BEFORE I DO NOT follow up w/ another conditioner

    Votes: 25 15.3%
  • Detangle AFTER. I also follow up w/ another conditioner

    Votes: 54 33.1%
  • Detangle AFTER. I DO NOT follow up w/ another conditioner

    Votes: 52 31.9%
  • I never deep condition

    Votes: 1 0.6%
  • Other (please explain)

    Votes: 17 10.4%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
How are you ladies doing it? (I would like both relaxed AND naturals to answer)

Do you detangle after you put the deep conditioner in the hair....and then let the conditioner stay in your hair for your regular time (i.e. 15-30min)


Do you let the conditioner stay in your hair first (15-30) and then detangle before you wash it out?

Also: Do you follow up with another conditioner? If you that necessary in order to get moisturized/soft hair. (In other words using only the deep conditioner is not good enough)
I DC, detangle with the DC still in my hair in the bathroom mirror, put the detangled hair into 6 or so fat twists, and rinse it them out one by one in the shower.

I use my leave-in conditioner afterwards, but otherwise the DC is it.

1) Shampoo and apply DC
2) Let DC sit in my hair for about an hour
3) Rinse out the DC in the shower and....
4) With my Jilbere comb, detangle in the shower while the water is hitting my hair.

This equals less hair loss due to breakage because I have the running water helping me detangle.

I do not apply additional conditioners. My deep conditioner never leaves my hair wanting more.:grin:
I did mine for the first time by braiding it in seven braids first, then I washed, deep conditioned, detangled with Infusium 23, and air dried it in front of my fan. :yep: Very little hair was lost--thanks to the braids which kept the hair from tangling.

Then the following morning, I pressed it out one braid at a time (which took four hours). :rolleyes: Waist length, type 4 a/b hair is what I was working with. :lachen:

To deep condition: Hair should be saturated and covered with a plastic conditioning cap for 30 minutes or more (even an hour) to allow the heat from the head to warm the product. If hair is covered less than 30 minutes, then it's necessary to use a dryer or heat cap for at least 15 minutes. My stylist keeps me under the dryer for 20 to 30 minutes at a warm setting (even longer if he's working on someone else's hair). He mixes Motions CPR with the Motions Moisture Plus as a deep conditioning treatment or Motions Moisture Plus (used alone sometimes). He won't follow up with another conditioner.

Also, I refuse to let him mix Verifen Complex Advanced Conditioning Treatment with another conditioner. It is always used alone on a separate visit. I won't allow him to mix any of these products with other brand name products, because they're fabulous as a set.

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i wash then apply my DC.

once my DC is finished, i rinse then apply my leave-in conditioner and then detangle.
I have been transitioning for a year now and when I wash my hair, I do the following:

1. Wash my hair in four sections
2. Apply regular conditioner to my hair and wait 3 mins before I detangle gently under running water with a wide tooth comb
3. I then apply my deep conditioner, put on a plastic cap and sit under my dryer for 30 mins.
4. When my time is up under the dryer, I rinse the deep conditioner from my hair and detangle once again under running water.*

I only apply leave in conditioner after I deep condition my hair.

*NOTE: Detangling the hair twice may be considered as too much manipulation for some but I assure you that I do not lose a bunch of hair with my method and doing so preps my hair perfectly for a rollerset.
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I detangle my hair with a wide toothed comb once a week.

1) hot oil treatment
2) shampoo/cowash,
3) apply the deep conditioner (I finger comb it through a bit to get big tangles out)
4) apply heat for 30 mins
5) rinse it out ( I also fingercomb during the rinseout)
6) apply leave in, gel and oil and detangle with the comb in about 15 sections.

All other days I finger comb my hair twice a day when I am applying my moisturizer and oil.

This seems to work the best for me. My hair does not like the denman brush, just a good, seamless wide toothed comb and mainly my fingers!
I'm a recent natural, I have about 3 inches so detangling without wet hair is impossible
I wash hair
Add conditioner and let it sit for an hour or more if I'm not bothered by dipping
Rinse then detangle
I normally put conditon on my hair and detangle with denman while conditioner is still in my hair. I leave the conditioner on and put my heating cap on for 15 minutes. I rinse my hair out and do a ACV rinse. Then I put more condition on, but this time I leave it in my hair and don't rinse it out.
because i wear my hair straight all the time and i deep condition on dry hair, i just slather the conditioner on in sections. i detaingle in the shower with shampoo or quickie conditioner.
Usually, I shampoo, rinse, apply a rinse-out con, leave on for like 3 minutes, detangle while rinsing, then DC. After DC, I do a light detangle. Next time, I'm going to try to detangle after I completely wash out the rinse-out con but before DCing. It seems my hair doesn't like to be detangled with product in.

I don't like detangling after DCing. It's not markedly easier for me to detangle with DC in hair or after DC, plus after a DC, I do not like to rinse too too much (I like to use water pressure to detangle as well), b/c I feel like it washes away the 'goodness.'
I always detangle in the shower.

If I am DCing, I rinse out my DC and detangle with a cheap conditioner most of the time.

When cowashing, I detail with lots of conditioner in my hair.

But I never detangle dry hair. That is trouble waiting to happen on my hair.
I sometimes use my fingers while in the shower, but very very rarely. I detangle after I apply my leave-in in my damp hair. Unless I choose to airdry first, then spritz with some water mixture (or just water) and apply a little oil, then detangle. But, I can't really detangle in the shower. The water weight stretches my hair too much and I loose more hair if i pull at it in the shower.
DC & Detangle on wet hair:
1. CO-wash & detangle in shower
2. DC for an hour or overnight, and rinse w/o further combing

DC & Detangle on dry hair:
1. Apply DC for an hour or overnight on dry hair
2. Detangle, and rinse in the shower.

I don't use a second conditioner after DC'ing.
My DC starts the night before I wash. I saturate my hair with oil and cover with a plastic cap (to protect the sheet and pillow really) which acts as an overnight oil treatment. In the morning, I detangle before I wash and DC because the oil makes detangling easier. Then I proceed with the washing and the Dcing.
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I apply my DC and detangle w/ my Denman while hair is covered in conditioner. Finger comb/rinse in the shower.
i detangle first with a cheap conditioner and then I rinse and apply the deep conditioner. it doesnt distribute evenly when you apply it to tangled hair.
i detangle first with a cheap conditioner and then I rinse and apply the deep conditioner. it doesnt distribute evenly when you apply it to tangled hair.

:scratchch I never thought of that. I guess I will try to do it like this. I have a TON of conditioners that I am trying to get rid off.

And I wanted to try to use one line exclusively (the hydratherma line). So I guess I will just use the conditioners I'm trying to get rid of just for detangling before I DC with the hydratherma deep conditioners.
I usually start with a prepoo aphogee 2 min reconstructor/ vo5 strawberries and cram mixed with olive oil over night

Rinse and detangle under the running water while rinsing then shampoo, I use a color applicator bottle filled with warm water and a small amount of shampoo mixed gently, I apply to scalp and cleanse my scalp only the run off will cleanse the hair, I do this to cut back on manipulation and prevent new tangles, rinse, gentley squeeze to get rid of some excess water, wrap a towel around my hair and blot

take a small amount of conditioner(I love a nice thick conditioner) and apply all over just enough to get it slick so I can divided into four sections, then I apply a small amount from root to end maily concentrating on ends, plastic can and I am under the dryer for 20-60 minutes
as a natural:
detangled before washing, saturated with the dc and in sections when styling

detangle before prepoo and in the section before placing a roller

I choose my dcs/leave ins such that they detangle or make any tangles slide right out- anything less makes the product a nono 4 me.

I don't like following up with another conditioner because it undoes what my conditioners do for me. The only time I do use another conditioner is when I have a lot of newgrowth and do it post poo/pre dc.

I feel I shouldn't require an addt'l conditioner for moisturized/soft hair. If I do, that conditioner is not for me.
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I've done it all ways. Depends on the DC. Not that I DC very regularly anyway. But if it the Aveda, then I'll do it either before or after. If its the NTM, I'll detangle while it's still on my hair.
I am relaxed and I voted for other because I detangle before I wash and DC, then after washing out my DC, I apply my leave-in treatment, allow to airdry, then I detangle again once dried. I noticed that since I started doing this I lose wayyyy less hair in the comb. The only way I alter this method (ie, detangle after applying leave-in) is when I rollerset my hair which by the way is not often.
I put condi on dry hair and then detangle in about 8 sections. I braid each section up after I detangle then I shampoo or simply rinse out the conditioner when I'm done.

My other method is to section my hair into four sections, hop in the shower, detangle under running water (each section one at a time) then shampoo each section one at a time, towel dry and then DC. I like this method too. Both work for me.
NewYorkGyrl, you have amazing hair! Gorgeous!!!!

I voted detangle first. I get in the shower, apply Hello Hydration, detangle, rinse, and apply Pantene R&N Mask and/or Aubrey Organics Honey Suckle Rose, I get out of the shower, slap on a plastic baggy and heat cap. 30 minutes later, I get back in the shower, rinse (while rinsing detangle some more if needed, under shower head), and style :) It's an inconvenience to get in and out of the shower, and back in again, but my hair likes it...and at this point, that is all that matters.
