
Natural 4b
HI ALL IM NEW HERE there is really not MUCH TO SAY ABOUT ME IM 15 And i Have a Love for Hair well any ways Im all Natural With 4a/4b 3c hair i think:ohwell:
What do you use to Detangle and how often do you do so?
HI ALL IM NEW HERE there is really not MUCH TO SAY ABOUT ME IM 15 And i Have a Love for Hair well any ways Im all Natural With 4a/4b 3c hair i think:ohwell:
What do you use to Detangle and how often do you do so?

Awww me too .. [at the bolded] welcome!
Ummm .. I'm not natural .. but I know theres a variety of techniques people use for detangling.

Oil rinses, loaded with conditioner under running water[starting from the ends], in braided sections ..

Welcome newbie!!!.I use and detangling conditioner from Kera care humeteo, elasta qp conditoner or H- two leave it. I dont detangle with the conditoner in my hair. I do it afterwards with my finders and a extra wide tooth comb.HTH

I'm transtioning to Texlaxed, but Mane 'n' Tail Detangler really "melts" those tangles and makes my hair so soft. This detangler never fails me when I go days without combing and when the 2 textures in my hair are fighting it out.

You can get Mane 'n' Tail from Sally's. Good luck!
Food grade (the dietary supplement kind) aloe vera gel detangles wonderfully and provides amazing slip.

I too am natural, and I only detangle once per month. I am mostly in protective styles,trying to grow out my hair. When I do my "re-twist" that's when I detangle. When I am taking down my twists, I usually use a detangling spray, or a creamy mix of ORS olive oil lotion and conditioner. I will either put the spray on or the creamy mix on the twist, I then loosen and finger detangle each twist 1 by 1. I work in sections and once a section is "finger detangled" I will put that in a large braid or twist and move on to the next section. Once all my hair is detangled, I will then "pre-poo" with a moisturizing condish (that's been mixed w/ honey and jojoba,castor oil, shea butter and coconut oil)put on each section. At that time. i will do a detangle w/ my shower comb. I let that sit, then poo, and get ready for a dc. When I am in the shower after the poo, I saturate my hair w/ a cheapie condish, like suave coconut that's been watered down. I next do a 2nd detangle under the shower spray while the conditioner is rinsing out.
Most probably don't have to do this, but since I keep my twists in for a month at a time, that's a lot of shed hair and I wanna make sure that I get most all of it out, to prevent knots/tangles on the ends of my hair strand.

I'm transtioning to Texlaxed, but Mane 'n' Tail Detangler really "melts" those tangles and makes my hair so soft. This detangler never fails me when I go days without combing and when the 2 textures in my hair are fighting it out.

You can get Mane 'n' Tail from Sally's. Good luck!

Thank You so much may god bless you for giving me this Advice!! Mane n tail Detangler Works well For my natural 4a hair! I was Getting ready to Cry everyday because of all the little tangles :nono:But i see NO tangles What so Ever:grin: Thank You again!

Thank You so much may god bless you for giving me this Advice!! Mane n tail Detangler Works well For my natural 4a hair! I was Getting ready to Cry everyday because of all the little tangles :nono:But i see NO tangles What so Ever:grin: Thank You again!

Hmm, I should try that detangler one day.... But anyways, welcome to the boards! One of my biggest suggestions to newbies is to keep a hair journal. Basically just jot down what you do to your hair and what products/ techniques work and don't work so you don't make the same mistakes over and over again. Anyway, your hair looks pretty darn nice in your avatar so maybe I should take advice from you :drunk:!

I don't necessarily use anything to detangle. I always detangle afer I wash and condition. It's already wet so that makes it easy.
Hey girl! Welcome to the forum!!!! :D

I try to detangle only when my hair is wet.... and, at that time, its saturated with a thick, creamy conditioner that gives it lots of slips/slide. I think i lose the minimum of hair this way.

Happy Hair Growing to you, and may u reach all ure hair goals!!!!

ETA: I should add, i dont know if the EXACT conditioner is as important as the fact that ure hair should be wet and saturated with that conditioner when u detangle. However, i happen to use (at home) the Suave Milk & Honey or Suave Toasted Vanilla & Sugar and (at salon) Avacado Cholesterol Cream Conditioner by Capilo or Nacidit (Dominican).
Hmm, I should try that detangler one day.... But anyways, welcome to the boards! One of my biggest suggestions to newbies is to keep a hair journal. Basically just jot down what you do to your hair and what products/ techniques work and don't work so you don't make the same mistakes over and over again. Anyway, your hair looks pretty darn nice in your avatar so maybe I should take advice from you :drunk:!

Taking Notes Now Detangle While Wet with Conditoner in The Shower:yep:
HI ALL IM NEW HERE there is really not MUCH TO SAY ABOUT ME IM 15 And i Have a Love for Hair well any ways Im all Natural With 4a/4b 3c hair i think:ohwell:
What do you use to Detangle and how often do you do so?

my goodness, you just reminded me that my half-brother is 14 already... wow i'm getting old, i was born a decade before you! :look:

well depending on who you ask on what day, i'm a 3c/4a. :lachen: i have very thick hair though so i ALWAYS detangle in sections... it's too much to try and tackle all at once. i do about 5-6 sections at a time, and then braid up the section after i detangle to keep it from re-tangling while i work on other sections. :yep: and i am a big fan of V05 conditioners because they're cheap ($1 a bottle) but effective. they give good slip and moisture, also they smell great.

your hair in your avatar looks great, how did you style your hair that day? inquiring minds want to know... :grin:
I wash and condition in braids. I load each braid with pantene conditioner and detangle each braid under running water in the shower, then braid it back up and move on to the next one til they all have been detangled. I then do a final cool rinse. I wrap my hair in towel to catch all the drippies before styling. I style on damp hair. HTH