Destroying Problems by Fasting & Praying: Ultimate Power of God


Well-Known Member
Destroying Problems & Gaining Favor by Fasting & Praying: Ultimate Power of God

I have decided to form a fasting and praying team. Each week all those who want to fast and pray with us may. This week it will be Friday, Saturday or Sunday. Fasting in the greek means "not to eat" but some people do partial fast with juices and other methods this is totally up to you and God. Pray first and ask God, He will direct you. It is not soley about giving up food but understanding that God is enough. This will be a team effort we will be praying for each other in the team and will do this on weekly basis. If you cannot do it every week that is OK. Do what you can and when you can. The first week of the month we will slot 3 days to fast you may choose whatever day or amount. It could half of day, whole day, few hours etc.

Remaining month it will be one designated day either Tuesday or Thursday. I will let you know each week.The main purpose is to be on one accord praying for one another. Fasting and praying works. Having problems where you have done everything and you know you love God but things are still not happening try fasting and praying with us. I know God will move on your behalf.

The purpose is to break and destroy strongholds in our lives and our families. Fasting and praying takes you to another level of power to break the enemy control and hold. Trust me I have been doing this for past 20 years and will be starting fasting and praying clinics all over the world.

1. First week of month three days sloted for fasting: this month June 3,4,& 5. Time from 9:00am until 9:00am next day. You may do 1 day, 2 days or 3 days or just a few hours. The other weeks will be one day a week; either a Tuesday or a Thursday. Will send out notices.

2. While fasting you must be praying and reading your Bible during the times you would be eating food. The Bible becomes your food. You also pray for the other team members on the team. Each week something will be posted so everyone knows who is fasting and praying this week.

3. Give something up food, tv, sweets etc. Many people do a juice fast with whole fruit juices. How you fast must be instructed by God and what you are able to do. You have take baby steps before you take big ones. Whatever you do if you do it unto GOd He will honor it and bless it. Trust me on this one. Some people do few hours or just certain meals a day.

I will post a thread just on what is fasting etc. Also, I can answer questions on fasting through a telcon. We can set up phone appointment and I will answer any questions. :)
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I started a fast today, I planned to fast for 1 week to gain strength for something I have to do next week. I'd love to be part of the group because I've never fasted properly before and need encouragement.
I would really like to fast but I am afraid that my schedule may conflict with the times. Are you supposed to devote the entire time to prayer? I have school and after that I work full time so I may not have time to pray the whole time, does this matter?
mahogany said:
I would really like to fast but I am afraid that my schedule may conflict with the times. Are you supposed to devote the entire time to prayer? I have school and after that I work full time so I may not have time to pray the whole time, does this matter?
Pray when you can. I have designated times I pray because I still have to work. Just make sure have some time to do it and do what you can God knows your heart and circumstances. In unity there is strength. You can do only certain meals like breakfast. It is totally up to you. :)
Kisz4tj Try to fast from 10-3 on one of day the team is fasting. There is power in unity. We will be call out your name.

Proud of you. We will ask God to move on your behalf. I will consider you apart of our team from this coming weekend. :)
Amen, amen, amen!
I need to pray and I need to fast and I need to do this with sisters in Christ.

I'm dealing with stress in very bad way and this is taking my focus off of Him.

I will start Friday and Fast for 3 days.
webby said:
Amen, amen, amen!
I need to pray and I need to fast and I need to do this with sisters in Christ.

I'm dealing with stress in very bad way and this is taking my focus off of Him.

I will start Friday and Fast for 3 days.

I hear ya!

You guys please pray for me! I am married, and have been for 8 yrs, but whenever my husband and I are having problems, an ex of mine from 8 yrs ago pops into my head. Its to the point right now that I am trying everything I can to get in touch with him. We have spoken in the past, and yes, there are feelings on both sides, however, I am tired of feeling this way. I have been thinking about him constantly, and the fun we had. He is also married with a family now, and I guess we escape to each other in a sense and reminisce (sp?) . Anyways, I just had to vent. Will be fasting as well.
I have been thinking bout doing this lately. I just need more. We are going through so much right now. It's all about he finances right now. Due to the way banks are doing business now(things cleared before deposits went in), I lost my entire last paycheck to overdraft fees and I will loose my next one. THis includes the money I was suppose to use to get a new suit for my son, a new dress for my daughter and a bike for my son. Grandparents had already sent the money. NOt good when you have many bills. Plus this eats up tithe, which really is upsetting. I don't know what er'e going to do besides trust GOd. I'm so upset right now. Mega bills plus we need funds for hubbys board exam and liscensing fees. I will be joining in the fasting and praying because it's times like this that realy try my faith. My husbands faith also. If we were to just be blessed with $1,000 before next Friday, then that would take care of the bulk of our problems. Please keep me in your prayers ya'll as we fast and pray for one another and ourselves.
Girls I am proud of all of you for taking the step of faith. I declare in Jesus name that it is no problem that God cannot solve. We will as unit tear the strongholds of satan down. WATCH GOD MOVE remember not to nurse or rehearse your problem in other words say nothing negative. Thus far these are people participating and their request. We will go before the Lord this weekend. I do free phone consultation and we pay for the call as well email me for more information. Some on the list are not a part of this forum. Those praying are from all over the world.

Fasting & Praying Team

Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects.
Koffie - Strong holds; school; God perfect will for her life.
Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.

ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

**Let me know if I forgot someone; will fix problem immedieatly.
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I am going to join you each month. My requests are for finances and the Lord's guidance and will for both my husbands and my ministries.
I would like to take part in this as well.

I have some strong holds that need to be removed.

I also need God to move mightily in my finances.

I am also seeking God's direction in His will and purpose for my life.

I just started dating a minister at my church after knowing him for 3 years and developing a friendship for months. We've been dating a little over a month and we are dating to marry. Please keep him and I lifted in prayer that we will honor God in all that we do and for direction. We've both been married before and we both have two children. Also, pray for his finances and his ministry as well.

Please keep my children and my boyfriend's children covered and lifted in prayer.
I'm in as well. I really need help w/ my finances and my academic future, as well as learning to love thy enemy.
Fasting & Praying Team

1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.

ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

* You Can print this list and take it before the Lord; the team will be destroy yokes this weekend; think positive and speak positive. I will be praying each and everyone and am FULLY confident GOD will MOVE.
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I would like to join the fasting team as well...

I pray for emotional stability.

I pray to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes.

I pray for a REAL intimate relationship with God.

Lastly, I pray for direction in my life. I pray that God show me his purpose for my life.

Thanks, ladies I will be praying for all of you. We can do this together!!!
Fasting & Praying Team

1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.

For ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

* You Can print this list and take it before the Lord; the team will be destroy yokes this weekend; think positive and speak positive. I will be praying for each and everyone and am FULLY confident GOD will MOVE.
I would like to join

First I need strength in the Lord.

I want to feel closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me.

I need direction and understanding of his word....I'm tired of making the wrong decisions.

I am going through a tough situation now, but it is getting better. I just need a stable mind and the courage to go on.

I need my spending habits and my financial situation to improve. I'm ready to completely walk on my own two feet and not struggle.

I need to be delivered from the negative self image that I sometimes have and the feelings that I don't deserve anything. This is a constant battle for me, but I claim the victory right now in the name of Jesus.

I have also been praying for the right part time job and that God bless me with the right car.

Basically I just want my life to be whole again!
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Please add me to your list. My mother is very ill. All we need is His hand to heal her and to give me strength. Please pray for my family as this is a very difficult time for us all.
Fasting & Praying Team

1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.
17. Mswinni - Strength in the Lord; closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me; direction and understanding of His word; make better godly decisions; a stable mind and the courage to go on with Jesus; spending habits and financial situation to improve;ready to completely walk on my own two feet; delivered from the negative self image; part time job and car;to be whole again.

18.Sb44 - Mother who is very ill; give family and me strength to hold onto God's unchanging hand.

For ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

* You Can print this list and take it before the Lord; the team will be destroy yokes this weekend; think positive and speak positive. I will be praying for each and everyone and am FULLY confident GOD will MOVE.
I would like to do this...but how do I know what kind of fast God is directing me towards? I can't hear Him :(

I pray for a real relationship with God. To love Him with all my mind, heart, and soul. I pray for deliverance from my self-esteem and self-worth issues :(
NYCQT16 said:
I would like to do this...but how do I know what kind of fast God is directing me towards? I can't hear Him :(

I pray for a real relationship with God. To love Him with all my mind, heart, and soul. I pray for deliverance from my self-esteem and self-worth issues :(
If do not think you are hearing from God let God hear from you. Do whatever you heart leads you to do. You can just start out with a simple fast like from 6:00am - 6:00pm or even a few hours. God will accept whatever you do if it is sincere and done for Him and Him alone. During the time of fasting make sure you pray and ask God about hearing from Him better and read your bible. I would also suggest anointing you ears and other parts of your body with blessed oil. This is any unused oil that you ask God to change from a nature use to a spiritual use in Jesus Name Amen. It is that simple just put this oil aside just for anointing your body. I do my ears, eyes, lips, tongue, feet etc. While I put just a little oil on in the sign of the cross I say "in the name of Jesus" out loud. The oil represents the Holy spirit and there is power in the name of Jesus. I will be praying for you and include for this weekend. Know that God loves you very much and fact that you reach out to seek the more He will truly bless with your efforts. God Bless. :)
Fasting & Praying Team

1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.
17. Mswinni - Strength in the Lord; closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me; direction and understanding of His word; make better godly decisions; a stable mind and the courage to go on with Jesus; spending habits and financial situation to improve;ready to completely walk on my own two feet; delivered from the negative self image; part time job and car;to be whole again.
18.Sb44 - Mother who is very ill; give family and me strength to hold onto God's unchanging hand.
19. NYCQT16 - Hearing from God better; self-esteem concerns; living in purpose and destiny.

For ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

* You Can print this list and take it before the Lord; the team will be destroy yokes this weekend; think positive and speak positive. I will be praying for each and everyone and am FULLY confident GOD will MOVE.
Please add me to the team ladies.

I fast and pray once a week to uplift God and show that my faith in him is unwavering.

When I fast weekly, I will be praying for the following:

I pray for the health of my family
I pray that God will hold me and my mother in His bosom since the death of my father 6 months ago.
I pray for a stronger relationship with Jesus Christ, my saviour
I pray for God to order my steps and speak to my heart
I pray for direction with school, work, my relationship with my mom
I pray that my relationship and spiritual walk with my boyfriend be evenly yoked
And finally I pray for all of the LHCF ladies on this fast & prayer team!

cupcake :)
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Fasting & Praying Team

1.Webby - Dealing with stress; walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
2. TJD3 - Past people still coming back;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
3. Good2vvvv- Emergency prayer; finances;walk in destiny, God's perfect will for her life
4. Kisz4tj - Strength, destiny to be fulfill, God's perfect will in her life
5. Sithenbile - Upcoming circumstance in life is coming, walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
6. Mahogany - School, destiny and God's perfect will in her life
7. Ee- Digestive discomfort destroyed; God's perfect will for his life
8. Re- God's will for man she is dating;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
9. Cl- Husband spiritual fellowship;walk in destiny, God perfect will for her life
10. Sr- Destiny fulfilled; future husband; ministry; business; future projects;time share to sale; neighbor problems.
11.Koffie - Strong holds; school; God's perfect will for her life.
12.Ta - Job;God's perfect will for her life.
13.mrsjones1 - finances, God's guidiance, spouse and ministry
14.divinefavor - strongholds to destroyed, finances;destiny in life; future mate; children and mate's children.
15. ladydee36330- close to God; get to know Him better; strength to love my enemies.
16. Juris - emotional stability; to be free of all the guilt, hurt, and shame from past mistakes;REAL intimate relationship with God; pray for direction in my life. God to show me his purpose for my life.
17. Mswinni - Strength in the Lord; closer to God so that I know when he's speaking to me; direction and understanding of His word; make better godly decisions; a stable mind and the courage to go on with Jesus; spending habits and financial situation to improve;ready to completely walk on my own two feet; delivered from the negative self image; part time job and car;to be whole again.
18.Sb44 - Mother who is very ill; give family and me strength to hold onto God's unchanging hand.
19. NYCQT16 - Hearing from God better; self-esteem concerns; living in purpose and destiny.
20. Cupcake -health of my family;me and my mother in His bosom since the death of my father 6 months ago;stronger relationship with Jesus Christ;God to order my steps and speak to my heart;direction with school, work, my relationship with my mom;spiritual walk with my boyfriend be evenly yoked;all of the LHCF ladies on this fast & prayer team!

For ALL - In the name of Jesus Cover our entire family, spouses, future spouses, children, jobs, homes and health with the blood of Jesus; destroy and cancel satan plans for everyones life; world peace, world leaders to listen to God, those who are not saved to become saved; world hunger; those with illnesses and low-self esteem; abused, molested, sexual problems. IN THE NAME OF JESUS AMEN.

* You Can print this list and take it before the Lord; the team will be destroy yokes this weekend; think positive and speak positive. I will be praying for each and everyone and am FULLY confident GOD will MOVE.
Keep the faith and expect a GREAT blessing from God. God will will not fail us. I am fully confident that He will finish the work He started. We must continue this lifestyle as a preventive maintance mechanism for our lives. Love you all in Jesus. :)
Ladies, please be careful and mindful of the reason that you are fasting. Let us examine ourselves so that our fasting isn't a ploy to twist Gods arm in order to simply get our prayers answered. If you are fasting for the right reasons and doing it correctly, then I commend you but let there not be an alterior motive. In other words, don't just fast out of tradition.
Kikootie said:
Ladies, please be careful and mindful of the reason that you are fasting. Let us examine ourselves so that our fasting isn't a ploy to twist Gods arm in order to simply get our prayers answered. If you are fasting for the right reasons and doing it correctly, then I commend you but let there not be an alterior motive. In other words, don't just fast out of tradition.
I agree. This is why I posted something about "what is fasting" and will be suppling more information. For it very evident that nobody can get over on God. He is too great for that. But, I am so thank you that these woman took the time seek God instead of others and for that God will bless. Lastly, I taught a singles ministry and many came for different reasons but me as the leader I prayed that God would blessed their efforts and change their hearts if needed. Many left differenlty then the way they came.

God bless and feel free to join us each every month. For this is a journey and we must get to the other side where our destiny is and God is rewarder of those who dilgently seek Him.