Destiny Metropolitan Worship Church (Atlanta)


Well-Known Member
Has anyone been or currently attend this church? I'm thinking of attending a few services in the coming weeks.

How do you like it?

Would you consider it a mega church (even though it's not as big as other mega churches)?

What's the average age range of the congregation?

Do you belong to any ministries that you really like (i.e. Women's, Singles, etc).

It's a pretty big church. With that being the case, do you feel as if the people "know" you there? That's something I'm really looking for in a church.

Thanks in advance.
I visited there quite a few times. I found the Church to be welcoming and I enjoyed my worship experiences there. I agreed with the lessons that were taught and they have numerous ministries if you want to get involved. It is a pretty large church but it really is easy to get to know people there. I think the age spread at the church is diverse and ranges from babies to elders but I guess the majority of people would be mid 20s-40s.

However, God was just leading me elsewhere and I have a different church home.
I visited there quite a few times. I found the Church to be welcoming and I enjoyed my worship experiences there. I agreed with the lessons that were taught and they have numerous ministries if you want to get involved. It is a pretty large church but it really is easy to get to know people there. I think the age spread at the church is diverse and ranges from babies to elders but I guess the majority of people would be mid 20s-40s.

However, God was just leading me elsewhere and I have a different church home.

Thanks so much for sharing your experience. I'm going to start visiting a few churches to see where I fit in. Someone I met a few weeks ago told me about it, but I wanted some more info before I visited. Thanks!
You are welcome! Please consider adding Faith Christian Center to your list of churches to visit if you have not done so already. Here is a link to the website:

Church in Smyrna, GA | Faith Christian Center

Be blessed and I will keep you in prayer as you search for a Church home. Feel free to PM if you need a ride or anything.

Thanks so much for keeping me in your prayers.
I will definitely keep this church in mind as well. I will PM you if I have questions. It's closer to my house than Destiny. :yep:

Thanks again!!