Destination Wedding Reception


Well-Known Member
Destination Wedding Reception at All-Inclusive

Hello ladies! For those of you that have had or are having a destination wedding, I'm looking for advice on reception etiquitte at an all-inclusive resort . Is it expected that we have a private reception for our guests? At first the thought of paying extra for a reception seemed silly since food and alcohol are already included in the price of the resort. However, our guests are spending a lot of money to come celebrate with us, so maybe we should give them something more than the half hour cold h'ordeurve reception that comes with the basic wedding package. What do you all think?
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I'm not married but have seen several destination weddings at resorts. I think you should try and give your guests a lil something more than the 1/2 hr special :lol: . They are flying out and paying travel to come see you get married. It would be nice to have something for them. Also, resorts are all inclusive but that's only if you pay for that option. Some ppl go to all inclusive resorts and don't pay for the 'all inclusive' so there are limitations to what they access to. That's why the bracelets sometimes are different colors.
Yea I figured as much. It is nice to give them that option. It's just that we are already giving them welcome bags and paying for an activity/excursion. That's why I'm wondering whether or not it's necessary to even do that. Especially since, the resort we chose is only all-inclusive so no matter what guests will have options to everything including the 5 restaurants, parties, and all access to drinks.

But I totally see where you are coming from. I'm thinking if we do the reception, we aren't going to pay for a an excursion.

Thanks for the input.
Yea I figured as much. It is nice to give them that option. It's just that we are already giving them welcome bags and paying for an activity/excursion. That's why I'm wondering whether or not it's necessary to even do that. Especially since, the resort we chose is only all-inclusive so no matter what guests will have options to everything including the 5 restaurants, parties, and all access to drinks.

But I totally see where you are coming from. I'm thinking if we do the reception, we aren't going to pay for a an excursion.

Thanks for the input.

Oh that's all nice! What island are you getting married at? Did it take you a while to shop around for a venue?
Yea I figured as much. It is nice to give them that option. It's just that we are already giving them welcome bags and paying for an activity/excursion. That's why I'm wondering whether or not it's necessary to even do that. Especially since, the resort we chose is only all-inclusive so no matter what guests will have options to everything including the 5 restaurants, parties, and all access to drinks.

But I totally see where you are coming from. I'm thinking if we do the reception, we aren't going to pay for a an excursion.

Thanks for the input.

Yea this might be a great option...when I went to my first destination wedding...they paid for the reception and we paid to travel, our own villas, and anything else we wanted to do...we even ended up having the bachelorette party out there too It was fun and a great bonding event I'll be going to another one in July so I can keep you posted on how this new couple does it when i get back :yep:
Oh that's all nice! What island are you getting married at? Did it take you a while to shop around for a venue?

Brittster We are leaning towards Breezes Bahamas. It seems pretty nice and much cheaper than I expect. It's $450 per person for 3 nights and that includes all drinks, taxes, meals, activities and airport transfers. (Hence the reason why I'm skeptical about the reason for this whole private reception thing. If we do choose to have it the menu for it better much much much better than the regular food at the resort)

And yes, it did take a long time to find a place. First we were leaning toward Tobago and than Barbados, but airfare is so high these days we decided to switch to Bahamas to keep it cheaper for the guests.
Yea this might be a great option...when I went to my first destination wedding...they paid for the reception and we paid to travel, our own villas, and anything else we wanted to do...we even ended up having the bachelorette party out there too It was fun and a great bonding event I'll be going to another one in July so I can keep you posted on how this new couple does it when i get back :yep:

stephluv When you went was it at an all-inclusive resort? Was the food really good? Im' just concerned about paying for this reception at an all-inclusive resort and the food being no better than what they were serving as part of the all-inclusive package originally. Not to mention paying for a private bartender for the reception when all alcoholic beverages were already included in their room rate.
Re: Destination Wedding Reception at All-Inclusive

Hello ladies! For those of you that have had or are having a destination wedding, I'm looking for advice on reception etiquitte at an all-inclusive resort . Is it expected that we have a private reception for our guests? At first the thought of paying extra for a reception seemed silly since food and alcohol are already included in the price of the resort. However, our guests are spending a lot of money to come celebrate with us, so maybe we should give them something more than the half hour cold h'ordeurve reception that comes with the basic wedding package. What do you all think?

tmhuggiebear, Im getting married in Jamaica in August at an AI resort. I've also chosen to go the route of having a private reception. As you've stated previously, your guests are paying to fly to your DW and I feel that the least we could do is provide them with a slightly upgraded experience at our wedding. With that said, it is my understanding that the food that we're having is not typically offered on a day to day at the resort.
@stephluv When you went was it at an all-inclusive resort? Was the food really good? Im' just concerned about paying for this reception at an all-inclusive resort and the food being no better than what they were serving as part of the all-inclusive package originally. Not to mention paying for a private bartender for the reception when all alcoholic beverages were already included in their room rate.

tmhuggiebear No it wasnt an all inclusive resort- we all had our own villas and did our own thang i.e. cooked meals, went to clubs etc It was like a vacation lol
Re: Destination Wedding Reception at All-Inclusive

i like the way you guys are doing it
ive been to several destination weddings and they had a reception and just overall made sure their guest had an amzing experience because if ppl are traveling to come to your wedding and paying money for your wedding

the least one could do is make sure their guest have a grand experience!
my homegirls DW they had activites bags...a reception...excursions....and just made sure it was a very special experience for everyone...we were there for 5 days in aruba..and dh and i had a great time...

@tmhuggiebear, Im getting married in Jamaica in August at an AI resort. I've also chosen to go the route of having a private reception. As you've stated previously, your guests are paying to fly to your DW and I feel that the least we could do is provide them with a slightly upgraded experience at our wedding. With that said, it is my understanding that the food that we're having is not typically offered on a day to day at the resort.
Re: Destination Wedding Reception at All-Inclusive

i like the way you guys are doing it
ive been to several destination weddings and they had a reception and just overall made sure their guest had an amzing experience because if ppl are traveling to come to your wedding and paying money for your wedding

the least one could do is make sure their guest have a grand experience!
my homegirls DW they had activites bags...a reception...excursions....and just made sure it was a very special experience for everyone...we were there for 5 days in aruba..and dh and i had a great time...

That's exactly what we are doing for our guests as well...we have activites planned for Thursday before the wedding through the Sunday after the wedding. We are also doing a welcome dinner for everyone, as well as creating out of town bags with goodies for our guests. We are very great full that they will be attending and we want to ensue they know that as well.
Re: Destination Wedding Reception at All-Inclusive

That's exactly what we are doing for our guests as well...we have activites planned for Thursday before the wedding through the Sunday after the wedding. We are also doing a welcome dinner for everyone, as well as creating out of town bags with goodies for our guests. We are very great full that they will be attending and we want to ensue they know that as well.

chestnutblonde See, I was thinking of doing that too. But I've actually heard that a lot of guests don't like having everything planned out every day, because a lot of people still see it as their vacation and your wedding just happens to coincide with it. Most it seems want to be able to relax. So I'm planning only one or two "mandatory" events.

But I"m just not sure what to plan. Because my resort as mentioned already is all-inclusive. It has rock climbing walls, windsurfing, kayaking, banana boats, caribbean dance and cooking classes, flying trapeze lessons, clubs and golfing included in the all-inclusive price. I was going to pay for an outside excursion for all of the guests, but if I do that than I can't afford to do a private reception plus their welcome bags. So right now I'm debating which one would be better for the guests.

No matter what, I'm having welcome bags for the guests though. What are you putting in yours?
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I've never been on a DW, but as a guest I would think the reception is more important. Because what if all guests dont like the excursion or timing of your choice? If I were you, I'd make an itinerary based on what's already included in the price. That way people can know what the majority of guests are doing and when. But if they choose to stay in, it won't cost you.

Keep your gift bags cute, useful, and inexpensive by making them yourself and spend the money on a reception. I think this you will not regret. Your wedding night deserves to be special, plus you will create great memories through the photographer. ;). Hope I was helpful
I got married at an AI resort. A reception was included in our wedding package. Maybe they can work something out for you? I would check with the resort.