Design Essentials Strengthening Therapy System

@luckiestdestiny to be honest, Idk if it's a good long term solution. I got mine done I think around month 10 of my transition and I started to get Dominican rollersets n blow outs and I'd blow dry my own hair so essentially I was wearing my hair straight. Yes, my hair reverted from using the system. However, I received some heat damage from the few Dominican blow outs I got. I got this treatment b/c I didn't know how/felt overwhelmed with my transitioning hair. Looking back in hindsight, instead of trying to wear my hair straight, I would have started doing my braid outs earlier on in my transition. I didn't really see the real benefit of using this. It was good for when I got wash n sets and wore my hair straight and for when I'd blow dry my hair straight myself. As my transition continued I realized how much easier it was to handle my hair when I took the time to do my braid outs. I worked in 4 sections similar to how I handle my hair now. Also while transitioning, for the most part I'd wear my hair slicked back b/c it was easy. For me, I didn't see the need to keep using it when I realized that it wouldn't be in my best interest to keep trying to straighten my hair.

I see. In my mother's case she's going natural because she has to (and has lupus that is thinning her hair). She loves straight hair. I have convinced her to wear an occasional braid out, but she wants it straight most of the time and definitely not frizzy. It's frustrating because I'm like ma c'mon:spinning: I'm natural and I'm telling you to become friends with your frizz (I wear mine natural in braids, twists and of course also flat iron so I know my hair inside and out and how natural hair responds.) .

But she is not having it:lachen: ..., or rather not having the frizz, so as I've looked into this before I reminded her about this but told her I'd do more research. Before I could, she jumped the gun and had it done. So with that said I think what you're saying is if she wears it straight, this may be good, but not for someone wanting to wear it curly all the time. She is not to be reasoned with about wearing it curly most of the time. If she could keep the hair on her head she'd relax till kingdom come. But since listening to me, her hair is growing back, not breaking and is thickening up so she's open to growing it out (and has worked on that for the past five months). I don't know a better way. I got rid of my hair (relaxer) with grave's disease (thyroid). But hey I was more than willing to wear it natural and big chopped so I didn' have to go through his. She will definitely be the other way, she's going to be a straightened natural all the way.
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I still use the treatment. I buy mine from an ebay vendor. I don't really wear my hair straight, but what I still appreciate about the treatment is that it makes wash day a breeze, I retain more length, and my hair doesn't revert that way it did when I didn't have the treatment. It also gives me the option of wearing my hair straight if I want to. I plan to stick with it.
I still use the treatment. I buy mine from an ebay vendor. I don't really wear my hair straight, but what I still appreciate about the treatment is that it makes wash day a breeze, I retain more length, and my hair doesn't revert that way it did when I didn't have the treatment. It also gives me the option of wearing my hair straight if I want to. I plan to stick with it.
yodie how long have you used the treatment and how much hair have you retained? I know you had problems with thinness and breakage before (at least I recall) before doing the treatment. Would you say that it is still a game changer for you
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luckiestdestiny. I've used the treatment since 2013. I had problems with being natural, trying to wear straight styles, and using heat. My hair is fine, so all of that didn't work well for me. The treatment has been a godsend FOR ME. Can't speak for anyone else. My hair can't take a relaxer, so, its the next best thing for me. I don't wear alot of straight styles anymore, but even with a twist out, providing I use some heat to dry my hair and lightly manipulate it, the DE treatment keeps my hair manageable so that I don't have to use heat and/or manipulate it too much.

I don't measure my hair but before the treatment the bangs/sides of my hair were to the top of my ear. That same section is now below my chin. I wear a lot of protective styles and leave my hair alone.

I have found nothing negative about this treatment and will use it as long as they make it.

My hair appears to be a lot dryer without this treatment and it breaks more when I wash and detangle.

Hope this answers your questions.
@luckiestdestiny. I've used the treatment since 2013. I had problems with being natural, trying to wear straight styles, and using heat. My hair is fine, so all of that didn't work well for me. The treatment has been a godsend FOR ME. Can't speak for anyone else. My hair can't take a relaxer, so, its the next best thing for me. I don't wear alot of straight styles anymore, but even with a twist out, providing I use some heat to dry my hair and lightly manipulate it, the DE treatment keeps my hair manageable so that I don't have to use heat and/or manipulate it too much.

I don't measure my hair but before the treatment the bangs/sides of my hair were to the top of my ear. That same section is now below my chin. I wear a lot of protective styles and leave my hair alone.

I have found nothing negative about this treatment and will use it as long as they make it.

My hair appears to be a lot dryer without this treatment and it breaks more when I wash and detangle.

Hope this answers your questions.

Thanks for this response. Very informative.:yep:
I used the elongation mousse and my hair didn't like it but the transition mousse works just fine. I was getting the treatments every 3 months but it was thinning my hair so now I get it done every 6 months. I love this treatment!
I used the elongation mousse and my hair didn't like it but the transition mousse works just fine. I was getting the treatments every 3 months but it was thinning my hair so now I get it done every 6 months. I love this treatment!

TRINITY05 was hair coming out from the roots or breaking to appear "thinner"? What do you think "helps" it to work every six months instead of every three? Do you think it's too strong for a three month application? Oh and how long does the transition mousse work for you (or rather how long does it last).
I had my first treatment at the end of March and my second one yesterday. I get the elongation treatment because I don't wear my hair straight; I use it to make my hair easier to wash and detangle. I have it professionally done because I'm too lazy to do it myself, honestly. Hair has always reverted back, so I'm happy. I plan on continuing the treatment every 4 to 6 months as needed.
was hair coming out from the roots or breaking to appear "thinner"? It just started shedding more than usual.

What do you think "helps" it to work every six months instead of every three? Not sure, but after waiting six months, my hair responded very well.....less breakage.

Do you think it's too strong for a three month application? I think it depends on your hair type. What may work for my hair may not work for someone else.

Oh and how long does the transition mousse work for you (or rather how long does it last). It usually last about 16 weeks....depending on how often I wash and what products I use.
Where are you all purchasing this from? I previously ordered the transitioning mousse from Ebay, but for the past month I have only seen the elongation mousse on there.
Where are you all purchasing this from? I previously ordered the transitioning mousse from Ebay, but for the past month I have only seen the elongation mousse on there.

I have a local Rep who sells it to me for Beautician price. Call the 800 # and see if anyone local to you is selling it. You might get lucky neet4
@yodie I know this is old, but how did the use of DE go for you long-term. I'm starting my research on similar systems. Namely I want frizz reduction and humidity resistance. Any other insights you can offer on its use?
I have the treatment and I absolutely LOVE it and would NOT be without it.
I'm one of those that can't wear relaxers and I don't like wearing natural styles 100% of the time.

My stylist charges too much, in my opinion, but overall I'm very pleased with the treatment.

In comparison to what the reviewer above stated, I never smell any fumes and the treatment wears off (on my hair) about every 8 to 9 weeks. I really does an awesome job at eliminating my frizz. I allowed the treatment to completely wear off and experienced no damage. No, it doesn't have harsh chems that I know. It contains amino acids which have done wonders for strengthening my fine strands. Again, I LOVE the treatment, but keep in mind that I can't wear a relaxer. Even if I could wear a relaxer, I might switch over to DE because it's a healthier option. My stylist does one pass with low heat and my hair still turns out great.

My hair swings, shines and looks like a brand new relaxer. It's a WIN! I haven't been able to wet set my hair with this treatment. That's the only bummer and the price it costs to get it done. My hair doesn't break as easily as it did before. This treatment adds great strength. No burning, no fumes. It wears off and doesn't have to grow out.

No, I don't get paid to make such comments and no, I don't have any pics. Sorry. This is my honest review.

Anyhoo, the treatment turned out just fine and my hair is looking like a bag o'money it's so blingy and shiny so I am happy again! It lookeths and feeleths like silk lol.

I used the DE Sulfate Free shampoo on the second wash, Silk Elements Argan Mask, Living Proof Prime Style Extender (Best styling product in all the Earth) and Living Proof oil/silicone free serum. :drunk::spinning: YASSSS!!!! Humidity proof woot woot!
@Dove56 this is old, but how did you maintain your hair after the treatment? What did you use to moisturize it between washings? How often did you wash? Thanks