Design Essentials lo-lye w/shea butter--Have they changed the formula?


Well-Known Member
I just got my hair relaxed yesterday with Design Essentials mild lo-lye relaxer w/shea butter, and I couldn't help but notice that the relaxer seems stronger! I used this relaxer for some time 3 years ago and I remember this relaxer being very gentle and not harsh at all. It kept the thickness in my hair, and that's why I liked it. But yesterday, I noticed my scalp tingling towards the end of application, and my hair LOOKS like it's been relaxed w/a regular strength relaxer!

Now, it's true...I had a friend do my relaxer and she is not the usual stylist who put DE mild w/shea butter in my hair 3 years ago. However, I do KNOW for sure that my friend put the mild in my hair because I actually saw the tub and I know for sure that it's the right relaxer. But still!! My hair doesn't feel like it would feel when my usual stylist put that same relaxer in my hair. Maybe my stylist was really texlaxing my hair since she would work the relaxer in pretty quickly. Whereas my friend...she works fairly slowly, and works the relaxer in VERY well (if you know what I mean), and so maybe she was attaining a certain amount of "straightness" that I never recieved with this relaxer before.

And just yesterday, I was talking to a co-worker, and she said that she's decided to go natural (she's wearing a lot of wigs) now because relaxers aren't good for your hair, and she says that they keep getting "stronger and stronger". Now, those are HER words! :eek:

Is that true?? Are relaxer formulas actually getting stronger and stronger? Has anyone noticed a change in the strength of their relaxer over time? Or just a change in the Design Essentials relaxers in general? I know they changed their brand design, but sheesh! :(
I would say that its the application process that made you feel the sensation in your scalp.

It could be a stronger formula or different product altoghether (especially if you got it from an korean BSS) but theres really no way of knowing unless you keep control for certain variables (someone who can apply the relaxer quickly).