Design Essentials Anyone?

amina kamal

New Member
So Georgeous haired LALA's regime got me curious about Design Essentials. Does anyone else out there use this line? What are the ingredients like? What like is this comparable to? Keracare? Nexxus?
I use their medicated conditioner which you should only leave on the scalp for like 1 minute because it tingles so much that it will start to hurt (laughs). I left it on for 5 minutes and that's all I could stand. At felt soooo good though.

I also use their Boomerang Mega Moisture Conditioner. This also tingles and feels great. I actually feel my hair soften when I apply it. I have the Cherry Almond oil sheen as well. It has no Alcohol in it and really gets my hair shining.

I really enjoy Design Essentials products.
Thanks lana, are they much like Keracare ? Do they have mineral oils, or petroleum. Im so curious I might take a trip to Sheldeez just to see what the ingredients are like
I do!!! I have only tried the shampoos but they are GREAT!!

The organic cleanse shampoo is a light clarifier and it smells great.
The moisture rention shampoo is also excellent. You really feel the moisture in you strands after using this. This is a line that I will be repurchasing. I plan on trying all the products.
kitkat3ny said:
Where do you get this line?

You probably can find it in NYC, but it's hard to find anywhere else. I like this line also, but I'm addicted to Aveda and never turning back.:lol:
Do you know if this line has mineral oil and alot of "chemically" ingredients? My hair does better with more natural ingredients
this was my favorite relaxer when I was a relaxed head
I ordered the shedding package from design yesterday it hasn't arrived yet so I can't post ingredients
The reconstructor was excellent when my stylist used it after t-ups
hebal complex 4 hair grease a must have in my house :D
Design Essential BEST CUSTOMER checking in! I LOVE their products and my hair thanks me for the love too! :D My relaxer, shampo & conditioner. and hair oil are from Design Essentails. I've used Keracare essentail oils and its nice but not nice enough for me to leave my Design Essentials! :)
I am another DE lover. I want to try the oil Rootdeep speaks of. Shampoo, conditioner, and leave in...I love. Not everyone is crazy about this line and it doesnt work for for everyone.
I am a Design Essentials line user and lover as well! I purchase the products form the beauty salon not to far from my home. The moisture retention shampoo and stimulations conditioner have given me EXCEELLENT results:)
My stylist uses Design Essentials relaxer, but that all I use.

I like this relaxer much more than Affirm though. My fine hair feels a little thicker but it's still straight.
I love design essentials, my last relaxer was by design, and their shampoos and conditioners are great. the PJ in me wont let me just be content and use all of their products but they are really good and my shampoo and conditioner smells nice also. I think the website was mentioned in an earlier post. thats where i go to restock
Design Essentials products are pretty good. I just finished a bottle of the Moisture Retention Shampoo. I also like and use the Stimulations conditioner, the Reflections Liquid Shine, and the Diamonds Oil Sheen Spray.

My stylist using the entire line including the relaxer.
THanks everyone for your feedback. I guess I will need to high tail my PJ butt up to Sheldeez to check out the ingredients to see if my hair will likey.
I love Design Essentials.:) My sylist uses all there products and so do I when I wash and condition at home. I love the lo-lye relaxer with shea butter.They have different packages on there website that you can order.
Absolutely love this line and my hair does too!! You can buy it directly from there website there 800#'s 1-800-535-8683. I've been using it for about 5 yrs now. and I can totally tell the differance in the health of my hair. When I would go to different hairdresser I always bounce between the same 3 now. Only one was using the line at the time now all 3 use it. (I would bring my own product to the 2 that weren't using it, and they got on the Design board) Sorry I got long winded I absolutely Love this product. I use the Organic Cleansing Shampoo & the Stimulations conditioner & the Therapeutics Leave in Conditioner. I've tried Keracare also but I pick Design over Keracare, although I own both products if I'm in between Design I will use the Keracare!!
I used to be a big fan of Affirm. But, now I really like the Design Essentials relaxer. It gives the hair a lot more body. I still like the Keracare products. But, I alternate them with the Design Essentials line.
My stylist exclusively uses this line, and I adore the relaxer. It's the best thing I have ever used on my hair. The shampoo, conditioner, and styling aids agree with my hair too but since I do not use them at home I can't speak much about them (I have too much ish lurking in my bathroom already that works well, and I am a recovering PJ).

Anyone else use DE? I'm curious to find a line to use exclusively when I'm done "Using It Up" and so far I've narrowed it down to this line and one other...:look:

My staple shampoo is their Moisture Retention Shampoo and like another poster said you can actually feel the difference especially after a clarifier. It doesn't contain any sulfates and it has a nice candy-ish scent. The leave-ins are great too. I'm itchy to try the stimulating deep conditioner. I've compared the ingredients of that and Humecto and the DE has better ingredients but apart from being more expensive I don't think I want to part my Humecto. Maybe I'll rotate between the two.

DE doesn't work for everyone so I would advise you to try it first before you go buying the whole line.
wonderstar88 said:
My staple shampoo is their Moisture Retention Shampoo and like another poster said you can actually feel the difference especially after a clarifier. It doesn't contain any sulfates and it has a nice candy-ish scent. The leave-ins are great too. I'm itchy to try the stimulating deep conditioner. I've compared the ingredients of that and Humecto and the DE has better ingredients but apart from being more expensive I don't think I want to part my Humecto. Maybe I'll rotate between the two.

DE doesn't work for everyone so I would advise you to try it first before you go buying the whole line.

Oh, you're totally right! That's the PJ in me talking that wants to buy everything right now ;) But it'd be a "phasing in" sort of thing. I wish I could do a study and test 1/2 of someone's head (not mine :lol: ) w/DE and the other 1/2 w/KeraCare. Anyone willing to fund (or, shoot, participate in) my research experiment? :look: :lol:
Haven't used any of their producst yet, but will be using DE regular lye for my next touch up! Seeme like this gets great reviews
I have always had success with their relaxers and I am in love with their shampoos. I ran out of the moisture rentention a while ago but I can't rebuy it unti I use up some of my other shampoo's. I think that overall it is a quality line. I just used the organic cleanse this morning.
I LOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE their shampoo, nothing compares and I have tried several different moisturizing poos. This stuff is good, I'd be upset if it were ever discontinued. I buy the 32 oz. bottle. Several different hairdressers have commented on how they like the poo ( I bring my own products to the salon). I've tried the Stimulations Conditioner and didn't really care for it, but the poo is a HUGE staple. I'm ok with my conditioners so I don't really have the temptation to try theirs, but I :love: this poo.
I put my old co worker on to it, and she lovessss it. It's moisturizing, does NOT leave a buildup, smells good... it's just great :lol:.
amina kamal said:
Thanks lana, are they much like Keracare ? Do they have mineral oils, or petroleum. Im so curious I might take a trip to Sheldeez just to see what the ingredients are like

I use the Stimulations Moisturizing Conditioner and I love it. It does have cones and mineral oil in it. I use it anyway. I love the way if tingles and it gives my hair excellent slip when I sit under the hair dryer with it. I would recommend it to anyone.