Dermatologist help vs natural help for hair loss/thinning...


New Member
from medical procedures.
I have been reading a lot about different things everyone on here has done for thinning hair and bald spots.
Recently my mother had a hysterectomy. Prior to that her hair was thinning but it seems now that her parts are getting somewhat thicker and there is more hair in the comb, no matter how gentle we are
I am also on a medication that is changing my hair. I haven't seen any spots but my shed hairs in the shower are going from a nickle sized ball to the size of an avocado seed.
We are using nioxin anti thinning formula and also castor oil like crazy but it only seems to have slowed down the process.
I might be over exaggerating b/c I am a bit stressed but I know that my mother's hair loss is significant.
Any ideas before we head to the derm?
Also anyone else who has had similar experiences could you please weigh in with your dermatologist experiences... if what they gave you helped or if you used something natural.
I wanted to know this as well because I have very thin hair from the crown forward and my parts are very wide which has me to believe I have alopecia. I have been trying to look for a trichologist but can't find one