DEN1, I'm dying to see


Active Member
DEN1, I\'m dying to see

your texturized hair. You have teased us by telling us you go it texturized and I, for one, am dying to see your hair.
When are you going to post pics??? I've been so patience.
Re: DEN1, I\'m dying to see

Great thread DiamondLady!! Yes Den1, now that I'm transitioning, but will probably texturize after I have about 6 or more inches all around from root to ends of natural hair. I think texturizing is a good idea for anyone who wants the ultimate in versatility (ME!) because I can wear it nice and nappy/fluffy looking which I love, but then when I want to wear it straight that's easy to do without having to go get it pressed (I can't press) and it's just so easy and versatile! I can't wait to ses your new pics!!! Please post them!!
Re: DEN1, I\'m dying to see

Hi guys
read my signature
. Honestly, I'm trying not to tease, I will have them soon, I promise, cross my heart, hang on in there, I'm working really hard, to get this album and site together, it will be worth the wait.