Demineralizing Treatment...who needs it?

Qt girl

New Member
I was just curious about KeraCare's Demineralizing wipes. Anyone use them? What exactly is it supposed to do? What other treatments are out there? Is it even necessary?:confused:
I cannot see how I could fit wipes in personally, but I have to use shampoo that does the same thing.

I must use a chelating shampoo because the pipes in my house over time have deposited calcium or something in the water and it is NOT GOOD on my hair and skin. I don't live in a hard water area, but this started after I moved into my current home.

I use Kenra Clarifying because it is chelating or Redken Cleansing cream, because it is, as well.
Good to know. I have no idea how anyone knows that it's the water causing the problem unless it's a new house like in your case. thanks for the info.
It has taken me a while and lots of heartache and trips to the dermatologist to find this out.

I stumbled on it actually because I noticed that after I used Kenra Clarifying, my hair would instantly improve. If I use some other clarifying, say Keracare, which is not chelating, my hair went back to misbehaving. That may be why Keracare has the wipes. Their clarifying does not have a chelating agent in it.

My facial cleanser is even chelating. My skin improved 100% and my hair is going very well.

I think some ladies get calcium buildup from no-lye relaxers, as well. These wipes can be used for that, too.
My stylist used this on my hair during my last relaxer and my hair just loves it. My hair is so bouncy and light. I workout daily and sweat alot in my scalp so my curls usually dont last. But since adding this step to my treatments, I can roll my hair up after airdrying and get curls for the next day. I really see a difference in my hair using this treatment and it's definitely a keeper for me.