Delicious Denman Detangling Tutorial

Which Denman do you use? The one I've had for like 3 years is falling apart (when I comb the part with the bristles starts to slide off the base so my hair gets caught underneath, causing breakage! Grrr!).
I lose a traumatizing amount of hair from detangling (once a week during my once-weekly wash). People here talk up the Denman.

Have any peeps with *natural*, thin, fine, 3c curls used this successfully? I just don't see how a brush--even a widely spaced plastic bristle one--could do anything good for this mass of tangled curls (and NOT tear through and damage the curls).
All right, Diva Esq, I'm going to break down and get one. Does it have to be the Denman-brand or will any one that looks like it do?
All right, Diva Esq, I'm going to break down and get one. Does it have to be the Denman-brand or will any one that looks like it do?

Id say go with the real deal. at least if it doesn't work for you, you can have some closure. If i bought a knock off that didnt work, i'll still be wondering *maybe* the real thing would have worked :lachen:
I swear by my Denman for detangling---I think it's a staple for natural hair. Really make's curls pop. The key is patience, slowing working from the ends up to the roots. Otherwise you'll rip you hair right out. I wouldn't dare try to use it on my hair dry.

All right, Diva Esq, I'm going to break down and get one. Does it have to be the Denman-brand or will any one that looks like it do?

I have heard a lot of the ladies rave about a Conair knock off for half the price.
Detangling was the worst part of being natural for me!! it was always so difficult until i bought the denman brush and for the first time in my life. I fully detangled my hair and it has been painless with minimal breakage!!
I wish I had found this thread like 15 hours ago (i'm kind of a selective insomniac) when I was doing my first detangle with a fine tooth comb on the little knots like mini dreads. I am deep conditioning again and this time I had my trust spray bottle with ORS and water and my Denman. It took about 3 hours with long breaks in between and a fine tooth comb/Denman change up but my hair is finally knot free. Thanks for the post.