Deleted post

I agree, one of my post was deleted not to long ago and I'd like to get a PM if it's not to much to ask. I think you'll cut down on the hassle of deleting post if you simply tell why you deleted them so if it's something we're saying we won't do it again.

Also, I wouldn't ask for this if it was laid out in the rules or something. I checked the rules of the forum and I didn't violate anything.
I'll admit that I don't know what posts you're referring to, but per forum rules:

"The administration of this forum reserves the right to delete posts and lock or close threads at any time, for whatever reason."

While I understand that people may not like this, it's in there. Also, the moderators are not required to notify members of deleted post. Sure, we send pm's if we have the time to do so, but it's not required of us.