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Did you really need to create a thread though?! just log off, come back in am... Just breathe... never let online persona's even rattle you... :perplexed... laugh it off and keep it moving
(((Hugs))) I'm so sorry you feel this way and I wish you the best.

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It's best to ignore any negative rants. Remember it's just other people's opinion and perception, which has nothing to do with you.
Girl I never got to know you and I'm still not sure what happened but I know how you feel. There is no need for people to go ham on people around here. I don't understand the mentality and double standards on LHCF. I wish you happiness and glad you are doing what makes you happy! Good Luck in life!
Put people on ignore, or better yet just log off and come back in a few months

I try to stick to the hair forum to stay out of trouble
Sometimes coming on to LHCF is like going back in time to Junior High. The mentality of some women in here is downright juvenile at best. Between the cattiness, cliques, name calling and constant nitpicking of minutia, I sometimes find it hard to believe that ANYONE likes it here. But it does have a wealth if terrific info about hair. I wouldn't allow silliness to push me away but do what is comfortable for you.
I need to do the same :lol: This website is amazing but I have so many things I need to catch up on and I don't have enough sense to log off :lol: I might take a break for a couple of months then come back.