New Member
I did a search on curl definition (because I had a question) and decided to post what I found. Many of these to waaaaaay back. It would have been easier to just post the search page, but I thought this would be better.
Just helping people out: (newest to oldest)
How do you Define your curls or waves?
Texturized gals-how do you define your curls?
4a's what do you use to define curls?
What do you use to define your curls?
Can TWA curls be defined?
Naturals...quick....what do you use for curl definition??
Curl Definition
Best product for curl definition on 3a hair
Wash n Go~Curl Definition
Question re. natural hair butters and curl/coil definition
Naturals/Transitioners Thread of the Day: Definition after the BC
Naturals/Text: More Definition after pooing?
4a Natural Curl Definition? Will a curl activator work?
Can 4a/bs get curl definition?
Aloe vera gel for detangling/curl definition
Here is a good gel for curl definition
All you 4a/b girls looking for curl definition . . .
Natural 4A/B's and curl definition
Curl Definition Mission
NATURALS PLEASE HELP!!! I have almost no curl definition!
4b hair DOES have Curl/Coil Definition! (long)
CURL DEFINITION for Natural Hair Sistas
got nice curl definition using this method
For 4a/b naturals seeking curl definition
Just helping people out: (newest to oldest)

How do you Define your curls or waves?
Texturized gals-how do you define your curls?
4a's what do you use to define curls?
What do you use to define your curls?
Can TWA curls be defined?
Naturals...quick....what do you use for curl definition??
Curl Definition
Best product for curl definition on 3a hair
Wash n Go~Curl Definition
Question re. natural hair butters and curl/coil definition
Naturals/Transitioners Thread of the Day: Definition after the BC
Naturals/Text: More Definition after pooing?
4a Natural Curl Definition? Will a curl activator work?
Can 4a/bs get curl definition?
Aloe vera gel for detangling/curl definition
Here is a good gel for curl definition
All you 4a/b girls looking for curl definition . . .
Natural 4A/B's and curl definition
Curl Definition Mission
NATURALS PLEASE HELP!!! I have almost no curl definition!
4b hair DOES have Curl/Coil Definition! (long)
CURL DEFINITION for Natural Hair Sistas
got nice curl definition using this method
For 4a/b naturals seeking curl definition