Deep protein condit recs???


Active Member
The last two times i used aphogee, I was really disapointed i feel like it just made my hair hard and tangled it. I had to use 3 moisturizing condits just to get my hair back to normal. (Iused 3 b/c the first two were duds and the only thing that softened my hair was the pantene) I still lost the same amount of hair i've been loosing the last couple washes.

After a comparative review, I'm thinking i may actually LIKE the elasta BCS b/c of ease of application and it leaves the hair soft, oh and it doesn't stink! When i did use it i lost maybe 5 hairs, so i works pretty well. I'm thinking i may have to use this weekly if i want consistent results. BUt i dont htink its powerful enough.

I would like a DEEP protein rec, something that will leave my hair feeling strong. CPR is more like a reconstructor for me, so is ORS mayo.. is there anything else you all can think of??? After todays experience w/ aphogee i've decided the negatives outweigh the positives.

today My hair is dull and dry looking... almost like a brillo pad
Beana, I'm not so sure that you absolutely must have a powerful deep protein conditioner. Let your hair decide that for you. If it ain't broke, don't fix it, ya know. If theBCS is working, leave it at that. Personally my hair cannot deal with a whole lot of protein. I think you should be okay using the ones you name 2x a month. Try it for a while and see how your hair responds. You may not need a heavy duty protein.
If you do decide that you need a great protein conditioner, I agree on the Nexxus Emergencee. If your hair is not severely damaged, I would say Nexxus Keraphix or Joico K-Pak.
I feel the same about Apoghee but I always told this is an excellent protein treatment. It would leave my hair hard and "severe tangled." Eventually, I stopped using it. Besides, I hate the smell! Years ago, I started out using Nexxus Emergencee. I've gone back to it. I don't lose anywhere near the amount of hair using Emergencee as when I use Apoghee.

After my Emergencee treatment, I use Loreal Nature's Therapy Mega Moisture Moisturizing Creme and add olive oil or jojoba oil. Next, I sit under the heating cap for 30-45/mins. and usually leave it in over night. The next morning rinse & finish with an ACV rinse. HTH
Hi beana,

I don't know if this will be powerful enough but Aubrey Organics GPB is a very good protein conditioner that doesn't tangle and dry out the hair. I've used a few over the years now and this is the only one that doesn't dry out the hair and makes using a moisturizing conditioner afterwards optional
Out of habit, I still follow it with a moisturizing conditioner though but there are some on this board who I know have used it alone. I started using it after getting recommendations for it from others, including Jade21.

Being that it doesn't mess up the hair like some others do, it can be used more often than a normal protein conditioner so you get the cumulative benefits of protein deposits minus the dryness and tangles. I didn't think a non-drying protein conditioner that WORKS existed but there ya go

Its a keeper.
thanks for the response you all! I think i have some emrgencee around here somewhere.. I almost forgot about it. All i know is that i'm too through with the aphogee
I would recommend only buying Nexxus from a salon. If you purchase it anywhere else then it is not guaranteed, and you have no idea how old it is, and how long it has been sitting. If you can't find it at a salon make sure you check the smell, color, and consitency before you purchase it!
That is good advice --to get it from the salon, but I live near discount beauty (the link I provided), only about 20 minutes away and I've been there before. They actually are a salon also. !