Deep Conditioning


Well-Known Member
I know that many follow the Cathy Howse's method and condition their hair every 3 days, but I'm curious....does anyone deep condition more than twice per week?

If so, what's your regimen? what products do you use? How long have you been doing this and what are your results?

TIA, Curli
Is not there such a thing as "over-conditioning"? I think that deep conditioning more than twice per week is overconditioning hair.
i deep condition my hair overnight 3 times a week only during the summer. otherwise its once a week.
i deep condition my hair overnight 3 times a week only during the summer. otherwise its once a week.

Hi Chebaby!

Not sure where you live, but the winters here at extra dry. I'm thinking that maybe I would have to do the reverse - deep condition more in the wintertime.

What do you use?

I just upped my deep conditioning seesions to twice per week and my hair has turned out great! It never has the chance to become dry or brittle before I'm deep conditioning agian.

I guess I'm guess curious if three times a week would be overkill or make my hair even better....:lick:

I shampoo after each DC session, so I'm not too worried about over conditioning....won't the shampoo remove any unused/unneeded product?

I love that pampering feeling on sitting under my heat bonnet!
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When I co-wash Tuesday & Thursday I prepoo with ayurvedic oils...does that count as a Deep Condition?
There was a time when I dc'd every other day. I was addicted!!! :drunk:

I don't remember everything I used, mostly just a bunch of random conditioners I had in the house. I do remember using Dove Advanced Care (I really like this one!) Freeman Seakelp Moisturizing Conditioner, Kenra MC and Redken All Soft Heavy Cream. None of the others really stood out, I guess....

My hair became super soft, but not over conditioned. My hair really needed the moisture I guess :) It was like I had a totally new head of hair! Since then, I've backed up to two-three times a week because it seemed like I LIVED in a plastic cap! :lol:. Still great results, so I'll keep it at this number :grin: