Deep Conditioning with or without Heat


I was wondering if there was anyone who deep conditioned without heat and what your results are. I am trying to simplify my routine and this popping in and out from under a dryer is rather annoying.
I was wondering if there was anyone who deep conditioned without heat and what your results are. I am trying to simplify my routine and this popping in and out from under a dryer is rather annoying.

I do it without heat and my hair still feels very moisturized.
I do it without heat and my hair still feels very moisturized.

I have deep conditioned w/o heat. I just do it while I sleep, or I will put it in the in morning, and do housework,excercise ect. It does the job. HOWEVER when I use my heating cap, it seems to do much better.
I've conditioned my hair without head plenty of times when I didn't feel like sitting under the dryer. Since my strands are thick, coarse and dry I mostly use heat even if its only 15 minutes.
I usually DC without heat. Just a plastic shower cap.
My hair feels moisturized.

Heat is still being generated...
I've never used heat to DC so I can't really compare no heat with heat, but I usually keep the conditioner in my hair for 2/3 hours under a shower cap and my hair feels beautifully moisturised. I must try DC'ing once with heat though to see if I get better results.
Most of the time I DC without heat, I just slather my conditioner and oil on dry hair put on a plastic cap, and put on a terry turban over that for extra insulation. My own natural heat seems to do just fine + DCing on dry hair too.
Nope, I never use heat...Instead, I wet a small towel, pop it in the microwave for 4 mins, put it over my hair, and then cover w/ a plastic bag. Hasn't failed me yet:yep: